Computer Architecture, Fifth Edition
The computing world today is in the middle of a revolution: mobile clients and cloud computing have emerged as the dominant paradigms driving programming and hardware innovation today. The Fifth Edition of Computer Architecture focuses on this dramatic shift, exploring the ways in which software and technology in the cloud are accessed by cell phones, tablets, laptops, and other mobile computing devices. Each chapter includes two real-world examples, one mobile and one datacenter, to illustrate this revolutionary change. Updated to cover the mobile computing revolution Emphasizes the two most important topics in architecture today: memory hierarchy and parallelism in all its forms. Develops common themes throughout each chapter: power, performance, cost, dependability, protection, programming models, and emerging trends ("What's Next") Includes three review appendices in the printed text. Additional reference appendices are available online. Includes updated Case Studies and completely new exercises. -
美国建筑家莱特可说是二十世纪最著名、影响最大的建筑师。他的作品遍及美国各地、日本,他针对日本地质特性特别设计的东京帝国大饭店历经关东大地震的考验仍屹立不摇,结果成为世界各地记者栖身的采访中心,莱特的声名一夕之间传遍世界。 但是真正让莱特如此受世人青睐的还是他的“草原风格”,莱特擅长以水平的线条,呈现出简洁干净的风格,有如草原一望无际的辽阔,而他设计的、位于美国宾州的落水山庄巧妙地座落在瀑布之上,不但令身处屋中的人只闻瀑布之声而不见瀑布,而且视觉上极为协调,与周遭的自然景物随着季节、河川水量的变化,而呈现出不同的风貌,令人击节赞赏。 本书作者成寒是极为痴迷莱特的作品,曾亲身走访莱特在各地的作品,透过文字与图像,把她对莱特建筑的体会化作优美的文字,加上丰富的照片、作者努力收集的建筑草图,让读者有如置身莱特作品之中。 -
《中国古代建筑历史图说》以中国古代建筑体系发展进程为脉络,详述从原始建筑、夏商周建筑、秦汉建筑,直至明清建筑以及延续传统的近代乡土建筑的发展历程和活动特点。对各个历史时期有代表性的城市、建筑实例和技术、艺术成就,采取列词条的写作体例,分项逐条展开深入细致的阐述。 -
The Phaidon Atlas of Contemporary World Architecture
The Phaidon Atlas of Contemporary World Architecture--so massive that it comes in its own plastic carrying case--is one of the rare publishing events that lives up to its hype. The book showcases 1,052 buildings completed since January 1998 with thousands of well-chosen color photographs plans, elevations, and cross-sections. Major elements of each project are described in elegantly succinct texts. Rather than simply pay lip service to the concept of "world" architecture, this book ranges throughout 75 countries on six continents. And although the big names in the field are here--Rafael Moneo and Herzog & De Meuron are each represented by nine projects; Tadeo Ando with eight, Frank Gehry with six--the focus is on the ingenuity and diversity of contemporary architecture, regardless of the fame of its creator.The book's global view embraces many approaches, including experimental construction, neo-modernism, postmodernism, reinterpreted vernacular architecture and lingering traces of the International Style. While virtually every building type is included, from factories to museums, from lookout towers to train stations, the largest and most creative category is single family housing. Selected (as were all the projects) by a panel of leading architects, critics, scholars and others, these homes offer a tantalizing sense of what is possible, even on a modest budget. Grouped by country, the residences establish a sense of local context--from the elegant use of Scandinavian wood to the imaginative use of narrow plots of land in Tokyo. Fully indexed, with an array of maps and world data charts, The Phaidon Atlas of Contemporary World Architecture is destined to serve as a unique reference tool. But the geographic organization encourages you to just open the book anywhere and make a discovery--perhaps the surreal vision of Ake Larsson's Icehotel (carved from ice and snow), or the forest of Cor-ten steel pipes Jose ABP Forjaz used in the Mbuzini Memorial, or the startling shed forms of Rick Joy's Tubac House. --Cathy Curtis -
建筑空间论:如何品评建筑,ISBN:9787112078264,作者:(意)布鲁诺·赛维 -
《勒·柯布西耶全集》共8卷,约400万字,由瑞士Birkhauser出版社引进,堪称建筑界有关柯布西耶资料最为详尽的权威著作。全套书囊括了1910~1969年柯布西耶的作品及理论,图样详细、照片丰富,文字生动。 “该如何丰富我们的创造力呢?”这位伟大的建筑大师、哲学大师柯布西耶给我们指引的方向是:“去向那无疆之域,去自然的瑰丽多彩中发现”,“满怀激情地投入到对事理的探究中来,至于建筑变成了自然而然的结果。”他的设计没有边界,没有桎梏。在他而言,建筑师应该“成为整个社会之最杰出——精神之最富足”,“对任何事情都是开放的。” “建筑,是一种思维方式,而非一门手艺。柯布西耶教给我们的不仅是知识和方法,更是深入人心的思想和纲领。 柯布西耶的语言是慷慨激昂的,柯布西耶的设计是激情四射的,柯布西耶的理论是历久弥新的。让热爱建筑的莘莘学子捧起这套书,共同聆听大师的演讲吧! 本书适用于建筑院校师生及广大建筑师、城市规划师。