《恐惧症大家谈》采用反畏缩的角度一亏人类原始生理和心理的恐惧面貌。利用先进的核磁扫瞄摄影和疗法验证窥探人类原始生理和心理的恐惧面貌 恐惧是我们自我防卫的机制之一,若是被老虎攻击,恐惧会刺激体内肾上腺素分泌,激发你逃跑或奋勇抵抗的潜能。但是十个人之中就有一个人苦于恐惧症。在一般人眼中完全无害的物品或动物都会让他们陷入极度的恐惧之中。重度恐惧症患者常常因此而失去了过正常生活的权利。本节目利用先进的核磁扫瞄、身体造影、脑波测量及感热摄影,研究人体在承受极大压力时的改变。我们利用慢速摄影呈现人体在恐惧时发生的生理变化,及利用核磁扫瞄来看看恐惧对脑部的影响。本节目也观察了恐惧症患者接受治疗的情况,惧高症的崔佛自愿登上科隆大教堂的顶端,结果让他苦不堪言。丹尼的母亲为他报名参加行为矫正课程,让他循序渐进的接受那些吓得他魂不附体的动物。而杰奎琳希望透过催眠治疗找出她恐惧的根源。 (上) 恐惧是人类与动物与生俱来的求存机制,但当恐惧失控时,我们称之为「恐惧症」。本集采访受「恐惧症」所苦的病患,有人怕狗、惧高、怕乘飞机、不敢开车等,在旁人看来,这些惧怕是微不足道或可笑的,但患者却彷佛经历濒临死亡的痛苦....透过实验证明,恐惧之情很容易透过「学习」传递(例如从父母传递给子女),但现今已有「渐进法」、「淹没法」与「眼动心身重建」等疗法帮助病患面对恐惧.... (下) 延续上一集对恐惧症的探讨,某些恐惧根植于人类的深层潜意识,譬如怕蛇,是远祖求存的本能机制,也是一般人较能体谅的。然而有些病患会对禽鸟、羽毛等产生极「不合理」的恐惧,运用催眠法追溯病因,发现都是儿时创伤记忆的制约反应。不管是「广场恐惧症」、害怕老鼠或害怕在众人面前演讲等患者,所有恐惧症者都尽量回避惧怕的东西或情境,于是各种另类疗法应运而生。但似乎还是「正面冲突」的行为疗法较有成效,患者最终得鼓起勇气面对至恐惧之事物,在医师的协助下,一举解除恐惧的魔咒! -
The Power of Art
"Great art has dreadful manners," Simon Schama observes wryly at the start of his epic and explosive exploration of the power, and whole point, of art. "The hushed reverence of the gallery can fool you into believing masterpieces are polite things; visions that soothe, charm and beguile, but actually they are thugs. Merciless and wily, the greatest paintings grab you in a headlock, rough up your composure, and then proceed in short order to re-arrange your sense of reality. . . ." With the same disarming force, The Power of Art propels us on an eye-opening, breathtaking odyssey, zooming in on eight extraordinary masterpieces, from Caravaggio's David and Goliath to Picasso's Guernica. Jolting us far from the comfort zone of the hushed art gallery, Schama closes in on intense make-or-break turning points in the lives of eight great artists who, under extreme stress, created something unprecedented, altering the course of art forever. The embattled heroes—Caravaggio, Bernini, Rembrandt, David, Turner, Van Gogh, Picasso and Rothko—each in his own resolute way, faced crisis with steadfast defiance, pitting passion and conviction against scorn and short-sightedness. The masterpieces they created challenged convention, shattered complacency, shifted awareness and changed the way we look at the world. With vivid storytelling and powerfully evocative descriptive passages, Schama explores the dynamic personalities of the artists and the spirit of the times they lived through, capturing the flamboyant theatre of bourgeois life in Amsterdam, the passion and paranoia of Revolutionary Paris, and the carnage and pathos of Civil War Spain. Most compelling of all, The Power of Art traces the extraordinary evolution of eight "eye-popping" world-class works of art. Created in a bolt of illumination, such works "tell us something about how the world is, how it is to be inside our skins, that no more prosaic source of wisdom can deliver. And when they do that, they answer, irrefutably and majestically, the nagging question of every reluctant art-conscript . . . 'OK, OK, but what's art really for?'" -
Letter from America
When Alistair Cooke retired in March 2004 and then died a few weeks later, he was acclaimed by many as one of the greatest broadcasters of all time. His Letters from America, which began in 1946 and continued uninterrupted every week until early 2004, kept the world in touch with what was happening in Cooke's wry, liberal and humane style. This selection, made largely by Cooke himself and supplemented by his literary executor, gives us the very best of these legendary broadcasts. Over half have never appeared in print before. It is a remarkable portrait of a continent - and a man. -
《印度的故事》由作家、历史学家迈克尔·伍德为印度历史描绘的绚丽长卷!起走近这个充满魔幻色彩、既远且近的神话国度!一场科技时代与悠远文明的相互审视基于IMDB评分高达8.7的BBC经典纪录片而成,带领读者走过南亚次大陆了解印度何以成就今日的风貌!印度建立现代的国家,不过是六十余年前的事,那里伟大而悠远的历史却足有数千年之久。这个具有魔幻色彩的古老国度既远且近,它充满了不可思议的戏剧性事件、惊人的创造力以及恢弘的理念,始终令人不可小觑。如今,从遥远的神话时代吹来的季风,在黑天悠远的牧笛声中正越过恒河的洪流,穿过自沙瓦的花园,吹向你的耳畔……《印度的故事》让BBC带你走近古老而迷人的印度。 -
《科学进化史》是一部科学发展的全景史,是在英国BBC电视系列节目的基础上改编而成的。作者追溯了科学的发展,并将科学视为人不同于动物园的主要特征。书中历数不同时期人类的得大发明,从结绳记事儿到几何演算,从牛顿力学到狭义相对论。作者认为知识的进步均可视为人类试图理解自然,并控制自然的努力。作者对每一重大思想理论,均予以深刻的评价,并力图将自然背后的规律以常人可以理解的语言展现出来。《科学进化史》不仅以一种全新的视角将读者带入一个科学世界,而且还将读者带入一个全新的文明世界。 《科学进化史》图文并茂,文字精练,是大众了解科学发展的绝佳读物。 -