"图文解说8大烹调方式、合计100道料理、200件摆盘款式!书中并收录索引,让你有系统地查找需要的摆盘设计!这是一本享受精致饮食的必备宝典,雅俗共赏的料理示范,更让你可以依据需要,快速地找到合适的摆盘案例! 宾主尽欢的用餐体验 一道美妙的料理,就足以扭转一日的情绪。美丽细致的摆盘呈现,不只会带来视觉上的享受,更能营造温暖、愉悦的用餐气氛。掌握料理摆盘的技法与知识,就能带来充满赞叹与惊艳的餐饮心情! 6大摆盘基本技法×20种基本食器运用示范 6大摆盘技法与20种百搭食器运用,让你因应不同烹调方法,轻松找到所有摆盘设计的搭配组合。掌握《料理摆盘:超简明技法图解事典》的摆盘原则,你就可以根据菜色,选配出适合自己的摆盘设计! 饮食美学的最高境界 看完《料理摆盘:超简明技法图解事典》,你可以建筑个人独有的摆盘美学,透过20位名厨亲手示范的各类中西式料理,你也能够设计出变化万千的饮食情境 " -
“无印良品(MUJI)”品牌食谱书。 “无印良品”创始于日本,其本意是“没有商标与优质”。虽然极力淡化品牌意识,但它遵循统一设计理念所生产出来的产品无不诠释品牌形象,它所倡导的自然、简约、质朴的生活方式也大受品位人士推崇。 本书介绍了方便的万能酱汁及料理制作方法。只要将喜欢的食材与酱汁倒进硅胶烹饪盒,再用微波炉加热,健康美味的菜肴就大功告成了。咸酱汁、西式酱汁、亚洲风味酱汁(麻婆酱、担担面酱、辣酱)、万能甜醋……日常使用各种“明星酱汁”的制作方法在本书中都有介绍,简单百搭。 加入万能酱汁,日子有滋有味。 ★“无印良品轻料理”系列食谱书,用自然质朴的生活方式,还原食物本来的意义。 ★菜品均由日本一流料理家研发,营养健康,又特别适合中国人口味、操作简单易上手。 ★日籍华语作家、《四季便当》等便当系列书籍作者吉井忍担任本书特别审校。 ★精细、健康、美感、应季,一餐一饭里,是我们对生活不渝的爱。 -
Those unable to secure a seat at the World's Best Restaurant 2010, the 12-table Noma near Copenhagen, will have to settle for this massive study of the restaurant and its chef, 32-year-old Rene Redzepi. Even a casual flip will reveal why Redzepi's imaginative combinations and fiercely local approach to sourcing vaulted him over stalwarts like El Bulli: sous vide reindeer shoulder served with celery root rolled in hay ashes and a wild herb gel, a whimsical meringue-based snowman atop buckthorn mousse and carrot sorbet, and a carrot cake-coated ligonberry sorbet served with hay cream are but a few of his spectacularly innovative dishes. While few home cooks will have the equipment, ingredients, or patience to attempt Musk Ox and Fresh Young Garlic or Milk Skin and Caramelized Garlic, fans of molecular gastronomy will have a field day with this ode to meticulous construction and presentation. In the end, whether Redzepi's almost ridiculously complicated dishes reveal a pretentious chef or a passionate one making the most of his ingredients doesn't matter. This is an envelope-pushing exercise that deserves respect. 200 color photos. (c) Copyright PWxyz, LLC. All rights reserved. -
The Art of Simple Food
The delicious dishes described in the latest cookbook from Chez Panisse founder Waters, such as a four-ingredient Soda Bread and Cauliflower Salad with Olives and Capers, are simple indeed, though the book's structure is complex, if intuitive. After a useful discussion of ingredients and equipment come chapters on techniques, such as making broth and soup. Each of these includes three or four recipes that rely on the technique described, which can lead to repetition (still preferable to a lack of guidance): a chapter on roasting contains two pages of instructions on roasting a chicken (including a hint to salt it a day in advance for juicy results), followed by a recipe for Roast Chicken that is simply an abbreviated version of those two pages. The final third of the book divides many more recipes traditionally into salads, pasta and so forth. Waters taps an almost endless supply of ideas for appealing and fresh yet low-stress dishes: Zucchini Ragout with Bacon and Tomato, Onion Custard Pie, Chocolate Crackle Cookies with almonds and a little brandy. Whether explaining why salting food properly is key or describing the steps to creating the ideal Grilled Cheese Sandwich, she continues to prove herself one of our best modern-day food writers. -
《好性格吃出来》介绍如何利用食物,不仅可以补充青少年青春发育期必需的营养,还能让孩子吃得健康,吃得快乐,吃出好性格,吃出好成绩。健康日本料理轻松做由日本权威的著名保健学博士、料理专家菅原明子所著。不仅教您使用身边就有的食材轻松制作健康美味、赏心悦目的日本料理,还用通俗易懂的语言让您了解自己的身体,了解饮食同疾病的关系……家有儿女初长成,为人父母的可能会惊讶于孩子的种种变化——为什么有的孩子听话、懂事,学习认真努力;而有的孩子确性格急躁、叛逆甚至出现暴力倾向……除了家庭、社会的原因之外,殊不知,饮食也会直接影响性格的塑造!让我们先来了解一些相关知识,读完《好性格吃出来》您可能会惊讶地发现,原来不知不觉间养成的生活习惯,竟是造成孩子不“乖”的“元凶”!通过对“低血糖是紧张和打架争斗的原因”“过敏性体质也会导致不良行为”“孩子欺负别人的行为是压力积聚的结果”“对于欺负弱者的现象父母应该怎么做”“不要纵容孩子挑食”“少吃油炸食品”“热量过剩对身体有害”“缺乏维生素B族的孩子容易有暴力行为”“不要让孩子依赖电视广告宣传的食品”“导致营养十条、损害大脑的饮食方式”“想办法让孩子多吃蔬菜”“大脑氧化?用大米和味噌汤来还原”“多吃海鱼有益大脑发育”“建立以家庭为中心的饮食习惯”“培养健康孩子,从妈妈自身做起”的分析,相信读者对“饮食对性格的重要影响”已经相当了解了吧。一向重视色彩搭配、营养均衡的日本料理,相信无论大人孩子都会喜欢。让我们从丰富餐桌的内容开始着手,用制作简单却不失营养美味的日本料理让家中的孩子吃得健康、吃得快乐。吃出好性格、吃出好成绩! -