Holy Bible
This edition combines the renowned ScofieldRG notes and reference system with the time honored King James Version translation. But that's not all: The fruit of Dr. C. I. Scofield's decades of reflection upon the Word of God have been augmented (not revised) to make the ideas underlying the Scofield Study Bible's annotations clearer to modern readers. An abundance of factual information is presented in topical articles, charts, and lists that add depth and richness to study time. Enhanced book introductions, accurate in-text maps, authoritative full color maps, and page bottom notes broaden the context of the reader's understanding. Everything about this edition has been designed to encourage serious Bible study. First-time students and seasoned believers alike will find this volume to be a trustworthy guide to the panorama of God's plan of salvation. -
《圣经旧约名篇精选》(英汉对照)在编选过程中得到美国圣经学者伊迪丝·戴维森博士(Dr.EdithDavidson)、南开大学历史学系于可教授、天津市基督教协会孔约翰先生及有关人士的大力协助。《圣经旧约名篇精选》借鉴并参考了国内外圣经学者的部分研究成果,在此向原著者谨致挚的谢忱。因编选者水平有限,书中难免有疏漏不妥之处,期望专家和读者匡正。 -
本版为中英文对照圣经,中文采用简化字的《和合本》,英文采用 New International Version,缩写为NIV. -
The Bible
在线阅读本书 A major new edition of the King James Biblefaithfully presented for the twenty-first century Although it is the most important book in the religious life and culture of the English-speaking world, the King James Bible, or Authorized Version of 1611, has never been perfectly represented in print. This edition makes available the translators intended work with a fidelity never before achievedallowing the most read, heard, and loved book in the English language to speak with new vigor to modern readers. The work we have long read as the King James Bible contains numerous changes, both deliberate and accidental, to the text. David Norton has scrupulously collated the established text with the translators original manuscripts to create this new authoritative edition. In addition, he has modernized and standardized the spelling but left intact the words and grammatical forms, and he has restored most of the original punctuation, which, unlike the standard version, largely adheres to modern practices. Finally, he presents the text in paragraph format, making this King James Bible a fully comprehensible and gratifying read. -
·以现代汉语标点重新编排的中文和合本经文 ·采用现今英语教会最普遍使用的NIV译本,经文且附有脚注 ·对照方式:内文段落对照段落,诗体节对节,务使读者更清晰易读 ·内文标题以黑体显示,一目了然 ·附福音书合参 ·附中英对照地图十五幅,附表十八个,方便查阅 ·规格:18.5cm x 12 cm -
旧 约 共46卷 创世纪(50 章) 出谷纪(40 章) 肋未纪(27 章) 户籍纪(36 章) 申命纪(34 章) 若苏厄书(33 章) 民长纪(21 章) 卢德传(4 章) 撒慕尔纪上(31 章) 撒慕尔纪下(24 章) 列王纪上(22 章) 列王纪下(25 章) 编年纪上(29 章) 编年纪下(36 章) 厄斯德拉上(10 章) 厄斯德拉下(13 章) 多俾亚传(14 章) 友弟德传(16 章) 艾斯德尔传(10 章) 玛加伯上(16 章) 玛加伯下(15 章) 约伯传(42 章) 圣咏集(150 章) 箴言篇(31 章) 训道篇(12 章) 雅歌(六幕)(8 章) 智慧篇(19 章) 德训篇(51 章) 依撒意亚(66 章) 耶肋米亚(52 章) 耶肋米亚哀歌(6 章) 巴路克(6 章) 厄则克耳(48 章) 达尼尔(14 章) 欧瑟亚(14 章) 岳厄尔(4 章) 亚毛斯(9 章) 亚北(1 章) 约纳(4 章) 米该亚(7 章) 纳鸿(3 章) 哈巴谷(3 章) 索福尼亚(3 章) 哈盖(2 章) 匝加利亚(14 章) 玛拉基亚(3 章) ……………………………………………………………… 新 约 共27卷 玛窦福音(28 章) 玛尔谷福音(16 章) 路加福音(24 章) 若望福音(21 章) 宗徒大事录(28 章) 罗马人书(16 章) 格林多前书(16 章) 格林多后书(13 章) 迦拉达书(6 章) 厄弗所书(6 章) 斐理伯书(4 章) 哥罗森书(4 章) 得撒洛尼前书(5 章) 得撒洛尼后书(3 章) 弟茂德前书(6 章) 弟茂德后书(4 章) 弟铎书(3 章) 费肋孟书(1 章) 希伯来书(13 章) 雅各伯书(5 章) 伯多禄前书(5 章) 伯多禄后书(3 章) 若望一书(5 章) 若望二书(1 章) 若望三书(1 章) 犹达书(1 章) 若望默示录(22 章)