Benjamin Franklin
在线阅读本书 Benjamin Franklin is the founding father who winks at us, the one who seems made of flesh rather than marble. In this authoritative and engrossing full-scale biography, Walter Isaacson shows how the most fascinating of America's founders helped define our national character. In a sweeping narrative that follows Franklin's life from Boston to Philadelphia to London and Paris and back, Isaacson chronicles the adventures of the spunky runaway apprentice who became, during his 84-year life, America's best writer, inventor, media baron, scientist, diplomat, and business strategist, as well as one of its most practical and ingenious political leaders. He explores the wit behind Poor Richard's Almanac and the wisdom behind the Declaration of Independence, the new nation's alliance with France, the treaty that ended the Revolution, and the compromises that created a near-perfect Constitution. Above all, Isaacson shows how Franklin's unwavering faith in the wisdom of the common citizen and his instinctive appreciation for the possibilities of democracy helped to forge an American national identity based on the virtues and values of its middle class. -
Unbearable Lightness
"I didn't decide to become anorexic. It snuck up on me disguised as a healthy diet, a professional attitude. Although there was a certain glamour to anorexics, I didn't want to be one. I just wanted to excel in dieting. And weighing in at 80 pounds on 300 calories a day, I was the best little dieter there ever was." In scalding prose, Portia de Rossi reveals the pain and illness that haunted her for decades. She alternately starved herself and binged, putting her life in danger and lying to herself and everyone around her about the depth of her illness. From her lowest point, Portia began the painful climb back to health and happiness, ultimately falling head over heels in love with Ellen DeGeneres. In this remarkable and landmark book, she tells a story that inspires hope and nourishes the spirit. -
《容闳自传:我在中国和美国的生活》前五章缕述作者赴美国前的早期教育,以及到美国后的继续学习,先是在马萨诸塞州芒森城的芒森学校,后来在耶鲁大学。第六章从作者出国八年后重返中国开始。一向被肖成西方文明表征的西方教育,如果不能使一个东方人变化基本内在的气质,使他在面对感情和举止截然不同的人时,觉得自己倒像来自另一个世界拟的,那不就奇怪了吗?我的情况正好如此。然而,我的爱国精神和对同胞的热爱都不曾衰减;正好相反,这些都由于同情心更加强了。因此,接下去的几章专门用来阐述作者苦心孤诣地完成派遣留学生的计划;这是作者对中国永恒热爱的表现,也是作者认为改革和复兴中国的最为切实可行的办法。 -
The Generalissimo
內容簡介近代最著名的歷史事蹟之一即是--中國大陸從一個經歷自我滿足、反現代、社會衰敗中漸漸崛起,凝聚一股總有一天將超越美國的強大力量。蔣介石,一個專制獨裁並富有英雄色彩的名人主宰了這整個故事。蔣介石是一個近代主義者與及一個新儒家,他領導這場世界上最古老且人口稠密的大國經歷無數的流血革命、內戰和抗日戰爭。 1949年,當他被競爭對手的領導人毛澤東擊敗後,他逃往台灣,在那裡展開了另一個25年的統治,也在與中國的冷戰中發揮關鍵的功能,他更發起了鎮壓反對者的『白色恐怖』、控制通貨膨脹及貪污和進行土地改革,不僅提升台灣人民的個人所得,更提升了國人的健康與教育水準。無論是無心或有意的作為,他確實奠定了台灣發展中的民主化與現代化的中國典範。 因著參考大量的中文資料,其中還包含蔣介石的日記,《The Generalissimo》提供了最完整、最真實、最全面也最客觀的傳記。Jay Taylor完整呈現出一個極其殘酷並捉摸不定,但在國家事務中卻又是如此勇敢盡責的男人。他不僅透露蔣介石日常生活中美好的一面、也針對過去的歷史鬥爭到今日中國大陸的現代化,以及其對台灣的關係提供了深刻的觀察。 -
《心的指南针:爱德华•肯尼迪自传》作为肯尼迪兄弟四人最后的回忆,从二战、冷战、越南战争、美苏争霸、海湾战争、“911”恐怖袭击等一系列政治事件,对美国的复杂的政治体系、竞选制度给予了深刻解读,丘吉尔、罗斯福到克林顿、小布什、奥巴马迭次出场,对历史爱好者不啻于一场饕餮。 在这部作品中,爱德华•肯尼迪饱含了对儿时时光的回忆,对离世家人的思念,对少年孟浪的反思和自己的政治雄心,《纽约时报》将这部作品评价为“一部家族版的《光荣与梦想》”,历史价值由此可见。 点击链接进入英文版: True Compass: A Memoir -
A Beautiful Mind
How could you, a mathematician, believe that extraterrestrials were sending you messages?" the visitor from Harvard asked the West Virginian with the movie-star looks and Olympian manner. "Because the ideas I had about supernatural beings came to me the same way my mathematical ideas did," came the answer. "So I took them seriously." Thus begins the true story of John Nash, the mathematical genius who was a legend by age thirty when he slipped into madness, and who -- thanks to the selflessness of a beautiful woman and the loyalty of the mathematics community -- emerged after decades of ghostlike existence to win a Nobel Prize and world acclaim. The inspiration for a major motion picture, Sylvia Nasar's award-winning biography is a drama about the mystery of the human mind, triumph over incredible adversity, and the healing power of love.