A Doll's House
Drama / Characters: 3 males, 4 females, 2 children This epochal drama of marriage and the individual portrays a controlling husband Torvald Helmer and his wife Nora, a submissive young woman who, when their idealized homelife collapses, comes to the realization that she must finally close the door on her husband, children, and life in "a doll's house" in order to find and live as her true self. -
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A Doll's House
Ibsen's best-known play displays his genius for realistic prose drama. An expression of women's rights, the play climaxes when the central character, Nora, rejects a smothering marriage and life in "a doll's house." -
易卜生文集 第五卷
《玩偶之家》是易卜生的代表作,主要写主人公娜拉从爱护丈夫、信赖丈夫到与丈夫决裂,最后离家出走,摆脱玩偶地位的自我觉醒过程。剧本结构紧凑,情节集中。全剧采用追溯的手法,通过债主的要挟,海尔茂收到揭发信,交代剧情发展的关键事件娜拉伪造签名,然后集中刻画他们冲突、决裂的过程。 -
我们可能都知道戏剧家易卜生的名字,知道他笔下的著名人物娜拉的名字,我们知道娜拉的出走代表了女性解放,但这简单的“女性解放”四个字,何足以代表易卜生笔下那些女性们丰满的精神形象? 《阁楼里的女性》这本书的出版,很显然给了我们机会去那些女性的精神世界里漫游一番。导游则是,在女性探索自我,以及自我与世界关系方面非常值得信赖的露·莎乐美。