《品酒:罗宾逊品酒练习册》:相对于葡萄酒的种类、产地、年代、身份等各样葡萄酒百科知识来说,其实葡萄酒的味道才是最重要的,因为这种可爱的液体,可以给我们的感官带来真实的快乐。作者罗宾逊是当今最著名的葡萄酒作家,她和休•约翰逊一同撰写了享誉世界的《葡萄酒世界地图》,她还是《牛津葡萄酒百科全书》的主编。本书是国际葡萄酒专业考试的基础入门教材。 这本葡萄酒品尝指南是写给每一个想要学会享受葡萄酒的人,无论你是一个专业品酒人士,还是葡萄酒爱好者,甚至是一个对葡萄酒一无所知的人,你都能从本书中受益。作者尤其鼓励那些初学者应该很自信,因为他们在初学阶段是最敏感的,他们的直觉不会被以前的经验所迷惑。所以在盲品当中,新手往往更加出色。 全书内容包括学会品尝、品酒环境、白葡萄和红葡萄、加烈酒和起泡酒,以及美酒搭配美食。每一章节又分为理论和练习两部分。虽然这些练习大部分都是在酒杯中完成的,但你也会被要求做一些其他的练习,比如品尝牙膏的味道,或者用茶杯来品尝葡萄酒。书中也会告诉你葡萄酒是如何酿成的,解释诸如天气以及酒瓶大小这些不同的因素是如何影响到葡萄酒的最终味道,教你如何能够从品尝葡萄酒中得到最大的乐趣。 相比如今众多的葡萄酒书籍,本书最突出的特点就是用占全书四分之一的篇幅,在第一章中详细地、专业地讲解并训练一个人的各种品尝机能,包括视觉、嗅觉、味觉、触觉,以及记忆能力的训练。一个普通的成年人可以察觉到1000种不同的气味,其中有很多都可以在葡萄酒中找到。这些知识能够帮助你从日常吃喝的任何东西中品尝出更丰富的味道。 此外还值得一提的是,本书译者是真正的葡萄酒行业专家。虽然很年轻,只有二十多岁,但已经获得多个专业比赛的全国冠军,甚至在国际比赛中也多次获奖。作者期望通过本书能够为葡萄酒专业词汇提供一种翻译标准。 最后请记住,你在此刻最享受的葡萄酒,对你来说就是这个世界上最好的葡萄酒。 -
專家必讀的葡萄酒聖經,已被翻譯成11種語言,並獲得世界各大酒類圖書大獎。是國際級葡萄酒品評權威休‧強生的不朽巨著,全球最暢銷的葡萄酒演進史。 本書內容精彩,資料收集與時俱進,從歷史故事的描寫,包括人類文明的起點、酒神崇拜,直到全球葡萄酒最新的發展現況,絕對值得一讀。 -
The Billionaire's Vinegar
It was the most expensive bottle of wine ever sold. In 1985, at a heated auction by Christie’s of London, a 1787 bottle of Château Lafite Bordeaux—one of a cache of bottles unearthed in a bricked-up Paris cellar and supposedly owned by Thomas Jefferson—went for $156,000 to a member of the Forbes family. The discoverer of the bottle was pop-band manager turned wine collector Hardy Rodenstock, who had a knack for finding extremely old and exquisite wines. But rumors about the bottle soon arose. Why wouldn’t Rodenstock reveal the exact location where it had been found? Was it part of a smuggled Nazi hoard? Or did his reticence conceal an even darker secret? It would take more than two decades for those questions to be answered and involve a gallery of intriguing players—among them Michael Broadbent, the bicycle-riding British auctioneer who speaks of wines as if they are women and staked his reputation on the record-setting sale; Serena Sutcliffe, Broadbent’s elegant archrival, whose palate is covered by a hefty insurance policy; and Bill Koch, the extravagant Florida tycoon bent on exposing the truth about Rodenstock. Pursuing the story from Monticello to London to Zurich to Munich and beyond, Benjamin Wallace also offers a mesmerizing history of wine, complete with vivid accounts of subterranean European laboratories where old vintages are dated and of Jefferson’s colorful, wine-soaked days in France, where he literally drank up the culture. Suspenseful, witty, and thrillingly strange, The Billionaire’s Vinegar is the vintage tale of what could be the most elaborate con since the Hitler diaries. It is also the debut of an exceptionally powerful new voice in narrative non-fiction. -
《法国酒庄》由二十多万字,九百余幅照片组成。此书跟《法国葡萄酒》一样,亦是刘沙四赴法国、走遍法国东西南北全部十个葡萄酒产区的采访成果。如果说《法国葡萄酒》一书第一次向中国读者详细介绍和传授了法国葡萄酒的产区分布、土壤构造、酿制过程以及饮用法国葡萄酒的方法和礼仪等基本知识,那么《法国酒庄》则从历史和人文的角度切入;通过对法国十大酒区的39个葡萄酒种植园主以及他们整个家族的采访,向人们揭示了“酒庄文化”、“家族情结”这一法国葡萄酒发展历史中的独特传承和诗意现象。 在《法国酒庄》一书中,我们看到了如今在法国几乎都已失传甚至消失了的古老的酿酒技术,如脚踩、手捏;如转瓶、滚桶等。而那些如今只可能在电影里才能看到的“葡萄成熟了,爱情也成熟了”的场景,在《法国酒庄》里竟也再现了出来。更难能可贵的是,法国历史上的一些大事件如英法百年战争、法国大革命以及历史上风云际会的人物,如拿破仑、圣女贞德和路易十六等也贯穿在了这些家族的光辉岁月里。这是因为刘沙采访的这39个葡萄酒家族跟法国历史上的一些重大事件戚戚相关,由此更证明了法国酒庄的历史就是法兰西历史的缩影和传承。而这也正是《法国酒庄》一书与众不同的精彩之处:由点及面、由浅入深,由家族而社会、由文化而历史。 法国食品协会大中华区总监毕杜维先生在《法国酒庄》一书的序中说:“刘沙向我们打开了葡萄酒庄之门,为我们倾诉了葡萄园的秘史,让我们了解了法国葡萄酒的魅力以及一杯葡萄酒所带来的玄机。” -
A History of the World in 6 Glasses
Whatever your favourite tipple, when you pour yourself a drink, you have the past in a glass. You can likely find them all in your own kitchen — beer, wine, spirits, coffee, tea, cola. Line them up on the counter, and there you have it: thousands of years of human history in six drinks. Tom Standage opens a window onto the past in this tour of six beverages that remain essentials today. En route he makes fascinating forays into the byways of western culture: Why were ancient Egyptians buried with beer? Why was wine considered a “classier” drink than beer by the Romans? How did rum grog help the British navy defeat Napoleon? What is the relationship between coffee and revolution? And how did Coca-Cola become the number one poster-product for globalization decades before the term was even coined? From the Hardcover edition.