这本包含最新资料的完整书籍,反映出被ANSI/ISO C++语言标准规格书纳入的C++标准程序库的最新组成。更明确地说,这本书将焦点放在标准模板库身上,检验其中的容器、迭代器、仿函数和算法。读者还可以找到特殊容、字串、数值类别、国际化议题、IOStream。每一个元素都有深刻的呈现,包括其介绍、设计、运用实例、细部解说、陷阱、意想不到的危险,以及相关类别和函数的精确樯记式和定义式。 -
Modern C++ Design
In Modern C++ Design, Andrei Alexandrescu opens new vistas for C++ programmers. Displaying extraordinary creativity and virtuosity, Alexandrescu offers a cutting-edge approach to software design that unites design patterns, generic programming, and C++, enabling programmers to achieve expressive, flexible, and highly reusable code. The book introduces the concept of generic components, reusable design templates that enable an easier and more seamless transition from design to application code, generate code that better expresses the original design intention, and support the reuse of design structures with minimal recoding. The author then shows how to apply this approach to recurring, real-world issues that C++ programmers face in their day-to-day activity. All code is available on the Web, along with Alexandrescu's downloadable Loki C++ library, which provides powerful out-of-the-box functionality for virtually any C++ project. For experienced C++ programmers who have at least some familiarity with the Standard Template Library (STL). -
C++ Primer, 4th Edition
新的组织结构,更好的帮助循序渐进的全面了解标准C++ -
The C++ Programming Language
C+11 has arrived: thoroughly master it, with the definitive new guide from C++ creator Bjarne Stroustrup, C++ Programming Language, Fou rth Edition! The brand-new edition of the world's most trusted and widely read guide to C++, it has been comprehensively updated for the long-awaited C++11 standard. Extensively rewritten to present the C++11 language, standard library, and key design techniques as an integrated whole, Stroustrup thoroughly addresses changes that make C++11 feel like a whole new language, offering definitive guidance for leveraging its improvements in performance, reliability, and clarity. C++ programmers around the world recognize Bjarne Stoustrup as the go-to expert for the absolutely authoritative and exceptionally useful information they need to write outstanding C++ programs. Now, as C++11 compilers arrive and development organizations migrate to the new standard, they know exactly where to turn once more: Stoustrup's C++ Programming Language, Fourth Edition. -
The C++ Programming Language
C+11 has arrived: thoroughly master it, with the definitive new guide from C++ creator Bjarne Stroustrup, C++ Programming Language, Fou rth Edition! The brand-new edition of the world's most trusted and widely read guide to C++, it has been comprehensively updated for the long-awaited C++11 standard. Extensively rewritten to present the C++11 language, standard library, and key design techniques as an integrated whole, Stroustrup thoroughly addresses changes that make C++11 feel like a whole new language, offering definitive guidance for leveraging its improvements in performance, reliability, and clarity. C++ programmers around the world recognize Bjarne Stoustrup as the go-to expert for the absolutely authoritative and exceptionally useful information they need to write outstanding C++ programs. Now, as C++11 compilers arrive and development organizations migrate to the new standard, they know exactly where to turn once more: Stoustrup's C++ Programming Language, Fourth Edition. -
More Exceptional C++中文版
More Exceptional C++是Exceptional C++的续篇。根据多年程序开发的实践经验、Herb Sutter向C++程序员提供了久经考验的程序设计技术和行之有效的解决方案,这些技术和方案对设计从小型工程到企业级应用的现代软件系统大有裨益。 围绕着40个编程难题, More Exceptional C++引导读者深刻理解成功的C++软件设计和开发中至关重要的原则和议题。书中包括一些新的主题,强化了泛型程序设计、内存管理、C++标准库的使用等内容,并涵盖了traits和predicates这样的重要技术;还就使用标准容器和算法时应该牢记的准则和要点进行了分析——其它资料很少深入涉及这一主题。 读者可以在书中找到以下重要问题的解决方案:使用std::map和std::set时会遇到哪些陷阱?如何安全地避免这些陷阱?何种predicates可以安全地和STL一起使用?何种不行?为什么?想通过“与模板协同工作的类型”的能力改变模板自身的行为吗?有什么现有的技术可以写出这种威力强大的通用模板代码?何时应该优化你的代码?如何优化?为什么花哨的优化会(而且的确会)让我们陷入麻烦?如何你是在撰写多线程安全代码,这些问题的某些答案会如何变化?异常安全问题会影响到类的设计吗?或者,它可以只是作为事后的改进手段来使用吗?在结合使用不同供应商提供的基于继承的程序库时,如何避免连体双婴问题?如何安全地使用auto-ptr?如何运用常见的设计模式来改装它,使之消除常见缺陷?可以将auto-ptr用作类的成员吗?在这样做之前,你应该了解些什么? 还有,现代C++中最常见的问题之一:到底在何时使用名字空间?如何使用? More Exceptional C++是真正的程序员的必读之物,在展示如何用C++撰写优质代码的同时,它为读者提供了对语言彻底而实用的理解。