NANA (Vol. 18)
娜娜生母還活著的事情,被媒體報道了出來。阿八十分擔心,娜娜卻毫不介意,將全部熱情投入到首次的全國巡迴演唱。但卻發生了令人震撼的事情…!? -
Nana 03
Nana, Vol. 7 (v. 7)
Nana K. was happy to be Blast's biggest cheerleader, but now that the band is taking off, she's discovering that there are hordes of fans eager to take her place. At the same time, her involvement with Trapnest hottie Takumi is turning into a romantic entanglement she hadn't expected. When a chance for another kind of happiness presents itself, will Nana K. be strong enough to face the difficult choices that result? -
NANA (Vol. 14)
奈奈再次下定決心,今後將與拓實一起生活下去。另一方面,BLAST開始了地方巡迴演出。在大阪電台前的表演場地,等待著他們的是…? -
NANA (Vol. 1)
世上的另一个我,不只是为了简单的寻找一个相同或者相似的灵魂。少女们自言自语的青春里总会渴望着自己不曾拥有的东西,如果当初也能像对方一样坦率或者坚强,会不会踏上一条完全不同的路?所以在频频回顾的同时也在默默的祝福,祝福着另一个自己,可以拥有幸福的人生。 -
NANA (Vol. 12)