The Gift of the Magi
One dollar and eight-seven cents is all the money Della has in the world to buy her beloved husband a Christmas present. She has nothing to sell except her only treasure -- her long, beautiful brown hair. Set in New York at the turn of the twentieth century, this classic piece of American literature tells the story of a young couple and the sacrifices each must make to buy the other a gift. Beautiful, delicate watercolors by award-winning illustrator Lisbeth Zwerger add new poignancy and charm to this simple tale about the rewards of unselfish love. -
The Best Short Stories of O. Henry
The more than 600 stories written by O. Henry provided an embarrassment of riches for the compilers of this volume. The final selection of the thirty-eight stories in this collection offers for the reader's delight those tales honored almost unanimously by anthologists and those that represent, in variety and balance, the best work of America's favorite storyteller. They are tales in his most mellow, humorous, and ironic moods. They give the full range and flavor of the man born William Sydney Porter but known throughout the world as O. Henry, one of the great masters of the short story. -
《没事儿读点英文小说吧:欧•亨利短篇小说精选(英汉对照)》精选欧•亨利最著名的11篇短篇小说。这些作品富有人情味和生活情趣,脍炙人口,流传不衰。作品大多刻画平民百姓的生活,笔调轻松、语言幽默,并以出人意料的结尾而闻名。编者用简单而又不失原作风格的英语,配以文笔流畅的汉语译文,向读者展示了这位世界顶级作家独具特色和风格的短片小说的魅力,以期读者在学习英语语言的同时熟悉其历史背景、政治演变、经济发展;了解其社会习俗、人文心理及价值观念;品味人生,增强自己对人生意义的感悟,提高文学修养和人文素质。 -
欧·亨利是20世纪初期美国著名短篇小说家,发表了近三百篇短篇小说,作品内容贴近群众生活,篇幅短小精悍,情节引人入胜,语言富于艺术表现力,甚为读者喜爱,他被誉为“美国的莫泊桑”。他的一些名篇,如《贤人的礼物》(旧译《麦琪的礼物》)、《警察和赞美诗》、《最后一片藤叶》等,不愧为短篇小说的杰作,本选集选译了四十二篇。 -
《世界文学名著宝库:麦琪的礼物(青少版)》内容简介:一对年轻的夫妻为了给对方买一份圣诞礼物都费尽心思,最后妻子卖掉秀发为丈夫买了一根表链,而同时丈夫却卖掉手表为妻子买了一套板子。他们两人的礼物都没有派上册场,但是这种夫妻间的深情却让人万分感动。类似的作品还有很多很多。 欧·亨利的作品大多比较短小,故事性特别强,加上行文幽默,因此深受读者的喜爱信。小说的结尾总是出乎意料,往往对整部作品起到画龙点睛的作用。 -
100 Selected Stories
This collection of 100 of O Henry's finest stories is a showcase for the sheer variety of one of America's best and best-loved short story writers The variety of the stories is amazing; O Henry is as at home describing life south of the Rio Grande as he is chronicling the activities and concerns of 'the four million' ordinary citizens who inhabited turn-of-the-century New York. They are marked by coincidence and surprise endings as well as the compassion and high humour that have made O Henry's stories popular for the last century.