A Primer in Game Theory
Game theory has revolutionized economics research and teaching during the past two decades. There are few undergraduate or graduate courses in which it does not form a core component. Game theory is the study of multi-decision problems and such problems occur frequently in economics. Industrial organization provides many examples where firms must consider the reactions of others. But there are many other areas in which it is applicable - from individual workers vying for promotion to countries competing or colluding to choose trade policies. Bob Gibbons provides an introduction to the branches of game theory that have been widely applied in economics. He emphasizes the applications as much as the pure theory. This not only helps to teach the theory, but also illustrates the process of model building - the process of translating an informal description of a multi-person decision situation into a formal, game theoretic problem to be analyzed. The approach aims to serve as both an introduction to those who will go on to specialize as pure game-theorists. It also introduces game theory to those who will later construct (or at least use) game-theoretic models in applied fields of economics. -
Game Theory
Product Description Eminently suited to classroom use as well as individual study, Roger Myerson's introductory text provides a clear and thorough examination of the models, solution concepts, results, and methodological principles of noncooperative and cooperative game theory. Myerson introduces, clarifies, and synthesizes the extraordinary advances made in the subject over the past fifteen years, presents an overview of decision theory, and comprehensively reviews the development of the fundamental models: games in extensive form and strategic form, and Bayesian games with incomplete information. Game Theory will be useful for students at the graduate level in economics, political science, operations research, and applied mathematics. Everyone who uses game theory in research will find this book essential. -
在美国的总统选举和地区选举中,常常会被一只看不见的手所操纵,让选举误入歧途。这就是在两方竞选中利用第三方的加入制造“搅局者效应”,以达到分散选票目的的伎俩。作者由此入手,分析美国现行的多数投票制存在的弊端,并对历史上曾经运用的、几百年间学者们提出的、乃至近些年互联网盛行的种种投票方式,进行了详细的探讨。这些投票方式包括孔多塞投票制、博尔达评分法、认可投票制、单一可转移投票制、排序复选制和计分投票制等。究竟哪一种投票制更能保障选举的公正,提升人们对民主选举的信心?本书在最后给出了倾向性答案:计分投票制更能防止人为操纵,是时候让它走入现实,接受考验了。 此书出版以后好评蜂拥而至: 对于过去几个世纪竞争性投票的历史的极为有趣的探究。 ——迈克尔•梅凯尼克,《琼斯母亲》杂志 庞德斯通生动的文风和注重讲故事的偏好为本书增添了一种戏剧性的效果,书中许多理论分析的段落因此变得更容易理解了。 威廉•庞德斯通至今已创作了10部著作,其中包括《获取财富的秘方:能击败轮盘赌和华尔街的不为人知的科学下注方式》——希尔和王出版公司,2005年 《选举似舞弊》在专业理论和大众思维之间、在热烈的政治争论和冷静的数学逻辑之间架设了一道可供人们自由往来的桥梁••••••这本书为我们清晰、生动、详细地解释了各种数学上可能设计的投票方式。——简妮特•玛斯林,《纽约时报》 -
本书对民事纠纷的处理进行研究,作者致力于整合法律经济学的、社会学的以及博弈论这三种关于社会生活世界的看法。 -
本书作者罗伯特·阿克塞尔罗德主持的“囚徒困境重复博弈计算机程序奥林匹克竞赛”在学术界无人不知。其试验结果,对当代社会科学许多领域的传统理念产生了广泛的影响和冲击。在本书中,作者从其最初赢得全球声誉的《合作的进化》中“一报还一报”的简单模型策略中,细致地“复杂化”出更多丰富结论。作者在对“重复囚徒困境博弈”试验结果的理论意义和所引发问题进行具体讨论的基础上,侧重于研究博弈中的合作。书中设计了一个接近人类社会群体的现实情景,引入噪声考量和博弈规则,利用计算机程序建模,进行试验,并在理论上分析可行性。作者把模型从外生偏好假设中解放出来,这将为社会科学的进步扫除很多障碍。 作者的另一著作《合作的进化》(上海人民出版社2007年版)被公认作出了根本性的贡献,自从出版以来已经被翻译成八种文字。本书是那本里程碑式著作的延续,它既可以作为了解复杂理论以及计算机模型在社会科学中应用的一个介绍,也可以作为对当前这个领域一个综述。本书不仅重要,而且有趣,值得阅读。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
《博弈与信息博弈论概论(第4版)》可能是最成功的介绍博弈论的教科书,现在第四版终于问世了。自1989年第一版出版以来,经过数版的完善,新版的表述更加完美,并配有适合的习题和应用案例。通过采取直接且平易近人的风格,《博弈与信息》(第四版)利用简单的模型和直观的解释,使得学生们可以更好地理解博弈论和信息经济学。第四版包含了学科发展的最新内容,增加了章后习题和课堂博弈。该书的网址是www.rasmusen.org/Gl,上面提供了一些习题答案和教学讲义。 由于强调博弈论和信息经济学的广泛应用,所以《博弈与信息》(第四版)为各专业背景的学生提供了合适的博弈论入门课程,如经济学、商学、数学和政治学。