周德伟系华人学界为数不多的哈耶克的亲传弟子,他不仅是一位自由主义者,而且还是一位现代的儒生,他对于西方自由主义的观念、理论和制度,不仅独尊哈耶克所指征的古典的自由主义一脉,而且贯彻了中国传统文化的义理与精神,在他看来,西方的自由理论与中国的“圣学”不但不相隔膜,而且具有内在的关联。因此,周德伟的典范意义在于,作为自由主义者,他融会进了传统文化;作为儒生,他接引进了自由主义思想。这一典范,在本书中有着最鲜明的体现。 -
《哈耶克法律哲学》这本论文集只是我这些年研究当中的一个方面。为了使读者更好地把握哈耶克的法律理论,当然也是为了使自己的研究能够与西方论者的研究做一比照,我还特意翻译了霍布金斯大学政治学教授、《两种法治概念》(Two Concepts of the Rule of Law)一书的作者迪雅兹(Gottfrled Dietze)所撰写的《哈耶克论法治》(“Hayek on Rule of Law”)这篇长文,并收录在本论文集的附录中供读者参阅。考虑到哈耶克法律理论的建构只是其宏大的社会哲学中的一个理论环节,因此我还特意将政治学教授张小劲就哈耶克自由主义理论中的若干问题对我做的一个长篇访谈即《关于哈耶克自由主义思想的答问录》以及我写的《 抑或 ——哈耶克The Constitution of Liberty书名辨》一文收录在本论文集的附录中供读者参考,因为这几篇文字可以为读者在理解哈耶克法律理论的时候提供一种基本的学术参照框架和相关的研究性参考文献。 -
The Essential Hayek
Nobel laureate economist F.A.Hayek firstt revolutionized economists' understanding of markets, and then profoundly challenged the public's understanding of government. Hayek is one of only a few social scientists over the past 200 years who thoroughly rethought the relationship between individual people and both the market and the state. While countless works have discussed the importance of Hayek and his ideas, none have focused on making his core ideas accessible to average people. This volume highlights and explains Hayek's basic insights in plain language to ensure that his critical ideas about the nature of society are both accessible and enduring. -
The Fatal Conceit
Highly readable and controversial, a work of considerable scholarship and energy, The Fatal Conceit will greatly advance our understanding of the economic and political issues confronting the world. -