Conversation Gambits
"Conversation Gambits" is specially designed to teach the language of conversation and discussion. Through their careful choice of language, the authors predict the words and phrases students will require to take part in the conversation activities effectively. "Conversation Gambits" is the ideal material for a conversation course or conversation option. -
How to Speak and Write Correctly
The classic text on how to speak and write English 'correctly.' *** "In the preparation of this little work the writer has kept one end in view, viz.: To make it serviceable for those for whom it is intended, that is, for those who have neither the time nor the opportunity, the learning nor the inclination, to peruse elaborate and abstruse treatises on Rhetoric, Grammar, and Composition. To them such works are as gold enclosed in chests of steel and locked beyond power of opening. This book has no pretension about it whatever, -it is neither a Manual of Rhetoric, expatiating on the dogmas of style, nor a Grammar full of arbitrary rules and exceptions. It is merely an effort to help ordinary, everyday people to express themselves in ordinary, everyday language, in a proper manner." -
剑桥中级英语语法,ISBN:9787560022536,作者:(英)Raymond Murphy著 -
《英美白领高阶词语(英汉对照)》中释义新、词量大、话题时尚广泛,涉及当今欧美经济生活中的要事新闻、商场竞争、创业与合作、求职与晋升、、辞职与解雇、上下级关系与办公室政治、职场脸谱及办公室恋情等方方面面。文句鲜活、语言丰富,对了解和掌握时下国外业界人士每日关心、讨论着的焦点topocs,迅速、有效、全方位地感受、接触现代英语的气息,拓展英语的思维和话语视界,无疑会有极大的帮助。为提高读者的阅读兴趣,编者在书中还引用了不少名人如巴菲特、索罗斯、格林斯潘、小布什、布莱尔、希拉里、奥巴马、赖斯、肯尼迪总统父子的轶闻趣事等。 对那些已经通过了英美国家英语证书考试的人士,《英美白领高阶词语(英汉对照)》将有助于他们迅速提高读、说、听、译、写方面的综合能力,以资在出国留学之际,尽快地融入英美国家的社会文化与经济生活中去。 -
哇!太神奇了,潜移默化中英语水平就提高了一大截! 只看一眼《别笑我是英文单词书》,就深深地爱上了它! 哇哈哈!我的英语宿命,真的改变了! 嘿嘿~快来体验一下吧!让你的英文水平也HIGH起来吧! 哈哈!一边咯咯地笑着,一边翻阅书页的同时,1000个单词自然而然就镶嵌在你的脑海里了。 -
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