The Vulnerable Observer
Eloquently interweaving ethnography and memoir, award-winning anthropologist Ruth Behar offers a new theory and practice for humanistic anthropology. She proposes an anthropology that is lived and written in a personal voice. She does so in the hope that it will lead us toward greater depth of understanding and feeling, not only in contemporary anthropology, but in all acts of witnessing. -
The Woman in the Body
This bold reappraisal of science and society explores the different ways that women's reproduction is seen in American culture. "Spectacular. There is no better study of the power of metaphor in modern medicine." —Thomas W. Laqueur, author of Making Sex "One of the greatest strengths of this fascinating book is Martin's careful analysis of how medical language about women's bodies reveals cultural assumptions about women and their life's purpose. . . . Highly recommended." —Judith Walzer Leavitt, Bulletin of the History of Medicine -
Private Life under Socialism
電動按摩器激發、滿足了女性的感官情慾,甚至帶給女人前所未有的性高潮,使它在女人的性生活中逐漸佔有一席之地。如今有數百萬按摩器的愛好者--不管是男是女,將它視為性愛良伴,各式各樣不同造型、功能、大小、材質的按摩器不斷推陳出新,透過網路、郵購、情趣商店進入個人生活中。本書作者將多年來跟許多按摩器愛好者彼此分享心得、交換意見的成果,結集成這本知識與實用兼具的按摩器指南,內容含蓋了按摩器選購、保養,以及如何健康安全的使用以增進性愛情趣等重要章節,鼓勵男人跟女人勇於嘗試,開拓自己的情慾世界,探索性愛的歡愉。作者簡介 喬安妮.布蘭克(Joani Blank) 在一九七七年,喬安妮.布蘭克成立了全美國第一家電動按摩器專賣店,店名叫做「美好振動」(Good Vibrations)。身為電動按摩器的愛好者與收藏者,喬安妮時常開玩笑說,她握著按摩棒開發個人情慾的潛能,長年摸索得來的寶貴經驗,足以寫成一本書。這就是那本書。安.懷登(Ann Whidden) 是「美好振動」的資深員工,不僅賣出了好幾千支的電動按摩器,也發表了許多關於按摩器與其他性愛玩具的文章。 -
《疾病与治疗:人类学怎么看》内容简介:疾病只是生理功能不正常吗?治疗只需要吃药就能解决问题吗?不同民族、不同文化的人们在看待和治疗疾病时有什么差别?社会地位、文化背景、教育程度、性别、年龄……甚至细小的生活习惯又会怎样影响到流行病传播的范围?——医生开出的药方,再加上人类学家给出的解释也许才是,关于你的健康问题的,更为完满的答案! -
Veiled Sentiments
Updated Edition With a New Preface Lila Abu-Lughod lived with a community of Bedouins in the Western Desert of Egypt for nearly two years, studying gender relations and the oral lyric poetry through which women and young men express personal feelings. The poems are haunting, the evocation of emotional life vivid. But her analysis also reveals how deeply implicated poetry and sentiment are in the play of power and the maintenance of a system of social hierarchy. What begins as a puzzle about a single poetic genre becomes a reflection on the politics of sentiment and the relationship between ideology and human experience.