均勻畫上完成專業的畫─「水分充足」是水彩畫的第一步─ 任何一種天空都畫得出來─畫紙刷上水後才開始畫─ 模糊顏色的交界處─上色後鋸齒狀渲染開─ 吸收顏料變明亮─按壓的3種方式─ 畫出粗澀凹凸─乾筆式畫法─ 以樹木為主題畫上配角──顏色×透視法1 和充分魅力的樹木相會吧 用葉尖來畫好闊葉樹 樹木的綠──混色色表 許多可入畫的樹木 熱帶樹也可以成畫 -
Botanical Illustration Course
"The Botanical Illustration Course" - published with the Eden Project - is your personal guide to the study of botanical drawing and watercolour painting. Devised by an award-winning botanical artist who teaches at the Eden Project, this course takes you from basic drawing techniques to advanced skills required for the analysis of complex forms in watercolour. Following the syllabus of the botanical illustration course at the acclaimed Eden Project in Cornwall, this book offers you the opportunity to perfect the many techniques used to produce beautiful and informative plant portraits. Full of practical information, and with easy-to-follow exercises. * Pencil Drawing * Shapes in Nature * Plant dissection and bisection * Perspective * Use of tonal contrast * Line drawing and pencil shading * Colour and pigment mixing * Application of watercolour * Highlights and shiny surfaces * Composition and arrangement -
Provence Sketchbook
Provence Sketchbook takes the reader through this historically rich region that also boasts some of France?s most breathtaking landscapes. -
编辑推荐: 【立喧嚣之处,绘寂静之地】 岁月斑驳不了记忆中的街道 青春散场犹念初见时的模样 / 用画笔重建一条老街 回到青葱岁月 / 找到那时的气味和光线 云朵也变成棉花糖的形状 树影斑驳的梧桐 绿意沁人的阳台 永远热闹的洒家麻雀 / 藤蔓掩映下的铁门 轻轻一推就回到过去 / 离别是成长必经的路牌 青春猝不及防地告别 却在回忆里开出花来 内容推荐: 图书形式:本书封面与内文纸张均为精选的特种纸,特别是腰带为复古草香纸,拆下后为米莫作品的仿真原稿,完美呈现作者水彩作品的色彩与质感。 图书内容:慢慢发现,能让大家产生共鸣和兴趣的分享并非在纯粹技法上,他们更想了解一张画背后的故事。因此这几年一直在琢磨,如果在绘画技法书里融入故事板块,会不会让原本枯燥的教学内容变得有趣。 米莫喜欢老巷子,回忆旧时光,所画内容均与“念旧”有关,这是一本没有传递太多绘画技法的“技法书”, 米莫除了用镜头记录着绘画过程外,更多的是用漫画手写的方式诠释着每张画背后的故事,她将自己虚拟成一个漫画角色,贯穿在整本书里,和你聊天,和你调侃,和你一本正经地分享她初次去海边的难忘经历。 -
London Sketchbook
At once ancient and modern, Britain's cosmopolitan capital has no formal center; each of its areas boasts its own style and atmosphere. Central London's royal palaces and grand hotels vie for the onlooker's attention with its majestic parliament building. The financial district--the City--has witnessed a flowering of daring and innovative modern architecture, which now mingles with the somber Tower of London and the greatest works of Sir Christopher Wren. The village atmosphere of Hampstead and Islington contrast with the 19th-century residential areas and museum districts of London's west. Watercolor painter Graham Byfeld set out to capture the essence of the city.His impressions are captured vividly in the London Sketchbook, and accompanied by writer Marcus Binney's engaging prose exploration of London's history, people, and architecture. -
Andrew Wyeth
This lavish volume is the most comprehensive retrospective of the artists work ever produced. But what makes this book truly extraordinary are Wyeth's comments about each painting - an ' autobiography' , told through interviews with Thomas Hoving, that offers fascinating and sometimes unexpected facts about Wyeth's life and art.