ABC of Men's Fashion
Tokyo Street Style
‘A visual feast of a book … profiles of the most daring, innovative and influential designers and labels at the core of Japan’s take on style and a pop culture retrospective that features a tasty blend of commentary from luminaries such as Marc Jacobs, John Galliano and Agnes B’ – Dazed & Confused ‘Style bible … inspirational’ – The Daily Telegraph The dizzying combination of street-level fashion, outré couture and re-mixed, fast-forward youth culture in Tokyo’s Harajuku neighbourhood has made it an international style capital. Tokyo Street Style profiles the daring and influential designers and labels at this epicentre of Japanese and global fashion. Offering a pop cultural history of the scene, a snapshot of where it is today, and a glimpse into its future, this dazzling book includes hundreds of images of innovative and astonishing fashions, ads, stores, models and magazines, plus the creators themselves. Includes: Milk Commes des Garçons Sonya Park Hysteric Glamour Baby, the Stars Shine Bright Hiroshi Fujiwara A Bathing Ape Under Cover … and many more. Irrashimasse! -
时装令人困惑、令人入迷也令人恼怒,但它最大的特点是它的吸引力。无论人们是否喜欢时装,时装对人——甚至包括那些回避时装的人——都有强大的影响。人们对时装的态度也许很模棱两可,但服装的重要性却是不可否认的。“人靠衣装”这句老话现在仍然适用,而某种场合下的错误装束能够引起灾难性的后果。然而人们是怎样获得服装规则知识的呢?日常服装的规则是怎样受到新风格影响和改造的呢?我们穿衣的方式怎样促进“自我”表现的呢?说到底,为什么时装是一种重要的现象而且会如此重要? -
「早晨醒來,雨一直下,心情煩亂的你,忍不住撐起傘,上髮廊。請設計師重新作造型,然後趕赴裝潢精緻的咖啡館和朋友見面,你們點了拿鐵咖啡和焦糖布丁,一起翻翻時尚雜誌,於是打算去逛街。在明亮華麗的百貨公司櫥窗中,一雙雙美麗的高跟鞋、一件件流行的時裝,令你怦然心動。今晚的party,正需要。街上,華燈初亮,落地鏡前,你試穿剛剛買的戰利品,配上小小的鑽石項鍊,嗯,效果不錯。噴了點香水,你去參加好朋友的生日party,在香檳美酒和歡笑交談中,渡過美好的夜晚。」 對這樣的生活描述,你一定不陌生,但是,如果我告訴你,這些我們習以為常的生活形態:折疊傘、美髮設計師、精緻咖啡館、甜點美食、逛街購物、高跟鞋、流行服飾、時尚廣告、落地鏡、鑽石、香水、香檳、夜生活,都是法王路易十四打造出來的,你是不是驚訝得合不攏嘴? 原來,我們的生活這麼巴黎,而且巴黎了好幾百年。讓本書帶你走一趟時光隧道,回顧那段追求唯美與完美的奢華年代。 -
Hussein Chalayan
If mid-1990s British fashion conjurs up images of vicious or tricksy tailoring and sexually-charged power-dressing, Chalayan represents its more gentle, cerebral side. The Turkish-Cypriot-born designer's clothing is highly modern, delicately feminine and about as close to pure as it is possible for fashion to be. --The Independent, London While most fashion designers seem to focus mainly on glamour, Hussein Chalayan's work is conceptual, often political in nature, and inspired by subjects like science--DNA strands, archaeology, the impending extinction of wildlife--sculpture, technology, and architectural theories. (In one of his most famous collections, chairs and tables were transformed into garments on the runway.) Through his compelling originality, unusual approach to design, beautifully tailored clothing, and innovative use of fabrics, Chalayan has garnered a loyal following of celebrity fans like Madonna, Sofia Coppola, and Björk. Hussein Chalayan celebrates the designer's 10th anniversary, and is the first in-depth monograph of his work. If mid-1990s British fashion conjures up images of vicious or tricksy tailoring and sexually charged power-dressing, Chalayan represents its more gentle, cerebral side. The Turkish-Cypriot-born designer's clothing is highly modern, delicately feminine and about as close to pure as it is possible for fashion to be. --"Britain's Top Fashionistas," The Independent, London, September 2004. "I wanted it to be like a document . . . for each garment to have a life of its own. I felt that the way to do that was to create a mini history with the garments. It was like an archaeological dig in a way, but of our own repertoire as well as references that are more obviously historical, like the Edwardian top of a 1960s dress. After layering it all up, we then cut it away which, in itself, I think, created some kind of life." --Hussein Chalayan on his Fall, 2003 line Paperback, 8.5 x 11 in./240 pgs / 150 color. -