本书以每十年为一单位,对20世纪字体的设计历史以及平面设计中的种种问题进行了分析。本书讲述了当今字体设计的各种趋势,这些趋势就是在这一个又一个十年中可见的一种连续变化。本书所涵盖的主题包括:大规划生产的形成;艺术指导的诞生;线格的出现(以及后来遭到的反对);非印刷媒介的发明与Macintosh系统的采用,以及该系统如何带领那些数字技术催生的新一代设计师向前发展。 在20世纪90年代,数字技术引发了一场关于平面设计和字体设计实践的革命。本书实际是路易斯·布莱克威尔经典研究的修订版,它援引了最新的实例,并对数字革命所带来的一些显著变化作出分析,布莱克威尔特别关注了显示屏使用类型的发展以及其它同因特网出现相关的各项新发明。本书还介绍了设计师在工作中发现的一些因各种变革而带来的不利结果,在绪论部分中,作者还提出了字体造型设计以及用户在新千年中所面临的问题。 本书配有300幅以上的插图,对现代字体设计行业中先驱性的设计试验进行了人文意义上的评定,并结合有一篇简洁的历史背景介绍。本书用通俗易懂的语言,使设计师、学生以及一般读者得以了解20世纪西方字体设计的发展以及字体设计在未来实践中所要遇到的各种关键问题。 -
《西方设计:一部为生活制作艺术的历史》以“为生活制作艺术”为主线,介绍了从史前时代至公元2000年以来的西方设计,内容包括建筑、室内设计、手工艺、工业产品、平面设计、服装设计等领域,并从人文关怀的思想出发,对各时期的艺术与设计理论、设计师与设计流派以及相关艺术设计文化进行讨论,鲜活地勾画出西方设计沿革有序、创新迭起、纷繁多样的历史图景。全书配图1240幅,材料翔实,体例合理,详略得当,史论结合,叙述生动,深入浅出,可能是目前汉语世界一部最好的西方设计通史著述。 -
Meggs' History of Graphic Design
在线阅读本书 Now in its Fourth Edition, this unrivaled, seminal work continues its long tradition of providing balanced insight and thorough historical background. Under the new authorial leadership of Alston Purvis, this authoritative book offers more than 450 new images, along with expansive coverage of such topics as Italian, Russian, and Dutch design. It reveals a saga of creative innovators, breakthrough technologies, and important design innovations. -
Chinese Propaganda Posters
The Communist superhero With his smooth, warm, red face which radiated light in all directions, Chairman Mao Zedong was a fixture in Chinese propaganda posters produced between the birth of the People’s Republic in 1949 and the early 1980s. These infamous posters were, in turn, central fixtures in Chinese homes, railway stations, schools, journals, magazines, and just about anywhere else where people were likely to see them. Chairman Mao, portrayed as a stoic superhero (a.k.a. the Great Teacher, the Great Leader, the Great Helmsman, the Supreme Commander), appeared in all kinds of situations (inspecting factories, smoking a cigarette with peasant workers, standing by the Yangzi River in a bathrobe, presiding over the bow of a ship, or floating over a sea of red flags), flanked by strong, healthy, ageless men and “masculinized” women and children wearing baggy, sexless, drab clothing. The goal of each poster was to show the Chinese people what sort of behavior was considered morally correct and how great the future of Communist China would be if everyone followed the same path toward utopia by uniting together. Combining fact and fiction in a way typical of propaganda art, these posters exuded positive vibes and seemed to suggest that Mao was an omnipresent force that would accompany China to happiness and greatness. This book brings together a selection of colorful propaganda artworks and cultural artifacts from photographer Michael Wolf’s vast collection of Chinese propaganda posters, many of which are now extremely rare. -
现代设计史,ISBN:9787300087191,作者:(美)瑞兹曼 -
《50把改变世界的椅子》讲述了:伦敦设计博物馆为我们甄选了椅子设计史上顶尖的50个案例,从1859年的索耐特14号靠背椅到康斯坦丁•格尔齐茨的椅子一号。椅子所扮演的标志性、典型性的角色已经发展成了某种自我应验式的预言。椅子有漫长的历史,可以是权威、身份的象征,深深融入家庭生活。它就像一幅空白的画布,可以让它的设计者自由挥洒;每把椅子都是一部小说,都有它迷人的故事。通过对这些经典椅子的审视,我们完全可以看穿过去150年的设计历史。 《50把改变世界的椅子》适用于:世界首家设计博物馆——伦敦设计博物馆甄选的经典设计,将成为关注设计,讲究生活品质的成功人士必备的典藏经典设计的指南性丛书。