《一个无赖的一生》主要内容简介:弗兰克·索夫特里出身高贵,但却向往自由生活,厌恶世俗中的繁缛礼节,和人与人之间虚情假意的客套。在与家庭决裂之后,他开始了忠于自己内心的生活。意外地,他爱上了货币伪造者杜希弗的女儿——美丽的阿莉西娅,并且为此他糊里糊涂地卷入了她父亲的造假活动之中。在杜希佛将女儿送到威尔士后不久,这个造假币点就因内部人员的出卖而土崩瓦解。弗兰克侥幸逃出,开始了向威尔士的寻找爱情之旅…… -
*英国文豪、《霍比特人》作者托尔金经典亲子绘本故事 *萌娃多多的睡前枕边书,多爸黄磊带多多及小闺蜜共同翻译,导演赖声川悉心英文指导 *带给孩子所有属于圣诞的快乐、无邪与甜蜜,今年最好的亲子礼物 近100年前的圣诞节,一位父亲在壁炉旁,看着渴望听故事的孩子,冒出了一个想法,用圣诞老爸的口吻给他的孩子写信。这一写就是二十余年。第一封信带着亲手绘制的图画,和父亲精心挑选的礼物一起被放在圣诞袜里,来到了三岁的最大的孩子手中。从此,一个由满满父爱、纯真之心描绘的北极生活在孩子们心中发芽、生长……那个世界里有会说话的北极熊,有多才多艺的精灵。 近100年后,这本充满父爱的绘本,连同北极圣诞老爸的故事和图画,成为了中国小女孩多多的睡前枕边书。她的老爸黄磊,陪着她和她的小伙伴,一起将它翻译成中文,进入那个快乐无邪甜蜜的世界。更多的中国小朋友,能够在父爱的陪伴下,在心中种下纯真的种子,伴随他们成长一生。 每年十二月,托尔金家的孩子们会收到一个盖着北极邮戳的信封。信封里装着圣诞老爸写给孩子们的信,以及画给他们的画。每一封信都是圣诞老爸用冻得抖抖抖的手亲手写下画下的。孩子们超爱圣诞老爸在信里讲的故事——他在北极老家的朋友、房子,以及许多或滑稽或奇妙的事儿:驯鹿把缰绳扯断了,搞得礼物四散到处都是;爱唱反调的北极熊爬上了北极柱,却从圣诞老人的房顶摔进了他的客厅;北极熊还把月亮摔成了四瓣儿,让住在里面的人掉到了后花园里;还有他们与住在圣诞老爸屋底洞穴里的半兽人部落之间的“战争”……北极熊偶尔会潦草地留个便条,精灵伊尔贝斯有时也会用他优雅飘逸的笔迹写上一些北极生活的细节。 写信的圣诞老爸其实就是托尔金老爸自己。第一封信写于1920年,当时最大的孩子约翰只有三岁。圣诞老爸的来信一写就是22年,托尔金的几位孩子都曾为之深深着迷,给圣诞老爸回信交流。最期盼圣诞老爸来信的小儿子克里斯托弗•托尔金,至今仍在守护父亲创造的中洲传奇。 和孩子一起读这本书,一个由满满父爱、纯真之心描绘的圣诞老爸的无邪甜蜜北极童话在孩子们心中发芽、生长…… -
威廉•戈尔丁(William Golding,1911—1993),英国二十世纪最伟大的小说家之一,他的小说富含寓意,广泛地融入了古典文学,神话、基督教文化以及象征主义,一九八三年因其小说“具有清晰的现实主义叙述艺术以及神话的多样性与普遍性,揭示了当今世界的人性状况”而荣获诺贝尔文学奖。 《金字塔》是戈尔丁重要的代表作,是一部深入探讨在黑暗的人性与世界中爱如何可能的佳作。小说分为三大部分,分别截取了主人公奥利弗人生中的三个片段:十八岁那年的夏天,牛津大学的第一个假期以及四十五岁的旧地重游——小说的结构仿照贝多芬的奏鸣曲设计,极具艺术性而且寓意深刻:在这座金字塔的尖顶上熠熠生辉的主题就是“爱”:“与人相处要有爱心;有爱心则生,无爱心则死。” -
本书是英国著名文学评论家和小说家马尔科姆·布拉德伯里对1878至2001年间的英国小说进行的综合性评论和研究。它就像一个过滤器,精心拣选出这一百多年间的重要小说家及其作品。探讨了小说承载的社会与道德关怀以及其所蕴含的种种艺术潜力和可能性。作者在1993年初版的基础上,于此修订版中对1945年以降的内容作了全面的改写和补充,增添了新的章节,将小说研究带到了世纪之交,带入了新的千年。 -
This is an attempt to write a history of English literature admittedly with an innovative approach. The traditional as well as the more modern views in the West on literary movements, schools, traditions and influences in the field of English literature and on individual English authors and their major and minor works are here given due respect and serious consideration, but with the reservation sometimes to differ and occasionally to introduce new and totally contrary judgments from the viewpoint of historical materialism i.e., the writers and their writings are to be given their proper places in each case in accordance with the roles, healthful or otherwise, that they play in the progress of history, social and literary. Of course,whether or how far have I succeeded in these pages in living up to the theory advanced above awaits judgment from my readers. This history is written primarily for Chinese readers, in particular for Chinese college students majoring in English language and literature, with the aim to give them a historical survey of English literature from its earliest beginnings down to the 20th century. As many college students in China today are being introduced for the first time to English literature in any systematic way, biographical sketches of the major writers and rather detailed resumes of their major works are generally provided in this history, before I enter into any serious discussions on the authors and their writings. A companion-book providing students with selections from representative works of representative English authors, arranged chronologically and accompanied with introductory remarks and notes, is expected to appear at the same time as this history. It is hoped that the two books together, this history and “Selected Readings in English Literature”, will give the students a rudimentary knowledge of English literature in its historical development. In view of the vastly different levels of proficiency in the English language among English majors in Chinese colleges and universities today, a shorter history than this, written in simpler language, seems also necessary for the present. Such a book is now being prepared. -