最实用的绘本,最萌的工具书。拟人萌化的Pasta君与制服围裙小白带领你进Pasta的世界,畅游Pasta历史。十二道美味意面,满足单身/热恋/Party/家庭会餐四种不同情境下的需求。白领/宅男宅女/小资男女必备食谱。 国内的西餐市场经过多年发展已颇具规模,新生代对西式食品的需求度也越来越高,而随着韩剧《Pasta》的风靡,意大利面作为一种独特的主食正进入千家万户。电视剧里的Pasta外形精美,口味丰富,道道都是刺激味蕾的绝品,可自己怎么就煮不出来呢?这就涉及不同Pasta具体的烹饪方式了,如果不是那么特别,那么有创意,Pasta又怎会享誉全球呢? 在本书中,小白要为大家介绍Pasta正宗、传统的烹饪方法,从最基本的肉酱面到复杂的千层面,从经典红酱,奶香浓郁的白酱到顶尖大厨的独创酱料,应有尽有,让你开卷一读,即成达人。 -
Jamie's Food Revolution
Cooking good food from scratch is a skill that can save you money, keep you healthy, and make you and your family and friends happy. What I’ve tried to do in this book is pick a whole load of meals that we all love to eat and break them down to make them as simple as possible. There are plenty of clear instructions and step-by-step pictures, so whether you’re an accomplished cook or a complete beginner, you’ll be able to enjoy cooking and achieve great results in the kitchen. This book is inspired by all the people I’ve met who thought they could never and would never learn how to cook. I believe that good home cooking is one of the most essential, fundamental skills that every single person on this planet should have in order to look after themselves, their families, and their friends. This food revolution is all about people learning how to make a recipe, then teaching that recipe to their friends and family . . . if enough people do this, pretty soon everyone will be cooking. So cook something today, then PASS IT ON! -
Jamie's Great Britain
Celebrating Britain's very best food Jamie grew up in one of the first true British "gastropubs", which his Mum and Dad still run today. For him, the heart and soul of real British cooking is food that puts a smile on your face. And that's what he wants to share in the new book: the essence of British food, done properly. Over the years, British food culture has embraced flavours and influences from all the people who came and made Great Britain their home. The food reflects an open-minded culture as well as the country's beauty. There are over 100 of Jamie's favourite recipes: some are indisputable classics, some are his versions of the classics, some should be classics but just haven't been made famous yet and others he's made up from the great bounty of British produce. Wherever you're from, if you love food this book will offer you a little taste of happiness. -
菜肴制作技术标准化教程:川菜篇,ISBN:9787564311872,作者:潘涛 主编 -
Jamie's 30-Minute Meals
In his new book, "Jamie's 30-Minute Meals", Jamie proves that, by mastering a few tricks and being organized and focused in the kitchen, it is absolutely possible, and easy, to get a complete meal on the table in the same amount of time you'd normally spend making one dish! The 50 brand-new meal ideas in this book are exciting, varied and seasonal. They include main course recipes with side dishes as well as puddings and drinks, and are all meals you'll be proud to serve your family and friends. Jamie has written the recipes in a way that will help you make the most of every single minute in the kitchen. This book is as practical as it is beautiful, showing that with a bit of preparation, the right equipment and some organization, hearty, delicious, quick meals are less than half an hour away. You'll be amazed by what you're able to achieve. -