在纽约下城发现创意炼金术…… 在纽约,什么事都可能发生。无数的创意工作者选择来此,激出了这个城市的最大可能性、激出它源源不绝的能量…………而此创意之源,在纽约下城燃点出了最耀人的火花!在这里,街道较狭窄,心灵较宽广,音乐较大声,衣服较酷炫,大楼较低矮,梦想较远大!纽约下城拥有最前卫的创造力!在这里,想像力、活力及无止尽的追求创新的态度、行为和生活型态全都融合在一起。下城区主导了纽约前卫时尚的风格,它代表了活力、多元、及自由风气;它步调快速、爆发力十足;它就无限的可能! leif & Tooya 有机的手工剪裁风格、Siri Kuptamethee炫耀中又带点低调的理性风格服饰、 Michael Spirito透过银饰品打造出的哥德风、Jem Pilippi甜美及城市图像风格的提袋;WK Interact带有强烈旨意的街头黑白画作……本书记录十四位充满创意怀胆识的纽约下城设计师的经验与见识,同时记载了时尚界各种“对事物的观点”的有用资讯。这些设计师强调跟随直觉及达成目标的理要性,而他们作品的独特性在充满想像力及活动的下城区,更是抓住了人们的视线………… 本书目录: Leif and Tooya Marin Penvern Valentine Leung Susan Hable Smith Mary Ping Siri Kuptamethee Michael Spirito Victoria Keen Eiko Berkowitz Jem Filippi WK interact Juta Neumann David & Jody Rodriguez 该书在北京俊杰视点广告文化书店有售 www.junjiesd.com -
Hussein Chalayan
If mid-1990s British fashion conjurs up images of vicious or tricksy tailoring and sexually-charged power-dressing, Chalayan represents its more gentle, cerebral side. The Turkish-Cypriot-born designer's clothing is highly modern, delicately feminine and about as close to pure as it is possible for fashion to be. --The Independent, London While most fashion designers seem to focus mainly on glamour, Hussein Chalayan's work is conceptual, often political in nature, and inspired by subjects like science--DNA strands, archaeology, the impending extinction of wildlife--sculpture, technology, and architectural theories. (In one of his most famous collections, chairs and tables were transformed into garments on the runway.) Through his compelling originality, unusual approach to design, beautifully tailored clothing, and innovative use of fabrics, Chalayan has garnered a loyal following of celebrity fans like Madonna, Sofia Coppola, and Björk. Hussein Chalayan celebrates the designer's 10th anniversary, and is the first in-depth monograph of his work. If mid-1990s British fashion conjures up images of vicious or tricksy tailoring and sexually charged power-dressing, Chalayan represents its more gentle, cerebral side. The Turkish-Cypriot-born designer's clothing is highly modern, delicately feminine and about as close to pure as it is possible for fashion to be. --"Britain's Top Fashionistas," The Independent, London, September 2004. "I wanted it to be like a document . . . for each garment to have a life of its own. I felt that the way to do that was to create a mini history with the garments. It was like an archaeological dig in a way, but of our own repertoire as well as references that are more obviously historical, like the Edwardian top of a 1960s dress. After layering it all up, we then cut it away which, in itself, I think, created some kind of life." --Hussein Chalayan on his Fall, 2003 line Paperback, 8.5 x 11 in./240 pgs / 150 color. -
本书是作者在美国、瑞士的ArtCebter研读设计,以及长期在美国和中国大陆从事产品设计工作的经验总结。书籍内容丰富,图文并茂,信息量大,具有很高的学术价值,对产品设计的从业者和相关专业的学生有很强的参考价值。本书内容主要由两部分组成:第一部分是作者多年学习心得和工作经验的分享,系统详细地介绍了产品设计流程以及概念构思的方法,并采用图表、图文对照的形式使读者更加容易理解掌握。第二部分精选了作者实际项目的原始手稿,内容包含前期的初始草图、构想图、爆炸图和使用情境图。鉴于大部分的设计师和学生对于学习概念构思以及设计手绘有迫切的需求,通过分享作者的经验和技巧,希望能帮助喜爱产品前期开发和重视手绘表现的广大设计人员提升设计能力,进而达到有效沟通设计想法的目的。 -
Living With Books
居室里怎样装修书架的指导书。 包括客厅,卧室,厨房甚至卫生间。 不仅仅是怎样设计,还有实用的DIY指导, 对我们这些在城市里生活的不可能DIY的人们来说, 看看这书上的一步步说明也是一种满足吧。 看着书中各式书架,真的是很享受的一回事。 真的有那么一种living with books的感觉呢。 -
思想的窠臼是创意最大的杀手。我们在思考点子时,却总陷入过去曾有的经验为影像基础,而无法获得原创的点子。然而该如何分辨游荡于自觉意识,而非先前经验的创慧呢?鲍·吉尔认为唯有跳脱并“重新定义问题”。重新定义问题的真意在于“重新质问自己一个新的问题”:将问题转化、设计化、趣味化、创意化,而获得全新的经验,因为不守规则的创意,来自不守规则的问题。 这本书搜罗了作者著名的146个充满睿智与无限想象的案例,皆是一一针对问题而来的精彩解答。 -
Sticker Graphics
Stickers surround us. Whether stuck to walls, signs, mailboxes and other elements of urban furniture, or to car bumpers, helmets and messenger bags, they represent a growing culture fascinated by the various forms and expressions, the myriad of messages, or the lack thereof. This book explores the fetish. From the designers and artists that create the stickers to represent their work and ideas, to the collectors and members of the new generation which utilize them to assert there own individual style. Stickers have become a new form of communication. This book is divided into various sections including: Urban Art, Cutie, Bumper, Artistic, and more. Includes work by: Airside, APE, Alife, Beatservice, Buro-destruct, Build, Delaware, Devilrobots, Flipsflopflyin, Garrettch, Gwg, Groovisions, Happypets, Issey Miyake, Peepshow, Rinzen, Michael Lau, Shepard Fairey, Sticker Nation, Moshino Katsura, Deanne Cheung and Young Kim.