三毛全集第十九本 《三毛说书》 1987年3月初版(有声书)·已绝版 唠叨时间到: 通常呢,三毛是这样开场的: 各位乡亲,鄙人少小离家,半生飘泊,二十年来,但觉 人生如寄。而今叶落归根,回返家园,内心感触,无以 名之。归国数月,惊见汉堡、可乐、霹雳舞、原宿族充 斥街头,此情此景,虽为时代走向,无可非议,然而, 眼见传统艺术日渐式微,中国民间故事不再流传,内心 忧急如火如焚,万不得已,挺身而出,但凭说书,祈求 同胞手足再度文化回归,一片苦心,只求抛砖引玉。 今日幸蒙乡亲不弃,由我--三毛,在此侍候 您老- 段”手浒传”中的”武松、潘金莲、孙二娘”说来无非博 君一桀。 有道是”有钱的,捧个钱场,没钱的捧个人场”在此道谢 爱护之恩,不周之处,敬请包涵。闲话连篇,就此打住 ,言归正传。话说------- -
Introduction to the United States
Do you want to know more about the United States? Do you want to be able to talk with Americans knowledgeably about the U.S.? Do you want to know how the U.S. government works? Do you want to know more about the different parts of the U.S., its history, and its people? “Introduction to the United States” is a course that answers your questions about the United States in a new and exciting way. This course uses the 100 questions from U.S. naturalization test, the test that people take to become a citizen of the United States. It focuses on how the U.S. was formed and how it works, who the important people are in its history and in the current government, and the different parts of this very big and diverse country. -
The Red Necklace
Hiccup: How to Train Your Dragon [Audiobook]
Children's Stories by Oscar Wilde (Stephen Fry Presents)
Brideshead Revisited
Jeremy Irons reads Evelyn Waugh's classic tale of love and the loss of innocence. Charles Ryder's friendship with the charming, irrepressible Sebastian Flyte and his equally charming, eccentric family begins when they are both Oxford undergraduates in 1923. Carefree days of drinking champagne and driving in the country soon end, however, as Sebastian's health deteriorates. Questions about mortality and religion are raised, and the radiant tone gives way to a bleak atmosphere of shattered illusion...Moving from the decadence of the Roaring Twenties to the austerity of the Second World War, the novel conjures up a lost age, and is Waugh's most moving, romantic and controversial work. Jeremy Irons starred as Charles Ryder in the acclaimed television production of "Brideshead Revisited", which is now a major motion picture starring Emma Thompson and Michael Gambon.