Chip and Dan Heath, the bestselling authors of Switch and Made to Stick , tackle one of the most critical topics in our work and personal lives: how to make better decisions. Research in psychology has revealed that our decisions are disrupted by an array of biases and irrationalities: We’re overconfident. We seek out information that supports us and downplay information that doesn’t. We get distracted by short-term emotions. When it comes to making choices, it seems, our brains are flawed instruments. Unfortunately, merely being aware of these shortcomings doesn’t fix the problem, any more than knowing that we are nearsighted helps us to see. The real question is: How can we do better? In Decisive , the Heaths, based on an exhaustive study of the decision-making literature, introduce a four-step process designed to counteract these biases. Written in an engaging and compulsively readable style, Decisive takes readers on an unforgettable journey, from a rock star’s ingenious decision-making trick to a CEO’s disastrous acquisition, to a single question that can often resolve thorny personal decisions. Along the way, we learn the answers to critical questions like these: How can we stop the cycle of agonizing over our decisions? How can we make group decisions without destructive politics? And how can we ensure that we don’t overlook precious opportunities to change our course? Decisive is the Heath brothers’ most powerful—and important—book yet, offering fresh strategies and practical tools enabling us to make better choices. Because the right decision, at the right moment, can make all the difference. -
在日常生活中,我们总要应对风险,同样也要应对不确定的事情。当你选择工作、房子、配偶的时候,你没有盲目地选择,但也没有了解得非常清楚。事实上,所有未接受过风险商培训的人都会犯过度自信或信心不足相关的错误:过度自信是把不确定的事情视为确定的事情,而信心不足则是低估自己已经掌握的资料,总觉得资料不够齐全,不足以做出判断。令人惊讶的是,在某一领域具有高风险商的人们在其他领域的风险商并不比其他人高。 在本书中,作者介绍了大量具有吸引力的研究成果,并运用现实生活中的各种例子,例如,股价变化以及一个人是否会患癌症或者在交通事故中受伤,为什么在医学风险商方面的缺陷会导致病人得不到最佳治疗。可以说,大到预防恐怖事件,小到让孩子骑自行车到公园,处处需要风险思维。作者揭示了我们在思考过程中常犯的一些削弱风险商的错误,还提供了衡量风险商的简单测试和一系列可以提高风险商的简单方法。 《风险思维》这本书不仅有极强的吸引力,还能彻底改变思想。如果你想改变思维模式,提高人生价值,那么这本书你一定会爱不释手的。 -
Smart Choices
Where should I live? Is it time to switch careers? What is the best course of action for me? Decisions shape our experiences, from choosing which job offer to accept, to buying the right car, to selecting a good accountant. How do we know which choice is the smart one? How can we be consistent and confident in our decisions? In this book from the three leading authorities on decision-making, readers learn how to approach all types of decisions with a simple set of skills developed by professors from Harvard, MIT, and the University of Southern California. Combining solid research with common sense and practical experience, this user-friendly guide shows readers how to assess deep-seated objectives, create a comprehensive set of alternatives, determine likely consequences, make tradeoffs, and grapple with uncertainty. Not only will readers learn how to make decisions, they will learn how to make the smartest decisions. For anyone caught at a confusing crossroad–whether you’re choosing between mutual funds or deciding where to retire–the Smart Choices program will improve your decision-making abilities immediately, and make your life more rewarding and fulfilling. -
《决策》所选的文章不但内容精辟,编排上也颇具匠心。八篇文章的出发点不尽相同,然而却能前后呼应,紧紧围绕决策这个主题。本收可以分为三个层次。第一层次的重点是理性决策,这对于中国的某些决策者来说尤为重要。第二层次是第一个层次的演进和深化,侧重理性决策的障碍,包括人际关系障碍和心理陷阱。《决策的人际壁垒》提出了一个发人深省的问题,即乎所有的管理者在某种程度上都会有意无意地防变这种状态的可行办法。 第三层次则笔锋一转,提出理性决策回然重要,但也不是绝对的。在《什么时候相信直觉》中作者对美国在线和强生公司的高层管理人员进行了访谈,研究了他们的决策方式。许多高层管理人员说他们平时作重大决策时并不依赖任何逻辑分析,相反,他们利用“直觉”、“本能”、“预感”或内心的声音“。 -
芝加哥大学思维决策课 读懂了直觉,你就读懂了一切社会现象 ................... ※编辑推荐※ ★ 哥伦比亚大学决策思维课,世界级决策管理大师揭示“快思考”的大智慧! 试验证明,在95%的情况下,依靠直觉就能作出正确的决 策。人脑是个超级计算机,在不知不觉中就处理、省略、精练了大量信息,让人只凭少量的信息就能在瞬间作出反应,反之当大脑考虑的变量越多,越难作出正确的决策。一言以蔽之,在绝大多数情况下,你想得越多错得越多,你就是吃了想太多的亏! ★ 读懂了直觉,你就读懂了自己,读懂了人性,读懂了一切社会现象。 为什么商家不惜重金打造信息含量很低的广告?为什么保洁公司将洗发水的品种缩减了60%,利润反而提高了10%?为什么尼克松会败给一张长着胡子和黑眼圈的照片?精明的商人和政客都在试图影响我们的直觉,读懂了直觉,你将重新认识这个世界! ★ 深解6种无意识的智慧,介绍6种超级决策工具,电光火石之间,助你先人一步作出正确决策! 本书深入浅出地剖析了蕴含在直觉表象之下的奇妙心理学原理,通过大量经典的试验和真实的案例,将一个个心理学原理在决策领域的应用娓娓道来,读来让人有恍然大悟的惊喜感。 ★ 诺贝尔奖得主、决策理论大师赫伯特·西蒙盛赞推荐,《引爆点》作者格拉德威尔的灵感来源。 ................... ※内容简介※ 直觉绝不是冲动和反复无常的东西,它拥有自己的原理和规律。 作者以极为通俗的笔法,揭示了平凡无奇的选择背后那些奇妙的心理学原理。这些原理,打开了我们的一双慧眼,让我们得以一窥自己、他人乃至许多社会现象的本质。 直觉有迹可循,便可以训练和提高。 作者通过大量的案例,归纳了提高直觉力的六大法则。这些可以练习的法则,激活人脑的潜能,在不确定的世界里,可以帮我们快速而精准地决策,抓住转瞬即逝的机会。 -