Republican Beijing
Old Beijing has become a subject of growing fascination in contemporary China since the 1980s. While physical remnants from the past are being bulldozed every day to make space for glass-walled skyscrapers and towering apartment buildings, nostalgia for the old city is booming. Madeleine Yue Dong offers the first comprehensive history of Republican Beijing, examining how the capital acquired its identity as a consummately "traditional" Chinese city. For residents of Beijing, the heart of the city lay in the labor-intensive activities of "recycling," a primary mode of material and cultural production and circulation that came to characterize Republican Beijing. An omnipresent process of recycling and re-use unified Beijing's fragmented and stratified markets into one circulation system. These material practices evoked an air of nostalgia that permeated daily life. Paradoxically, the "old Beijing" toward which this nostalgia was directed was not the imperial capital of the past, but the living Republican city. Such nostalgia toward the present, the author argues, was not an empty sentiment, but an essential characteristic of Chinese modernity. -
公园是19世纪在西方产生的都市装置,是由西方特有的思想、制度孕育出的 “文明的装置”。作者认为日本都市公园的建立是其近代化的一个诉求,具有浓厚的“欧化”色彩,故此他以“欧化”为线索,以19世纪西洋(以德国为中心)都市公园的建立与发展为背景,梳理日本都市公园诞生之际,思想、制度、设计、建造、形态等方面的史实,缕析日本是如何在都市公园这一领域落实其近代化的追求的。本书打破将公园史作为庭园史的延伸予以探讨的窠臼,以社会史的视角综合审视公园史,对当今中国的都市规划课题深具启发之功。 -
哲学社会科学“七五”期间国家重点研究课题 国家社会科学基金资助 目录 第一编 近代以前的天津城市演进过程(远古-1840) 第二编 近代港口贸易与工商业城市地位的奠定(1842-1900) 第三编 近代多功能中心城市的初步形成(1900-1927) 第四编 区域性多功能中心城市地位的确立(1927-1937) 第五编 区域性多功能城市的变态——日、“满”、华经济一体化的重要基地(1937-1945) 第一编 从发展到停滞——近代天津城市发展的终结(1945-1949) 讲叙了天津近代城市化的历史 -
1. 这是一次穿越过去与未来、东方与西方的绝妙之旅,本书将带你探索圣彼得堡、上海、孟买和迪拜——诞生于东西方的交汇、过与未来之间的纠葛之中的四座城市——引人入胜的城市发展史,重现四座城市生长、兴盛、停滞、变革、重生的全过程。 2. 当今时代,每个月的时间里,全世界有近500万人口从过去”走向“未来”。他们一起涌入发展中国家迅速崛起的城市。呈现在这些新的城市定居者面前的,是一个由西方世界的元素所拼凑成的现代社会,一切都显得陌生。这些奇迹般崛起的新兴城市,在传统的乡土之中绘就新的生命印记的地方,是否代表着美丽新世界的新起点?或者它们的新兴繁荣景象仅仅是一时的幻象? 3. 怀着发掘历史和采访报道的双重动机,作者丹尼尔·布鲁克走访了世界多国的核心大城市,如圣彼得堡、上海、孟买等(它们也是曾经的新兴城市),观察它们在21世纪呈现的新的景象。作者认为,要理解当今的全球秩序,就需要对过去几个世纪中西方给予发展中国家城市的深远而复杂的影响加以清晰地认知。 4. 本书是《华盛顿邮报》年度畅销书,Booklist、科克斯书评、亚马逊编辑等权威媒体重点推荐,《纽约客》《哈泼斯周刊》《西雅图时报》等竞相称赞。 -
“没有城市,我们能否存在?” 城市,人类文明的结晶,自诞生之日起便饱受争议。城市的拥趸以华美的辞藻热情讴歌其博大宽容、时尚新奇与激情碰撞,而厌弃者则将其置于自然的对立面,不遗余力地抨击城市带来的空间冲突、资源短缺与环境污染。 本书作者选取了世界上最具特殊样本意义的城市,从“第一座城市”加泰土丘的诞生到古罗马城的衰亡,从克利夫兰的兴起到斯德哥尔摩的理想城市规划,从马德里的定都再到战后柏林的重建,进行了一次次引人入胜的探索,内容则涵盖了从城防工事到下水道工程,从居民安置到市集扩张,从流行病防治到交通纾解等诸多方面。这是一本关于城市的故事书——它们如何生长、兴盛、衰亡并自我修复乃至涅槃,它们与周边乡村如何展开吸附效应和寄生关系,它们的鲜活如何依赖贸易网络和外来移民。追随作者完成这次穿越古今、环绕世界的城市之旅后,我们不难发现:城市不是制造麻烦的根源,而是解决问题的手段。对于中国方兴未艾的城市改造运动和城市化进程,这些世界著名都市的经验和教训绝对不乏有益的启迪。 -
Runaway Wives, Urban Crimes, and Survival Tactics in Wartime Beijing, 1937-1949
From 1937 to 1949, Beijing was in a state of crisis. The combined forces of Japanese occupation, civil war, runaway inflation, and reformist campaigns and revolutionary efforts wreaked havoc on the city’s economy, upset the political order, and threatened the social and moral fabric as well. Women, especially lower-class women living in Beijing’s tenement neighborhoods, were among those most affected by these upheavals. Delving into testimonies from criminal case files, Zhao Ma explores intimate accounts of lower-class women’s struggles with poverty, deprivation, and marital strife. By uncovering the set of everyday tactics that women devised and utilized in their personal efforts to cope with predatory policies and crushing poverty, this book reveals an urban underworld that was built on an informal economy and conducted primarily through neighborhood networks. Where necessary, women relied on customary practices, hierarchical patterns of household authority, illegitimate relationships, and criminal entrepreneurship to get by. Women’s survival tactics, embedded in and reproduced by their everyday experience, opened possibilities for them to modify the male-dominated city and, more importantly, allowed women to subtly deflect, subvert, and “escape without leaving” powerful forces such as the surveillance state, reformist discourse, and revolutionary politics during and beyond wartime Beijing.