作者周游英国,寻访16位艺术家与设计师,看人,寻找灵感,感受气氛……《创意市集》中16位艺术家将向读者展示他们别样的创意生活,与众不同的设计方式,这里总有让您目瞪口呆的创意,这里也总能启迪您的智慧!希望您翻开本书时,即使只看图片,也能感受到它给您带来的灵感! 伦敦的市集五花八门,创意无限。充分反映出这里自由平等的艺术风气。就连70岁的老公公把自己家中不能用的旧插头拿出来卖,也可以反映出某种程度的刨创意和自由。市集不但是当地人休闲生活的一部分,也是许多才华横溢的设计师或艺术家事业的起点。在市集蛰居多年而终于获得肯定,闯出一片天空的例子层出不穷:有人因两拥有自己的店,或是产品上百货专柜,有人因此而声名大噪,工作接不完…… -
王志弘、孫大偉、陳宏一、詹宏志 好評推薦平面設計大師在想什麼……尖銳、直接、幽默,步步攻防的深度訪談設計大師想的和我們哪裡不一樣?創意發想有沒有一套流程?如何開創獨一無二的風格同時成功地銷售產品?大公司的處世哲學?工作室的生存之道?藝術教育的影響力?最好及最糟的作品、令人害怕的事、上一次掉下眼淚……在設計領域工作二十多年的黛比.米曼,熟悉每位設計師的生涯發展,在和大師Neville Brody、Stefan Sagmeister、Peter Saville等人訪談之中,她敏銳而友善、同時又帶有挑戰性地展開對話,她步步為營想要一揭究竟,而每位設計師則像是魔術師,總能在途窮時施術,換掉手上的底牌,如此攻防造就這本精彩至極的訪談集。訪談不限定在作品探討,而是從早年啟蒙、生活、夢想談起,逐漸觸及對設計的態度、接案規畫、和設計一行的甘苦點滴。有些看似平常的小事正使人探知設計師們的內在,這又巧妙的和作品脈絡相循,甚至有些是孕育出偉大作品的奶水,對於從事創意工作的人有不少的啟發。書中21位設計師許多曾是業界的刺蝟,回首幾十年生涯路,他們真誠流露,自剖經營與創意思維。平面設計不同於純藝術創作,它具備商業色彩,負責將訊息遞送給觀者。書中的對話兼具教育與娛樂性,使讀者見識他們如何思考與看待世界,同時,讀者從中還能看見他們如何得以創造出精彩絕倫的作品。 -
《世纪设计提案:设计的未来考古学》充满智慧,同时出现了很多有强烈的人性化的文章。当读者在字字珠玑中浮想连翩的时候,可以感受到一波又一波的浪漫遐想,它们不断冲击着我们脑海中的创意细胞。我们似乎可以透过i-MAC的透明外壳听到哈雷摩托车的轰鸣;在褶皱装的线条中领悟时尚前沿的色彩,也可以向卫星导航系统和隐形战斗机的驾驶员一样享受准确定位的乐趣;在扫描一段又一段的文字信息中,这些创意的设计思想,放大并构筑成了我们脑海中交织的网络轨迹,使我们在一个超越文字与平面的信息宇宙中自由翱翔。 当然,在解读和翻译的过程中,我也遇到了许多难以逾越的屏障,大师们精彩的造诣往往很难用现有的语言来进行直译,而回味无穷的观点,也有可能被规范的词句所约束冲淡。我企图去突破,但有限的能力最终也无法将所有的清彩一一呈现,因此,恳请读者提出宝贵意见。希望通过《世纪设计提案:设计的未来考古学》,能够为中国的设计界提供一些来自于日本设计专家们的精辟见解,通过相互交流,使我们对人类未来设计的大趋势增加更多的理性认知。 -
Saul Bass
This is the first book to be published on one of the greatest American designers of the 20th century, who was as famous for his work in film as for his corporate identity and graphic work. Saul Bass (1920-1996) created some of the most compelling images of American postwar visual culture. Having extended the remit of graphic design to include film titles, he went on to transform the genre. His best-known works include a series of unforgettable posters and title sequences for films such as Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo and Otto Preminger's The Man with the Golden Arm and Anatomy of a Murder. He also created some of the most famous logos and corporate identity campaigns of the century, including those for major companies such as AT&T, Quaker Oats, United Airlines and Minolta. His wife and collaborator, Elaine, joined the Bass office in the late 1950s. Together they created an impressive series of award-winning short films, including the Oscar-winning Why Man Creates, as well as an equally impressive series of film titles, ranging from Stanley Kubrick's Spartacus in the early 1960s to Martin Scorsese's Cape Fear and Casino in the 1990s. Designed by Saul Bass's daughter Jennifer and written by distinguished design historian Pat Kirkham, who knew Saul Bass, this book contains more than 1,400 illustrations, many from the Bass archive and never published before, providing an in-depth account of one of the leading graphic artists of the 20th century. This definitive study is eagerly anticipated by design and film enthusiasts. -
Criterion Designs
The most exciting names in design and illustration today apply their talents to some of the most important and influential films of all time. This volume gathers highlights from designs commissioned by the Criterion Collection, featuring covers, supplemental art, and never-before-seen sketches and concept art plus a gallery of every Criterion cover since the collection's first laserdisc in 1984. From avant-garde experiments to big-budget blockbusters, cult favorites to the towering classics of world cinema, the depth and breadth of what film can be is on display in these striking images. Whether painstakingly faithful re-creations or bold re-imaginings, the stunningly diverse designs collected here offer new ways for cinephiles and design aficionados alike to engage with the world's greatest filmmakers. -
Paul Rand: A Designer`s Art
Paul Rand was one of the world's leading graphic designers. Here he describes his work with the same precision, economy and passion that he displays in his graphic designs, seeking to help us to understand the nature of his relationships with his clients, his audience and his art.