The Eyes of the Skin
Since the book's first publication, interest in the role of the body and the senses has been emerging in both architectural philosophy and teaching. This new, revised and extended edition of this seminal work will not only inspire architects and students to design more holistic architecture, but will enrich the general reader's perception of the world around them. The Eyes of the Skin has become a classic of architectural theory and consists of two extended essays. The first surveys the historical development of the ocular-centric paradigm in western culture since the Greeks, and its impact on the experience of the world and the nature of architecture. The second examines the role of the other senses in authentic architectural experiences, and points the way towards a multi-sensory architecture which facilitates a sense of belonging and integration. -
Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture
First published in 1966, and since translated into 16 languages, this remarkable book has become an essential document in architectural literature. As Venturi's ""gentle manifesto for a nonstraightforward architecture,"" Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture expresses in the most compelling and original terms the postmodern rebellion against the purism of modernism. Three hundred and fifty architectural photographs serve as historical comparisons and illuminate the author's ideas on creating and experiencing architecture. Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture was the winner of the Classic Book Award at the AIA's Seventh Annual International Architecture Book Awards. -
《勒·柯布西耶与学生的对话》是他第一次尝试(他在战后以一个建筑师的身份所写的书中,以一种与日俱增的确信反复进行尝试)去重写故事——在失败之光的照耀下,借此来解释和重整他的理论、传记和他的历史。柯布始终如一地努力将其经验纳入一个整体。他从未放弃任何早年的信念或源泉,他总是在修改、在重组、在改装他那不断扩展的命运,使其成为一个融会贯通的整体,并获得某种历史的支持。这样的一种历史,不仅证明了他存在的价值,而且使其成为不可避免的。这本《勒·柯布西耶与学生的对话》,以一种有序的方式引出这些任务,借历史来描述世界的状态,并通过一系列的意图和工具来向人们指明如何将其改善。勒·柯布西耶,一个学习现代建筑的人无法绕过的名字,就像读哲学的人绝对绕不过康德。柯布是这样的一枚种子,催生了燎燎的20世纪现代主义建筑。又由于他那带有摩尼教印记的思辨体系,其思想在饱涨的激情下是暗流涌动的复杂、悖别、矛盾。 -
邬达克,从一名逃亡的战俘到20世纪30年代上海滩炙手可热的建筑明星,国际饭店、大光明大戏院、慕尔堂、吴同文住宅等经典作品的设计师,今日上海100多栋单体建筑共同的“洋爸爸”。 这本《上海邬达克建筑地图》是27个邬达克建筑旅行指南,里面有:100张邬达克建筑照片、草图和平面图,53个邬达克建筑名录等内容。 《上海邬达克建筑地图》由华霞虹和乔争月等其他学者合著。 -