《社会学的意识》并不像一般入门作品那样介绍学科的发展历史、学术分支、代表人物,而是努力呈现一种社会学的意识,集中谈论社会学是什么,不是什么。清华大学教授秦晖作序推荐。 本书的目的不在于向读者提供一个社会学概述,而在于呈现一种社会学的意识。通过引入对社会阶级、犯罪与反常、官僚制中的工作方式、宗教和政治组织的变迁等主题的研究,作者深入探究了人在社会中的角色与社会对个人的塑造之间的张力关系,并且展现了社会学作为一种视角在理解现代世界方面的独特价值。 -
Law underlies our society - it protects our rights, imposes duties on each of us, and establishes a framework for the conduct of almost every social, political, and economic activity. The punishment of crime, compensation of the injured, and the enforcement of contracts are merely some of the tasks of a modern legal system. It also strives to achieve justice, promote freedom, and protect our security. The result is a system that, while it touches all of our daily lives, is properly understood by only a few, with its impenetrable jargon, obsolete procedures, and interminable stream of Byzantine statutes and judgments of the courts. This clear, jargon-free Very Short Introduction aims to redress that balance, as it introduces the essentials of law and legal systems in a lively, accessible, and stimulating manner. Explaining the main concepts, terms, and processes of the legal system, it focuses on the Western tradition (the common law and the civil law), but also includes discussions of other legal systems, such as customary law and Islamic law. And it looks to the future too, as globalization and rapid advances in technology place increasing strain on our current legal system. -
《圣经》是一本内容深沉、年代久远的记录。它已经有了两千多年的历史,部分内容被译为两千多种语言,是全球最畅销的书;它影响了西方文化方方面面的发展,塑造了无数人的生活观和价值观。《圣经》如此巨大的力量究竟从何而来? 本书从多方面探讨了这一问题,包括《圣经》的写作过程、不同社群和文化对《圣经》的解读、《圣经》对当代高雅文化和流行文化的影响、《圣经》在政治舞台上扮演的角色等。书中穿插了不少典范的《圣经》引文及其传播史上的轶事,内容精当而丰富,引领读者轻松走进《圣经》世界。 -
安乐死是原则上错误的吗?在精神疾病患者不同意的情况下,可否对其进行强制治疗?绝经后的妇女是否应当接受辅助生殖技术的帮助?基因检测数据应当对谁公开?卫生保健资源应当如何合理分配?在这本精致、通俗的医学伦理学小书中,作者收集和整理了许多生动的案例,很有意义,也很发人深省;对于生命和医疗的关系给了我们新的道德启示。 -
Atheism is often considered to be a negative, dark, and pessimistic belief which is characterized by a rejection of values and purpose and a fierce opposition to religion. Atheism: A Very Short Introduction sets out to dispel the myths that surround atheism and show how a life without religious belief can be positive, meaningful, and moral. It also confronts the failure of officially atheist states in the Twentieth Century. The book presents an intellectual case for atheism that rests as much upon positive arguments for its truth as on negative arguments against religion. -
不论是对宗教信徒还是非信徒,本书都为他们提供了对当代神学核心问题的公允概述。戴维•福特提问式的叙述方式引导读者去思考作为宗教信仰之基础的那些原则:拯救在世界几大宗教中的核心地位,古代、现代以及后现代背景下的上帝观念,祈祷与敬神活动对神学提出的挑战,罪与恶的问题,等等。作者还探究了神学中体验、认识和智慧的本质,以及今人解读神学文本的恰当方式。 借助简单提问与深刻反思的生动结合,戴维•福特努力将读者引入神学的宝库之中。本书语言形象,不事雕琢,出色完成了导论的任务。 ——杜伦大学 Stephen Sykes 带着惯常的清晰与敏锐,戴维•福特用他对神学的精彩介绍让我们所有人都受益。 ——芝加哥大学 David Tracy