The Beatles: Ten Years That Shook the World (精装)
Roll up for a magical mystery tour! Charting the birth of the band to the bitter break up, this day-by-day analysis of The Beatles phenomenon examines the private and public events that revolutionized the music world. From their iconic domination of the music industry to the dramatic split, rare and unseen photographs reveal the band as never before. Published in association with Mojo magazine. -
The Beatles
Every aspect of the evolution of The Beatles from mop tops to legends is discussed in this book, including their personal lives, performances, press conferences, recording sessions, public appearances, photo sessions, filmmaking, and more. Simon Wells' extensive, detailed captions provide exact dates, times, and places, as well as context in terms of both the band and the culture of the times. Each photograph is accompanied by a pertinent quote by one or more Beatles or an individual closely associated with the Beatles such as Brian Epstein, Beatles photographer Bob Whitaker, girlfriends and wives, Beatles driver, etc. -
假如七0年代的降臨意味著搖滾音樂史上一連串殘酷的幻滅,那麼約翰.藍儂這篇最為震驚後世的訪談,很可能是其中最狠最痛的一擊。1970年,藍儂早已對昔日的「披頭」身分、以及所謂六○年代神話深惡痛絕。身為這樁神話的創建者,他決定當著萬萬千千觀眾的面、親手揉碎它。套用作者楊.韋納的話,在當時,Beatles是「地球上最受矚目的現象」。用藍儂自己的話來說,則是「比耶穌更受歡迎」。於是我們多少可以想像藍儂要打破的那個神話,是多麼難以逼視、牢不可摧。 那是不只一整個世代共同擁有的記憶與夢想,那是數以億計的青春年華共同見證的笑聲與淚水,那是當我們對自己生命中種種不堪感到絕望時,重新賦予我們力量的泉源。而藍儂幾乎親手毀滅了這一切:「夢已經做完了」。這篇石破天驚的訪談錄不妨視為一次壓抑了三十年纔終於爆發的嘔吐,讓全美發行量最大的音樂雜誌Rolling Stone站穩了青年世代媒體霸權的地位。 多年來,《藍儂回憶》一直都是所有「文化人專訪」的參考座標,也是「深度搖滾書寫」的經典範例--每個雜誌記者,夢寐以求的就是有朝一日能寫出像這樣專業、深入、「後勁十足」的對話錄,而能留名青史。 -
The Beatles Anthology
一九八○年十二月八日深夜,約翰藍儂與小野洋子回到達科他大樓門前,一名瘋狂的歌迷朝這位搖滾巨星開了五槍,藍儂的生命在此終結,年僅四十。他的猝逝舉世震驚,搖滾樂壇失去一位最富傳奇色彩的巨星。 藍儂締造六○年代的搖滾神話,披頭四當時一季的唱片銷售量高達美國唱片總銷量的十分之四!但也許是盛名來得太快,他迷失在自己一手創建的披頭神話中。他高唱〈救命!〉,小野洋子聽見了。她是約翰的心靈伴侶,兩人創作大量音樂,並為世界和平發聲,呼籲「戰爭結束了」,用音樂與行動傳遞更深遠的影響,向那個年代的威權發出憤怒之聲。然而一聲槍響,中止了所有夢想。 藍儂過世二十五年後/原文二○○五年出版,未曾走出槍殺悲劇的洋子,選擇集結眾人的文字,包括藍儂的偶像、音樂同儕、貼身採訪過藍儂的記者、夫婦倆的密友等,以文字、照片、圖畫、詩作,甚至是解密的政府檔案,共同回憶這位巨星。書中收錄大量珍貴照片,包括德國攝影師艾斯翠克赫爾拍攝的年輕藍儂,及安妮萊柏維茲在槍響前幾小時留下的約翰與洋子相擁的珍貴鏡頭。 透過七十三位好友的真情告白,讓洋子獲得最大的安慰:「看著大家的文章,我笑啊笑的,然後哭了出來,一發不可收拾,而且最後一頁怎麼這麼快就翻到了……」 藍儂短暫卻燦爛的一生,觸動許多人的心,直至今日,無數人受到感動與啟發。無論是披頭四時期風靡世界的音樂,或是單飛之後所創作的歌曲,都為西洋音樂樹立無數的典範。我們不會因為他的離去停止想像,因為藍儂,我們從此有了作夢的勇氣。 -
In His Own Write
About The Awful I was bored on the 9th of Octover 1940 when, I believe, the Nasties were still booming us led by Madolf Heatlump (who only had one). Anyway they didn't get me. I attended to varicous schools in Liddypol. And still didn't pass -- much to my Aunties supplies. As a member of the most publified Beatles my (P, G, and R's) records might seem funnier to some of you than this book, but as far as I'm conceived this correction of short writty is the most wonderfoul larf I've every ready. God help and breed you all.