吸血鬼猎人的D。5, 梦中的D
《吸血鬼猎人D.5,梦中的D》内容简介:D受邀前往边境小村的途中,反复梦见一名美丽的少女。在梦里,她总是待在一栋古老的豪宅中,沐浴在蓝光下的大厅,随着音乐的旋律不停地跳着舞。这名少女是在D前往的村庄外惨遭「贵族之吻」,三十年来一直沉眠不醒。睡美人的名字叫做「思薇」,她最擅长的就是织人入梦,甚至可以左右村民们的命运!到底是谁在操控她?愈是想知道真相,藏在背后的秘密愈是暧昧不明。 另一方面,所有的村民都梦见了D,因预感到平稳的生活可能会瓦解吓得浑身发抖。D进入了这个村庄,并没有察觉到自己即将身陷真实与梦境交错的泥淖之中,而梦中的刺客正等待着他的到来。 -
这位日本艺术家的作品集。出版社的介绍原文: Amano: The Complete Prints showcases hundreds of these captivating works, comprising an impressive, comprehensive look at one of the art world's visionary talents. Art scholar and critic Unno Hiroshi contributes an insightful message on Amano, the genesis of this style, and his place in the panoply of art history. Also included is a brief timeline noting the high points of the artist's career. -
This book features three of Amano's major original paintings, Japan I, Japan II, and Japan III, which were also shown in the 1997 New York Exhibition, "Think Like Amano". Amano's character design drawings for Final Fantasy V and VI are also included, as well as select lithograph images. -
天野喜孝 交響曲(日版)