巴黎一直是世界上最有影響力的城市,迄今魅力不減反增,但它卻是在「第二帝國」時期,才翻身成為我們今日所知的現代性樣板。在一八四八到一八七一年兩次失敗的革命之間,巴黎經歷了一場驚人的轉變,俗稱「巴黎大改造」。奧斯曼男爵,傳奇的巴黎首長,一手打造巴黎的外觀,以今日巴黎四處可見的林蔭大道,取代了昔日的中世紀地圖,巴黎才變成今日如夢如幻的巴黎。這段期間也興起了以高級金融為主體的新資本主義形式,以及現代的大眾消費文化。城市外貌及社會景觀的遽變,帶來嶄新的現代主義文化,同時也脅迫巴黎沿著階級的界線斷裂,結果是一八七一年巴黎公社的興起,以及隨後的血腥鎮壓。 巴黎為何成為巴黎?哈維的全景式觀照與戲劇式的敘述,使得閱讀本書一直充滿著張力。本書與卡爾.休斯克《世紀末的維也納》,允為研究現代都市興起的兩大歷史傑作。 作者簡介 大衛.哈維David Harvey 世界知名的批判性知識分子。他有十本作品,包括《後現代性的狀況》(The Condition of Postmodernity)、《社會正義與城市》(Social Justice and the City)、《資本的空間》(Spaces of Capital)、《資本的限制》(The Limits to Capital)與《新帝國主義》(The New Imperialism)。之前多年任教於約翰?霍普金斯大學與牛津大學,現任教於紐約市立大學研究中心(CUNY Graduate Center)與倫敦經濟學院(London School of Economics)。 譯者簡介 黃煜文 1974年生,台灣大學歷史學碩士,現為專職譯者,譯著甚豐。 重要譯作有《論歷史》、《世紀末的維也納》、《肉體與石頭》、《孩子的歷史》(以上為麥田出版);《錯的是我們,不是我:家暴的動力關係》、《懲罰與現代社會》、《你的權利從哪裡來?》(以上為商周出版)。 -
本书从地理的角度研究文化,着重研究文化是怎样在实际生活中起作用的,并且将文化视为实际生活情景中可定位的具体现象。 -
Space, the City and Social Theory
Space, the City and Social Theory offers a clear and critical account of key approaches to cities and urban space within social theory and analysis. It explores the relation of the social and the spatial in the context of critical urban themes: community and anonymity; social difference and spatial divisions; politics and public space; gentrification and urban renewal; gender and sexuality; subjectivity and space; experience and everyday practice in the city. The text adopts an international and interdisciplinary approach, drawing on a range of debates on cities and urban life. It brings together classic perspectives in urban sociology and social theory with the analysis of contemporary urban problems and issues. Rather than viewing the urban simply as a backdrop for more general social processes, the discussion looks at how social and spatial relations shape different versions of the city: as a place of social interaction and of solitude; as a site of difference and segregation; as a space of politics and power; as a landscape of economic and cultural distinction; as a realm of everyday experience and freedom. Similarly, it examines how core social categories - such as class, culture, gender, sexuality and community - are shaped and reproduced in urban contexts. Linking debates in urban studies to wider concerns within social theory and analysis, this accessible text will appeal to undergraduate and postgraduate students in urban sociology, social and cultural geography, urban and cultural studies. -
本书通过城市设计的思想、理论、研究和实践,以无与伦比的广度系统展开,帮助读者通过一个个逐步推进的概念形成城市设计的全面视野。作者们解释了变革和更新的催化剂,探讨了全球和当地的语境,以及城市设计操作所处的进程。本书展现了城市设计理论和实践的六个关键维度——社会的、视觉的、功能的、时间的、形态的和认知的——既便于在专题上深入阅读,也可逐页浏览。全方位地说明城市设计思想和方法。是英国多所著名高等院校的城市设计必读著作,受到国际城市设计界的广泛关注和欢迎。 -
序 包亚明 前言:后现代性与都市研究 包亚明 福柯专辑:空间与权力 空间、知识、权力--福柯访谈录 米歇尔·福柯、保罗·雷比诺 不同空间的正文与上下文 米歇尔·福柯 权力的空间化 戈温德林·莱特、保罗·雷比诺 后现代境域中的鲍德里亚 季桂保 利奥塔后现代性理论研究 李钧 时装与后现代主义 伊丽沙白·威尔森 巴塔 耶:浪费与越界的精神意义 谈峥 社会空间与象征权力 彼埃尔·布尔迪厄 女性主义、后现代主义与地理学 里兹·庞蒂 -
The Social Logic of Space
The book presents a new theory of space: how and why it is a vital component of how societies work. The theory is developed on the basis of a new way of describing and analysing the kinds of spatial patterns produced by buildings and towns. The methods are explained so that anyone interested in how towns or buildings are structured and how they work can make use of them. The book also presents a new theory of societies and spatial systems, and what it is about different types of society that leads them to adopt fundamentally different spatial forms. From this general theory, the outline of a 'pathology of modern urbanism' in today's social context is developed.