四个志同道合的伙伴用口袋大小的计算机在拉斯维加大把挣钱。一个无聊的加拿大年轻人居然能顺风顺水地非法访问南部的一家银行。几个毛头小子受到蛊惑,被拉登手下的恐怖分子征召去攻击LockheedMaritn公司! 这些都是真实故事!都是作者Kevin D. Mitnick与黑客面谈后,根据他们的真实经历撰写的。事实上,《反入侵的艺术——黑客入侵背后的真实故事》中多个故事的主人公都对传奇大师Mitnick顶礼膜拜,视其为偶像和英雄,所以也愿意推心置腹,道出埋在心底多年的隐秘故事。 攻击行为其实是可以防范的!Mitnick在每个故事之后做了专业分析。Mitnick是推荐安全措施的不二人选。Mitnick对黑客的才气与顽强精神有 深入的了解,在《反入侵的艺术——黑客入侵背后的真实故事》中,他将一生积累的丰富技能和盘托出,指导你弄清入侵者的手段,帮你筑起固若金汤的安全防线。 如果读者是自己所在单位的安全负责人,《反入侵的艺术——黑客入侵背后的真实故事》中的故事完全可能在你管辖的领域内发生。害怕国家安全官员深夜造访吗?对在真实生活中与黑客斗智斗勇的故事感兴趣吗?请认真阅读本书,并在自己管辖的范围内加以防范吧! -
社会工程学是关于建立理论通过自然的、社会的和制度上的途径并特别强调根据现实的双向计划和设计经验来一步一步地解决各种社会问题。这本书是一部关于社会工程学的会议论文集,主要作者是哈尔滨工业大学、西安交通大学和莫斯科大学管理学院的学者和学生,他们的论文在社会工程学的范畴内集中探讨了高科技的发展对社会系统的影响以及在高科技的影响下社会系统的未来发展方向,代表了该学科的前沿研究水平并体现了研究进程。 -
《反黑风暴·黑客社会工程学攻防演练》由浅入深、图文并茂地再现了黑客社会工程学攻防演练的全过程,内容涵盖:全面认识社会工程学、无所不能的信息搜索、扫描工具应用实战、黑客常用入侵工具、商业窃密常用伎俩、诠释黑客的攻击方式、诠释网络钓鱼攻击方式、跨网站攻击技术、刨根问底挖掘用户隐私、真假莫辨的防范欺骗攻击、形形色色的反侦查技术、安全威胁防御技术等一些应用技巧,并通过一些综合应用案例,向读者讲解了黑客与反黑客工具多种应用的全面技术。 《反黑风暴·黑客社会工程学攻防演练》内容丰富全面,图文并茂,深入浅出,面向广大网络爱好者,同时可作为一本速查手册,也适用于网络安全从业人员及网络管理者。 -
Ghost in the Wires
Kevin Mitnick, the world's most wanted computer hacker, managed to hack into some of the country's most powerful - and seemingly impenetrable - agencies and companies. By conning employees into giving him private information and maneuvering through layers of security, he gained access to data that no one else could. The suspenseful heart of the book unfolds as Mitnick disappears on a three-year run from the FBI. He creates fake identities, finds jobs at a law firm and hospital, and keeps tabs on his myriad pursuers - all while continuing to hack into computer systems and phone company switches that were considered flawless. A modern, technology-driven adventure story, GHOST IN THE WIRES is a dramatic account of the joy of outsmarting security programs, the satisfaction of code-cracking, and the thrill of unbelievable escape. -
Social Engineering
The first book to reveal and dissect the technical aspect of many social engineering maneuvers From elicitation, pretexting, influence and manipulation all aspects of social engineering are picked apart, discussed and explained by using real world examples, personal experience and the science behind them to unraveled the mystery in social engineering. Kevin Mitnick—one of the most famous social engineers in the world—popularized the term “social engineering.” He explained that it is much easier to trick someone into revealing a password for a system than to exert the effort of hacking into the system. Mitnick claims that this social engineering tactic was the single-most effective method in his arsenal. This indispensable book examines a variety of maneuvers that are aimed at deceiving unsuspecting victims, while it also addresses ways to prevent social engineering threats. Examines social engineering, the science of influencing a target to perform a desired task or divulge information Arms you with invaluable information about the many methods of trickery that hackers use in order to gather information with the intent of executing identity theft, fraud, or gaining computer system access Reveals vital steps for preventing social engineering threats Includes a direct URL to a free download of the world’s premiere penetration-testing distribution, BackTrack 4 SE Edition - geared towards Social Engineering Tools Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking does its part to prepare you against nefarious hackers—now you can do your part by putting to good use the critical information within its pages. -
本书首次从技术层面剖析和解密社会工程手法,从攻击者的视角详细介绍了社会工程的所有方面,包括诱导、伪装、心理影响和人际操纵等,并通过凯文 · 米特尼克等社会工程大师的真实故事和案例加以阐释,探讨了社会工程的奥秘。主要内容包括黑客、间谍和骗子所使用的欺骗手法,以及防止社会工程威胁的关键步骤。 本书适用于社会工程师、对社会工程及信息安全感兴趣的人。