Louis I. Kahn
This book owes its concept to the transparency of the work process of Louis I. Kahn, whose ideas are preserved in the wealth of sketches he did whenever developing new concepts or working out details for new building projects. Sketches and plans of different developmental stages of his projects are laid out in a basically chronological order and these are complemented by relevant extracts from his writings and speeches and by his commentary while this documentation was being prepared in 1973 - the year before his death. As in the first edition, the authors` aim has not been to interpret or evaluate. Rather, they wish to provide the scholar with a solid base for further research, allowing him to follow the traces of a remarkably creative mind that revered architecture as a manifestation of man´s spirit. -
Computer Systems
This book explains the important and enduring concepts underlying all computer systems, and shows the concrete ways that these ideas affect the correctness, performance, and utility of application programs. The book's concrete and hands-on approach will help readers understand what is going on under the hood of a computer system. This book focuses on the key concepts of basic network programming, program structure and execution, running programs on a system, and interaction and communication between programs. For anyone interested in computer organization and architecture as well as computer systems. -
《计算机体系结构量化研究方法》(英文版·第4版)系统地介绍了计算机系统的设计基础、指令集系统结构、流水线和指令集并行技术、层次化存储系统与存储设备、互连网络以及多处理器系统等重要内容。在这个最新版中,作者更新了单核处理器到多核处理器的历史发展过程的相关内容,同时依然使用他们广受好评的“量化研究方法”进行计算设计,并展示了多种可以实现并行性的技术,而这些技术可以看成是展现多处理器体系结构威力的关键!在介绍多处理器时,作者不但讲解了处理器的性能,还介绍了有关的设计要素,包括能力、可靠性、可用性和可信性。 -
建筑的复杂性与矛盾性,ISBN:9787508433462,作者:(美)罗伯特·文丘里 -
赫曼·赫茨伯格(Herman Hertzberger)的建筑作品在世界范围内受到广泛的青睐。在这本根据1973年以来赫茨伯格在代尔夫特科技大学(Delft University of Technology)授课内容编写的专著中,建筑师把本人的设计作品和构思时的设计理念用文字的形式进行了表述。本书涵盖广泛的主题和众多的项目,汇集了大量的实践经验和对建筑物用途的评价。该书1991年在荷兰初版以来,多次再版,并已在德国、意大利、葡萄牙、日本,以及中国台湾等国家和地区出版。 在世界建筑中,科技的进步推动了建筑的发展。通常科学、技术创造了惊人的成就,也成为人们最关心的因素。今天建筑业成了万物发展的晴雨表,从中很容易看到人们的需求是什么。另一方面,我们仍在追求一种建筑——一种不受地域或时间限制的建筑,从而不断地影响着人们的家庭生活工作,使之丰富多彩。《建筑学教程:设计原理》一书追溯了人们最基本的生活环境。然而面对建筑承担的大量责任,这种“回归本体的建筑”却总是太容易被人们忽视。每一次,我们的目标都是创造一个令人满意的环境,即适于人们使用的、舒适的环境,使人产生宾至如归的感觉。 -