陈哲说: 《蜜蜂》尽管延续了自戕这一“令人瞠目结舌的主题”,但决定做这事、做事的方式与节奏都是经过考量的,在我的行为空间内。它是一个被“安全”计划过的令人“不安”的项目。在《可承受的》阶段,我最常 想的是自己该怎么生活,自戕之外,我以何度日?《蜜蜂》让我意识到自己只需要跑 出去,与人说话,接纳说话的人。“一种同人亲近、摆脱孤独的渴望。”瑞典摄影师Anders Petersen这么形容自己每次看底片的感受。摄影不是他的工作或职业,而是他日常生活的一环。他追寻的不是每个人的差异,而是什么力量可以让不一样的人更接近。这也正是我的意愿。 出版人说: 相较于《可承受的》中激烈燃烧的个人史,陈哲的第二个系列《蜜蜂》为我们展现了一种延展的肖像:所有蜜蜂都是作者的延伸,也是彼此的延伸。摄影师与被拍摄者之间的相似经历,令陈哲始终保持亲密的平行视角,加之节制的影像处理和審慎的展现方式,我们看到的“蜜蜂们”的世界几乎就是他们自己看到的样子。 更多介绍: http://jiazazhi.com/books/bees -
三影堂摄影奖是一年一度由北京三影堂摄影艺术中心举办的面向全球华人的摄影奖项,每年11月截稿,第二年4月初由三影堂聘请的国际评委进行评选,大奖获得者将获得现金奖金八万元,初选入选的二十位提名者将在三影堂举办作品展。 2010年摄影奖初选提名者为陈吉楠、冯力、何岳、黄晓亮、李春军、李亮新、李勇、廖伟、刘加、刘珂、木格、齐鸿、宋小迪、田林、王欢、肖日保、薛玮、曾翰、张洁、张晓。他们从不同的角度,利用摄影这一媒介,对自己身边的日常生活进行了细致入微的描绘。 本年度的五位国际评委分别是弗朗索瓦•赫伯尔(法国阿尔勒国际摄影节总监)、埃娃•瑞斯皮妮(美国纽约现代美术馆摄影部策展人)、凯伦•史密斯(生活在北京的英国独立策展人、批评家)、饭沢耕太郎(日本独立摄影批评家)、荣荣(三影堂摄影艺术中心创办人)。 为了配合展览,将出版《2010年三影堂摄影奖作品展》画册一本,每位参展作者有6P内容,分别为艺术家阐述和部分参展作品图片,艺术家简历以及各位评委撰写的文章,全书中英文对照。 该书内页为157克牙粉纸,封面为192克无光铜版纸,共出版1500册,面向国内外发行。 -
Seen Behind the Scene
Acclaimed photographer Mary Ellen Mark (b.1940) has secured exclusive backstage access to some of the most famous actors and directors in film history Captures life on the sets of legendary movies Apocalypse Now and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, as well more recent productions such as the Oscar-winning films Moulin Rouge, Babel and Sweeney Todd Includes powerful portraits of such celebrated actors as Marlon Brando, Catherine Deneuve, Jack Nicholson, Cate Blanchett and Johnny Depp The photographer’s most popular and accessible work, these engaging, mostly unpublished, pictures provide a rare portrait of these larger-than-life personalities in unguarded moments Features texts by a range of high-profile film industry professionals, including Francis Ford Coppola, Helen Mirren and Alejandro Gonzälez Inarritu, which include witty and revealing anecdotes about life ‘behind the scenes' -
Ryan McGinley
In 2000, Ryan McGinley, then a student, staged his first exhibition of photographs in an abandoned SoHo gallery. To coincide with the show, the artist created several handmade books featuring a sampling of his work entitled The Kids Are Alright . A copy eventually found its way into the hands of Sylvia Wolf, then a curator of photography at the Whitney Museum of American Art. In 2003, Wolf mounted an exhibition of his work at the venerable institution, the youngest artist to ever have a solo show at the museum. What Wolf recognized—and what other critics, curators, and collectors would quickly discover—was an artist who understood and chronicled his own generation (habituées of New York City’s downtown) as no artist had before him. McGinley had managed to capture the hedonistic adventures of youth culture—kids hanging out and enjoying life—but without the dark underbelly of earlier artists who mined similar themes. As the work evolved, he moved away from the more documentary aspect of the early photographs and began to create scenarios where he could explore different ideas (aesthetic and otherwise). This eventually led to the now legendary summer-long road trips, capturing groups of twenty-somethings amongst a variety of American landscapes. In his most recent body of work, McGinley continues to explore—in black and white as well as in color—the body but in the still, pared down atmosphere of his studio. In this first major monograph chronicling the entirety of the artist’s career, McGinley’s work is considered by three extraordinary figures: Chris Kraus, novelist and critic; John Kelsey, writer, artist and activist; and Gus Van Sant, the auteur filmmaker. Each attends—through the lens of their own rich insights—to various aspects of the artist’s work and creative process, offering in-depth and unique perspectives on McGinley’s work and import. -
蜷川妄想劇場 ~mika's daydreaming theater~
ニナミカが16人の旬のオトコたちを妄想撮! 女性誌「MORE」の超人気連載が単行本化! 今をトキメク小栗旬、松山ケンイチから妻夫木聡、大泉洋まで、映画やドラマで活躍中の旬の男性俳優&タレント16人が一堂に会する画期的グラビア&エッセイ集! -
Devil's Playground