本书为《文化研究》第七辑,与前几辑相比较,有两个方面的主要变化:一是增加了专题的分量(一期中就推出了三个专题),二是加强了对中国问题的研究。 本书内容包括全球化语境中的中国大众传播、假想大学、文学机构的文化研究、对话、文化研究的谱系、文学与文化六部分。 -
《文化研究》本着学术乃天下公器的原则,对各种学术观点与风格的文章采取兼容并蓄的开放态度,用精深和新颖的理念为指导,回应当前文化与社会议题,结合理论与运动的视野,带动更为积极的文化关注、人文关怀和社会介入。本辑主要介绍国内外最新的文化研究成果、重要的文化理论家、翻译的西方文化研究的经典著作和文献,研讨中国当代的文化热点问题(如大众传播与公共性问题、霸权与大众媒介的符号权利问题、“自由主义”与“新左派”的诸种符号竞争问题、现代论说中的情感语调问题、二十世纪中国诗歌的重新发明问题、大众偶像问题、亚文化问题等),点面结合,考辨当代西方文化理论在中国的传播与运用情况,探讨这些文化理论与中国本土文化理论之间的关系。 -
Cultural Studies
Praise for the First Edition: `This is the best general textbook that has been written on cultural studies to date. Barker covers an enormous amount of material. He explicates key concepts and theories in the field and focuses upon particular issues of contemporary interest. Barker is always fair in his assessment of contrasting arguments and alternative points of view. Cultural Studies - Theory and Practice will enable students to make sense of a complex, fascinating and vital field of study' Jim McGuigan, University of Loughborough "It is comprehensive in scope, clearly written, competent and accurate, and yet provides an original and useful perspective on cultural studies as well as an overview of key concepts, methods, topics, and the material of cultural studies" Doug Kellner, Graduate School of Education, UCLA "The book is certainly the most wide ranging in the market" and " the book is very popular with students... they believe it represents good value for money because of its comprehensiveness... students appreciate the accessibility of the language and the explanation of difficult theoretical concepts" Paul Manning Sociology Dept, de Montfort University Chris Barker has extensively revised and updated his bestselling textbook Cultural Studies, to produce an up-to-date second edition of a book that is already a comprehensive, one-stop guide for students of cultural studies and cultural theory. Widely adopted in its first edition the Second Edition is even more accessible to the student reader, featuring: two new chapters covering central problems in cultural studies; biology, evolution and culture; additional new material across the original chapters; added pedagogical features including chapter summaries, student exercises, boxed information, and more bullet points; greater clarity of expression; and an expanded glossary of key concepts. Comprehensive in scope, and authoritative and balanced in its analysis, Cultural Studies maps the field, and guides the reader through all the core topics included on Cultural Studies courses, including: the key concepts in cultural studies; the key figures and schools of thought; the essential methodologies; the historical roots of the subject; the turns toward ideology, language, gender, race and identity; the challenges posed by postmodernism and postcolonialism. This book is essential reading for all students of Cultural Studies, and the addition of even more student friendly features, will extend its readership. -
《符号经济与空间经济》一书,由英国当代学者斯科特、拉什和约翰 厄里合著。在这部运用多学科进行交叉研究的学术专著中,作者试图论证:在组织化酱主义之后,出现了经济的符号化与空间化;而这种符号化与空间化同信息通讯结构的改变及文化产业的以展密切相关,影响了公民资格,对下层少数民族聚居区产生了较大的冲击,加速了组织化后酱主义的迁徒,形成 了空间政治,同时使社会时间发生变化,进一步导致资本主义的非组织化。 -
《受众研究读本》内容简介:在广义层面上讲,受众(audience)是指大众传播所面对发言的无名个体与群体。,它不仅仅是大众传播效果的核心概念和考察效果的基点与立足点,而且由媒介、社会与人的复杂关系建构起来的大众传播理论中,受众是一切问题的交叉点,因此,理解受众就是理解大众传播学的核心问题,就是理解在媒介化社会中被受众化的我们。为此,我们有必要进入眼前这部特点鲜明、结构巧妙的受众研究读本。三位编者深谙受众研究的复杂性与多样性,并以超一流的布局驾驭着这种复杂性与多样性,他们既不按流派或地区编排,也未遵循时间或主题的编辑体例,而是别出心裁地推出三大部分,分别名之曰‘’社会、大众和公众‘’、“个人、影响和效应”以及“文化、社群和家庭”,展现出受众研究跨学科、多层面的思维空间,让人豁然领悟到整个西方传播学的“空间”漂移。奇妙的是,此书并不因此而散乱,而是以媒介与受众关系为主线,展现受众研究的传统及诸多研究路数。与此同时,编者并不像一般的读本那样依研究文献的历史体例而行,而是试图对研究传统进行当代呈现,由此,文献大多选自二十世纪八十年代以后,这些文献或出自传播学经典作家之手,或出自学术评论家之手,无二不回溯并反思了经典的受众理论与方法,演绎出活的受众研究传统。另外,一反过去的一些受众研究读本的美国化倾向,三位英国编辑努力平衡展示欧美受众研究传统,并通过蒂有欧洲批判视野的学术评论揭示其内在联系与冲突。 -
Five Faces of Modernity
"Five Faces of Modernity" is a series of semantic and cultural biographies of words that have taken on special significance in the last century and a half or so: "modernity," "avant-garde," "decadence," "kitsch," and "postmodernism." The concept of modernity--the notion that we, the living, are different and somehow superior to our predecessors and that our civilization is likely to be succeeded by one even superior to ours--is a relatively recent Western invention and one whose time may already have passed, if we believe its postmodern challengers. Calinescu documents the rise of cultural modernity and, in tracing the shifting senses of the five terms under scrutiny, illustrates the intricate value judgments, conflicting orientations, and intellectual paradoxes to which it has given rise. "Five Faces of Modernity" attempts to do for the foundations of the modernist critical lexicon what earlier terminological studies have done for such complex categories as "classicism," "baroque," "romanticism," "realism," or "symbolism" and thereby fill a gap in literary scholarship. On another, more ambitious level, Calinescu deals at length with the larger issues, dilemmas, ideological tensions, and perplexities brought about by the assertion of modernity.