Love and Friendship
Written with the erudition and wit that made The Closing of the American Mind a #1 best-seller, Love and Friendship is a searching examination of the basic human connections at the center of the greatest works of literature and philosophy throughout the ages. In a spirited polemic directed at our contemporary culture, Allan Bloom argues that we live in a world where love and friendship are withering away. Science and moralism have reduced eros to sex. Individualism and egalitarianism have turned romantic relationships into contractual matters to be litigated. Survey research has made every variety of sexual behavior seem normal, and thus boring. In sex education classes, children learn how to use condoms, but not how to deal with the hopes and risks of intimacy. We no longer know how to talk and think about the peril and promise of attraction and fidelity. What has been lost is what separates human beings from beasts - the power of the imagination, which can transform sex into eros. Our impoverished feelings are rooted in our impoverished language of love. To recover the danger, the strength, and the beauty of eros, we must study the great literature of love, in the hope of rekindling the imagination of beauty and virtue that fuels eros. We must love to learn, in order to learn to love again. Like The Closing of the American Mind, this is an exhilarating journey of ideas in search of the truths that great writers and philosophers have offered about our most precious and perilous longings. Love and Friendship dissects Rousseau's invention of Romantic love, meant to provide a new basis for human connection, amid the atomism of bourgeois society, and exposes the reasons for its ultimate failure. Bloom tells of the Romantics' idea of the sublime and Freud's theory of sublimation. He takes us into the universe of Shakespeare's plays, where love is a natural phenomenon that gives rise to both the brightest hopes and the bitterest conflicts and disappointments. -
本书是当代重要思想家、政治哲学家和翻译家布鲁姆的文集。布鲁姆是著名思想大师施特劳斯的第一代传人,又在法国师从雷蒙·阿隆、亚历山大·柯耶夫等,师出有门;他学习过一种苏格拉底式的哲学生活,一生通过解释伟大的诗与哲学著作以认识自我。在布鲁姆的心目中,最伟大的巨人不是俨然无所不知的智者,而是认识到自己之无知的大哲学家:苏格拉底。施特劳斯说:"柏拉图式的洞穴图景描述了人类的根本处境。人是其所处时代及场所中权威意见的囚徒,一切人由此开始,大多数人也在此结束。教育就是从这种束缚中获得解放,就是上升到某种立场,从那里能够看到洞穴。"布鲁姆使我们知道,真正的巨人,并没有因为后现代的解构,而失去思想的力量和生命的光辉。人们对巨人的恐惧--无论是躲避还是否认,却反而从反面显示了巨人的不朽。可以说,这本文集中所收录的文章也都关心了同样的问题,即在现代社会我们如何面对先哲们的高贵精神遗产--那些伟大的书。如何用先哲独特的眼光和深邃的智慧,而不仅仅是现代人的臆想来判断那些伟大思想的价值;不仅由现代反观古代,而且也更要透过古代反思现代的问题,那些记录在伟大作品中的、超越特定文化、经济、政治限制的永恒问题,应该是阅读伟大作品的题中应有之义。对一个貌似没有高低贵贱之分、消除恶行德行之别、甚至也很难确定美好与邪恶标准的世界,伟大作品所代表的价值尺度以及对自然正当的关切,正像这个世界有高个子与小矮子一样不容否认和回避。在冷静思考中,作者呼唤人们在面对现实的同时,与伟大思想家一道思考而不是成为时代精神的奴隶和牺牲品。对布鲁姆来说,"敬畏是从一个伟大的心灵所写下的伟大作品中学到教益的必备条件(唐豪瑟语)"这句话,也是我们的丛书"经典与解释"的宗旨所在。 -
《布卢姆教育目标分类学:分类学视野下的学与教及其测评(完整版)(修订版)》被认为是20世纪教育领域影响最大的4本著作之一。《布卢姆教育目标分类学修订版》对教学目标、教学过程中的教学活动和教学评估按24个目标单元进行分类,构成了72种分类结果。《布卢姆教育目标分类学修订版》的完成,表明知识分类学习论思想已被课程、教学和评估专家接受,是科学心理学与教学相结合进入新阶段的标志性成果之一。 -
The Republic of Plato
Long regarded as the most accurate rendering of Plato's Republic that has yet been published, this widely acclaimed work is the first strictly literal translation of a timeless classic. This second edition includes a new introduction by Professor Bloom, whose careful translation and interpretation of The Republic was first published in 1968. In addition to the correct text itself there is also a rich and valuable essay--as well as indexes and a glossary of terms--which will better enable the reader to approach the heart of Plato's intention. -
本书是布鲁姆为他英译的《王制》(又译《理想国》、《国家篇》)所写的解释性文字。布鲁姆长期浸润在政治哲学中,对于《王制》更是钻研经年,每一个见解、每一处论断都是他深思熟虑、反复孕育的产物,故如河蚌炼珍珠,满篇皆珠玑。他的语言通俗易懂,流利畅达,说理透彻,富于情感,使得本书远远超出了一般理论家和学术人的局限,不仅会让已经具有一定知识基础和思想能力的人读后感到过瘾,对于一般大学生和社会读者也散发出迷人的魅力。这是思想原本就该具有的气质和风貌。 本书致力探究的“人应该如何生活?”这一终极问题与每个人都有关系,必能激发每个读者的头脑和心灵,进而引起读者自己对于这一问题的回答。因此,本书既是学者深入研究《王制》之必备,又是学生初步探索《王制》之指引,还是更多喜爱经典作品、热衷通识教育的人们借以进行自我提升的好材料。 -
古希腊罗马的观点,政治能够塑造人的意识,而阿兰•布鲁姆将莎士比亚视为文艺复兴时期深刻的政治剧作家。他旨在重现莎士比亚的观念与信仰,使其著作再次成为严肃的道德、政治问题的公认资源。 在剖析《裘力斯•凯撒》、《奥瑟罗》和《威尼斯商人》的文章中,布鲁姆揭示了莎士比亚是如何展开他对人物的描绘的,在这点上不能假定文学批评享有特权。于是布鲁姆提出,政治哲学提供了一个全面的框架,在其中人们得以观察莎士比亚的英雄们所遭遇到的问题。一言以蔽之,布鲁姆认为莎士比亚是一位出类拔萃的政治作家。本书还包含一篇哈瑞•雅法的文章,论及《李尔王》中政治的局限。