这版由1989年8月出版的《概率论与数理统计》第二版修订而成,内容包括概率论、数理统计、随机过程三部分,每章附有习题,可以作为高等院校工科、理科(非数学专业)各专业的教材使用,也可供工程技术人员参考。 -
Psychological Science
Michael Gazzaniga, Todd Heatherton, and new coauthor Diane Halpern present the latest developments in psychology in an engaging, visually stimulating format. The text enhances student understanding and stimulates active learning with Halpern's unique science-of-learning pedagogical system; relevant, real world examples; and an art program tailored especially for visual learners. Instructors and students will benefit from the most integrated media package available for an introductory course. -
Social Psychology
Social Psychology 7/e by renowned author David Myers continues to set the standard by which other Social Psychology texts are judged. The author’s engaging writing style and unique, intimate voice make the text both compelling and readable, without being overly simplistic. The organization logically moves the student through the study of how people think, influence, and relate, including an appropriate balance of basic research and applied material for the course. This edition includes a greater emphasis on social psychology’s applications to both work and in life, and uses video clips and vignettes to emphasize the relevance of social psychology research. This edition of Social Psychology also marks the introduction of the Social Connection video series, which follows Myers’ organization and brings classic research to life. -
Gray's comprehensive and thought-provoking introductory text explores Psychology's major theories, and the evidence that supports and refutes them. Each edition incorporates an exceptional amount of contemporary research, encouraging students to probe for the purposes and biological origins of behavior - the 'whys' and 'hows' of Human Psychology. An engaging, readable writing style and updated pedagogy make the science of Psychology, and its interactions with Biology, accessible and meaningful. -
《变态心理学与心理治疗》(第3版)是一本不可多得的心理学优秀著作,笔者有幸先睹为快,愿将其荐给我国的心理咨询与心理治疗界同行以及高等学校心理专业的教师和学生,相信大家都会获益匪浅。 -
不懂心理学的人,很难算是一个真正的人。心理学是一门最贴近我们每个人自身的学科,它的研究内容无所不包,从先天的基因遗传到后天的环境改变,涉及人的所有;它的研究跨度更是无所不容,从胎儿期到老年期,横贯人的一生,可谓是与人的毕生发展息息相关。 本书按照个人成长经历的六个方面——自我、身体、心理、环境、心理健康、生活——通过独特的组织方式、引人人胜的生动叙述、给人启迪的鲜活案例,展示了心理科学的方方面面,给读者提供了一个思考人类行为的构架,带领大家积极探索心理学研究领域,深入了解我们的身体与心灵和我们所置身的这个世界。 本书易读、易学、易入,科学性、严谨性、趣味性兼容,尤其注重培养你的批判性和科学思维,这也是本书有别于同类书籍的最大特点。本书适用于寻求心理学入门的人、有兴趣深入探索自身内在工作秘密的人。如果你想认识自己,了解他人,实现自我,就请接受我们的邀请,进人心理学为你开启的这扇大门。