本书是《尼采百年解读系列》丛书之一。 本书主要是整理、译介百年来东西方思想文化大师对尼采思想的解读,把他们在不同历史时期、不同文化背景下对尼采的解读作为进一步解读尼采的文化和思想资源,吸取他们解读尼采的经验得失。 书中收录的作品包括:梁启超的《进化论革命者颉德之不说》、王国维的《尼采氏之教育观》、陈独秀的《自主的而非奴隶的》、李大钊的《介绍哲人尼杰》、胡适《尼采》、鲁迅《关于尼采的言论选辑》等等。 -
本译著由尼采论德国教育机构的未来与古希腊悲剧等20篇专题报告组成,多数是国内翻译界和哲学界尚未有人涉猎的内容。这是对哲学研究领域的一种补白,其学术意义深远。其中最有现实意义的是“论德国教育机构的未来”,尼采颇具前瞻性地批评现代教育的实用主义倾向,指出教育机构偏离了源于古希腊追求真善美的崇高人文主义目标,教育学方法方面的精神匮乏导致了现代教育的悲哀。而这样的批评却恰恰是现代国家尤其是发达国家教育领域的现实问题的反映,对于中国来说同样具有很强的借鉴意义。 -
Introductions to Nietzsche
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) is one of the most important philosophers of the last two hundred years, whose writings, both published and unpublished, have had a formative influence on virtually all aspects of modern culture. This volume offers introductory essays on all of Nietzsche's completed works and also his unpublished notebooks. The essays address such topics as his criticism of morality and Christianity, his doctrines of the will to power and the eternal recurrence, his perspectivism, his theories of tragedy and nihilism and his thoughts on ancient and modern culture. Written by internationally recognized scholars, they provide the interested reader with an up-to-date and authoritative overview of the thought of this fascinating figure. -
《早期尼采与古典学: 绎读》中批评19世纪德国古典语文学的过度实证史学化倾向,并大胆地提出“古典语文学的研究必须与哲学思考相联系”的“新的语文学”构想。《悲剧的诞生》本身正是尼采这一将语文学和哲学联系起来的写作方式的第一次尝试,对古希腊悲剧史的讨论与对德意志现代文化的批评联成一体,尼采后期的哲学思想在这里初见端倪。 -
Nietzsche and Metaphor
This long-overdue translation brings to the English-speaking world the work that set the tone for the post-structuralist reading of Nietzsche. -