The twentieth-anniversary edition of the million-copy-plus Bestseller THIS EDITION of James Gleick’s groundbreaking bestseller introduces to a whole new readership the story of one of the most significant waves of scientific knowledge in our time. By focusing on the key figures whose genius converged to chart an innovative direction for science, Gleick makes the story of chaos theory not only fascinating but also accessible, and opens our eyes to a surprising new view of the universe. -
作者在书中论及了八种“非人性化事件”,即地球人口爆炸、自然的生存空间遭到毁坏、人类自身的竞争、脆弱使人类所有强烈情感发生了萎缩、遗传的蜕变、抛弃传统、人类的可灌输性增加了、核武器。 -
EVOLUTION IS OFTEN PRESENTED AS A STRICTLY COMPETITIVE ENDEAVOR. This point of view has had serious implications for the way we see the mechanics of both science and culture. But scientists have long wondered how societies could have evolved without some measure of cooperation. And if there was cooperation involved, how could it have arisen from nature "red in tooth and claw"? Martin Nowak, one of the world's experts on evolution and game theory, working here with bestselling science writer Roger Highfield, turns an important aspect of evolutionary theory on its head to explain why cooperation, not competition, has always been the key to the evolution of complexity. He offers a new explanation for the origin of life and a new theory for the origins of language, biology's second greatest information revolution after the emergence of genes. SuperCooperators also brings to light his game-changing work on disease. Cancer is fundamentally a failure of the body's cells to cooperate, Nowak has discovered, but organs are cleverly designed to foster cooperation, and he explains how this new understanding can be used in novel cancer treatments. Nowak and Highfield examine the phenomena of reciprocity, reputation, and reward, explaining how selfless behavior arises naturally from competition; how forgiveness, generosity, and kindness have a mathematical rationale; how companies can be better designed to promote cooperation; and how there is remarkable overlap between the recipe for cooperation that arises from quantitative analysis and the codes of conduct seen in major religions, such as the Golden Rule. In his first book written for a wide audience, this hugely influential scientist explains his cutting-edge research into the mysteries of cooperation, from the rise of multicellular life to Good Samaritans. With wit and clarity, Nowak and Highfield make the case that cooperation, not competition, is the defining human trait. SuperCooperators will expand our understanding of evolution and provoke debate for years to come. -
本书的主题是人类的“身体语言”,是对人类的行为动作而非言词的科学研究。自从该书面世以来,对于这种类型的观察,人们兴趣大增,有关这一主题的书籍也大量出现,但本书是惟一一部反映该项目研究全部领域的宽广视野的著作。它使中国读者有机会将自己的行为——他们的手势、表情、身体姿势、动作和运动——与世界其他文化中的人们的行为加以比较。我们有许多共同的行为模式,但身处不同的国家,我们也有着许多细微的差别。如果我们想在未来彼此理解,那么仔细研究我们在文化上的相似和相异之处,是非常必要的。如若我们失于彼此理解,那么我们就不能指望改善国家间的关系,而在这个拥挤的现代世界中,这种关系的重要性日渐增长。 莫里斯先生在本书中,一共对六十一种人类行为进行了观察分析,深入骨髓,渗透毛发。本书是惟一一部反映该项研究全部领域的宽广视野的著作。 本书要讨论的是人的动作,以及关于动作是如何变成姿势、姿势又是如何转化为信息的各种情况。人类这种动物往往对处身的活动并不自觉,这使得这些活动更具观察价值。 -
[编辑推荐] 1. 谁说群体就是乌合之众?谁说群体面对复杂行为只能无能为力?《完美的群体》向《乌合之众》和《群体的智慧》发起挑战。 2. 本书作者兰·费雪是世界名校布里斯托大学物理系教授,研究遍及物理、化学、生物、哲学等众多领域,被誉为挑战“乌合之众”的全能科学家。 3. 海银资本合伙人、互联网研究专家王煜全专文推荐;清华大学计算机科学与技术系副主任、教授陈文光;北京大学信息科学技术学院教授、信息科学中心副主任袁晓如;中国科学院理论物理研究所研究员李淼;电子科技大学教授、互联网科学中心主任周涛联袂推荐。 [内容简介] 1. 在《完美的群体》一书中,兰·费雪揭开了人类复杂群体行为背后隐藏的简单秩序,将掌控群体智慧力量的方法分享给大家。他让我们相信:只要掌握群体智慧,我们就能够从复杂性泥潭中挣脱出来,发现复杂中的简单之美。只要掌握群体智慧,‘乌合之众’就可以变成‘完美的群体’,人类就一定能够预测和避免各种形式的完美风暴,掌控自己的未来。 2. 《完美的群体》从研究蝗群、蜂群和蚁群,进而研究人群,揭示了群体运作的3大模式; 提出了复杂信息的10大筛选规则,指导人们从纷繁复杂的信息中淘出智慧的金子;提出了群体信息的两大量化模型,引领人们穿越复杂性的迷宫;提出了社会与行为研究的10大规则,帮助人们发现复杂中的简单之美。 3. 兰·费雪希望能够利用幽默、趣闻和亲身经历的故事,帮助人们理解群体行为。在《完美的群体》中,从蝗虫观看《星球大战》的研究到去机场接新婚妻子却险些没认出对方的经历,从在拥挤的人群中比赛前进速度的实验到和儿子一起清理路上枯枝的故事,随处可见幽默的智慧。