这本书出自一位世界级设计师之手。复杂的设计原理在书中凝炼为亲密性、对齐、重复和对比4 个基本原则。作者以其简洁明快的风格,将优秀设计所必须遵循的这4 个基本原则及其背后的原理通俗易懂地展现在读者面前。本书包含大量的示例,让你了解怎样才能按照自己的方式设计出美观且内容丰富的产品。 此书适用于各行各业需要从事设计工作的读者,也适用于有经验的设计人员。 -
多位巴黎手作创意人专为这本书提供了原创手工作品的制作方法及步骤,将私房小店与读者亲密分享。 这本书里的创意人,多有颇具规模的工作室或创意店铺,甚至许多世界名牌都是他们的客户。这些创意人的生活或工作空间,都非常精彩,浪漫不甘寂寞的巴黎人喜欢绚烂丰富的色彩,但不同艳丽色彩齐聚一个空间却不觉庸俗,只有“乱花渐欲迷人眼”般仿佛来自大自然的明媚之感。每个创意人的简介和空间展示之后,附有他们教给读者做的一个小玩意,看上去可行性强,做出来效果也好,颇有让人想尝试的冲动。 书中同时收录巴黎最具创造力的设计师们爱逛的咖啡厅、餐厅、设计精品店等等这类流行店面的信息。 -
Penguin by Design
Ever since the creation of the first Penguin paperbacks in 1935, their jackets have become a constantly evolving part of Britain's culture and design history. Rich with stunning illustrations and filled with detail of individual titles, designers and even the changing size and shape of the Penguin logo itself, this book shows how covers become design classics. By looking back at seventy years of Penguin paperbacks, Phil Baines charts the development of British publishing, book cover design and the role of artists and designers in creating and defining the Penguin look.Coupling indepth analysis of designers - from Jan Tschichold to Romek Marber - with a wide-ranging look at the range of series and titles published - from early Penguins and Pelicans, to wartime Specials, fiction and reference, this is a distinctive picture of how Penguin has consistently established its identity through its covers, influenced by - and influencing - the wider development of graphic design and the changing fashions in typography, photography, illustration or printing techniques. Filled with inspiring images, "Penguin by Design" demonstrates just how difficult it is not to judge a book by its cover. -
Typography today exists in conflict with classical font design and contemporary influences such as analogue distortion, screen applications, street culture, deconstruction, hand lettering and illustrative letter forms. Type One not only presents an overview of the diversity in current typography, but also reveals where conventions have become established and where valid new approaches exist. In addition to a rich selection of typefaces and their applications, the book features articles by and interviews with international experts such as Jean François Rappot, House Industries’ Andy Cruz and Ken Barber, Norm and Professor Tanja Diezmann. Topics range from the democratization of the font creation process by the computer to how much existing approaches are based on the same fonts. These texts are edited and commented by Silja Bilz, former project and product manager for Corporate Type at the renowned Linotype Library. While Type One provides practical context and examples, it also investigates the experimental and inspirational side of font design. This combination makes the book an essential resource for anyone seeking an up to date exploration and understanding of typography. -
包豪斯是德国的一个现代艺术教育学校,对现代主义艺术风格的形成产生了关键性的影响,以“包豪斯”风格闻名于世。 这本书是国内专门介绍这一现代艺术运动的第一部专著,展现了20世纪初现代艺术发端时期波澜壮阔、充满激情和叛逆精神的历史画面。 -
《手绘的奇思妙想:49位设计师的创意速写簿》内容简介:这是一条通往艺术家脑海,探索最原始的创意思路的捷径。书中收录了许多画作、涂鸦作品、实验性的或是经由细心观察才绘制而成的作品。书页中层层叠叠地铺满了色彩,空白处则有许多购物清单和电话号码;封面上是饱经旅行风霜的印迹,它们曾被装入背囊中、口袋里,也曾掉落在雨里,或是遗失在草丛中。 书中向你展示了一种在美术馆或博物馆中,在金色的画框中,无法见到的艺术形式。这是一种只要它存在,便需要被欣赏的艺术形式。每个人,当他们翻开这些速写簿,都会将头深埋于其中,被那些速写作品和点滴的记录完全吸引,然后翻至下一页。每一次翻阅都会带来无穷的惊喜。这些打开的画纸就像一则故事、-篇日记,甚至是一段生活。每一本速写簿都是生活的缩影。作者根据自己的喜好以及书册的厚薄程度,将几周、几个月,甚至几年的经历展现在你面前。翻过一张张画纸,你仿佛能看见时光的飞逝,看见其中闪现的创意,看见作者的种种冒险、经验教训、想法、失误以及梦想,所有的一切都化作墨迹,在读者面前如花一般盛开。 无论你是否是一名艺术家、设计师、作家,还是音乐家或是注册会计师,我都希望你能在绘画生活的冒险中,获得知识和无尽的艺术财富。