The Alliance
A New York Times Bestseller Introducing the new, realistic loyalty pact between employer and employee. The employer-employee relationship is broken, and managers face a seemingly impossible dilemma: the old model of guaranteed long-term employment no longer works in a business environment defined by continuous change, but neither does a system in which every employee acts like a free agent. The solution? Stop thinking of employees as either family or as free agents. Think of them instead as allies. As a manager you want your employees to help transform the company for the future. And your employees want the company to help transform their careers for the long term. But this win-win scenario will happen only if both sides trust each other enough to commit to mutual investment and mutual benefit. Sadly, trust in the business world is hovering at an all-time low. We can rebuild that lost trust with straight talk that recognizes the realities of the modern economy. So, paradoxically, the alliance begins with managers acknowledging that great employees might leave the company, and with employees being honest about their own career aspirations. By putting this new alliance at the heart of your talent management strategy, you'll not only bring back trust, you'll be able to recruit and retain the entrepreneurial individuals you need to adapt to a fast-changing world. These individuals, flexible, creative, and with a bias toward action, thrive when they're on a specific "tour of duty"--when they have a mission that's mutually beneficial to employee and company that can be completed in a realistic period of time. Coauthored by the founder of LinkedIn, this bold but practical guide for managers and executives will give you the tools you need to recruit, manage, and retain the kind of employees who will make your company thrive in today's world of constant innovation and fast-paced change. "This book will force you to see the future, it will show you new models of work, and it has the eminence and perspective to make your entire team think... an important new book which is well worth a read." -- Forbes "an essential handbook for dealing with the challenges of managing an ever more connected, ever more mobile workforce." -- Barnes & Noble "In a provocative new book, the father of social networks reveals a startling new way to reframe the relationship between employers and employees." -- Fortune magazine ADVANCE PRAISE for The Alliance: Jeffrey R. Immelt, Chairman and CEO, General Electric-- "GE is competing in its third century. The key to sustained performance is developing competitive leaders in every era. The Alliance captures the essence of modern talent development: trust and mutual value creation helps both employer and employee compete in the marketplace. The authors lay out a framework that helps big companies as well as start-ups develop their people more effectively, while creating a competitive team." Kenneth I. Chenault, Chairman and CEO, American Express-- "Engaged employees are the key to success in any business. The Alliance is a terrific book that offers real-world insights on how to build loyalty, inspire creativity, and manage winning teams for the long term." -
《如何成为金牌自由翻译》就是从实用角度和从业者的角度,对自由翻译作了全面而又细致的介绍,比如什么是自由翻译,自由翻译的成长心得和炼金术,所遇到的一些常见问题以及解决方法。翻译,往往给人一种古老而又神秘的印象,甚至还有些神圣感,比如历史上著名的佛经翻译。实际上,翻译离学外语的人并不遥远。也许有人会问:“有没有明确的方向来指引我怎样做翻译啊?”需要特别说明的是,《如何成为金牌自由翻译》的翻译技巧和心得,虽然主要针对英语翻译,但是这些“秘笈”实际上对其他语种的翻译也是适用的。大同小异,其他语种的译员稍微变通一下就可以吸收。考虑到自己一家之言难免有不足之处,笔者还专门采访了10多位优秀的成功翻译人士,多角度介绍了他们做翻译的经验、心得,比如女士做翻译应该怎样避免电脑辐射,小语种译员的从业心得以及营销策略,等等。希望能“授”读者以“渔”。 -
内容简介 一本真正关注中国员工命运的书。企业缺乏竞争力,核心是员工缺乏胜任力。一个成功的企业应由训练有素,经验丰富,胜任岗位的员工组成,培养和提升员工的胜任力是企业进步的唯一通路。胜任的员工,企业会不断地任用,培训和重用!不胜任的员工,如果不及时地改变自己,让自己尽早胜任,就很容易被企业淘汰!本书对于提高员工胜任力精炼出五大指标:1.习惯于找方法 2.树立结果意识 3.拥有创新思维 4.主动自发做事 5.忠诚和负责任身处中国职场,当你能实现上述五个方面时,你一定会被公司视为合格的胜任者。而这本书对于中国企业培养和提升“员工胜任力”具有很好的实践及指导作用。 编辑推荐 1.世界成功企业的第一选才标准 2.未来,我们很难靠学历取得终身受雇的机会,但却可以靠培养和提高“胜任能力”而存活下来。 3.怎样才算是一名优秀的员工呢?作为一个独立的员工,你必须与公司制定的长期计划保持步调一致,自觉主动地提升自身的胜任能力,不要把奖金和薪水作为你工作的唯一动力。 ——比尔·盖茨 国内第一本胜任力培训使用手册,第一本真正关注中国员工命运的书。 在任何企业里,胜任的人最容易脱颖而出!在老板心中,最胜任的员工最具有分量!可以说:无法胜任就无法执行,无法胜任就无法成功!什么是胜任?胜任,是努力为企业创造良好效益;是积极成为领导的左臂右膀;是从来不找借口而是找方法;是不折不扣地执行并完成上级交付的任务;是对企业怀有一丝不苟的责任心和忠诚! 目录 者上,平者让;庸者下,劣者汰 胜任:世界成功企业的第一选才标准 胜任力5大指标 1、不找借口找方法,胜任才是硬道理 不找借口找方法,胜任才是硬道理 工作最怕不到位,到位才会有好位 胜任——就是超乎别人的期望 不要抱怨不公平,你的努力还不够 价值体现在懂得怎么做 2、功劳重于苦劳,结果重于过程 一两智慧胜过十吨辛苦 知道不如做到,要做就做最好 以最少投入,获最大产出 结果第一,过程第二 每个企业都需要的一种干部 3、思路决定出路,脑袋决定口袋 思路决定出路,脑袋决定口袋 没有做不到,只有想不到 应变力有多强,舞台就有多大 危机是危险也是契机,经验是宝藏也是陷阱 要想知道,打个颠倒 4、“适”者生存,“试”者成功 世界属于敢“试”者,进取才能胜任 认准的事,开始做就有办法 有困难要上,没有困难创造困难也要上 付出越多,机会越多 你说你行你就行,你的命运你决定 5、终身受雇力,铸造金饭碗 胜任力,你的终身受雇力 可靠性远比个人能力重要 忠诚,一切能力的统帅 让肚子吃饱,还要让大脑吃好 -
《毕业5年决定你的一生2》内容简介:面对激烈的职场竞争,即将毕业的大学生感到茫然,繁忙的上班族也总心存困惑。我应该先创业还是先就业?我转行的风险有多大?公司里高手如云,如何才能从“蘑菇堆”里脱颖而出……而毕业5年内形成的心智模式和工作习惯将会影响你一生。 相比第一版,《毕业5年决定你的一生Ⅱ》中增加了作者对职场奋斗的新思考和新体验,对于具体如何规划“毕业5年”有更强的实操性。本书中,作者从选择正确的方向、带薪学习的态度、高效做事创造机会、发挥个性做最好的自己、搭建人脉桥梁掌握未来、以阳光心态取胜于职场等六个方面展开阐释,针对性强,语言精辟,事例生动,贴近读者,具有很强的实践指导作用。 -
The 4-Hour Work Week
Tim Ferriss has trouble defining what he does for a living. Depending on when you ask this controversial Princeton University guest lecturer, he might answer: ‘I race motorcycles in Europe’ ‘I ski in the Andes’ ‘I scuba dive in Panama’ ‘I dance tango in Buenos Aires’ He has spent more than five years learning the secrets of the ‘New Rich’, a fast-growing subculture that has abandoned the ‘deferred-life plan’ and instead mastered the new currencies – time and mobility – to create a new way of living. Why wait a lifetime for your retirement when you can enjoy luxury now? Whether your dream is escaping the rat race, experiencing first class world travel, earning a monthly five-figure income with no management, or just living more and working less, this book is the blueprint. Join Tim Ferriss as he teaches you: - How to outsource your life to overseas virtual assistants for $5 per hour and do whatever you want - How blue chip escape artists travel the world without quitting their jobs - How to eliminate 50% of your work in 48 hours using the principles of a forgotten Italian economist - How exchange your career for life for short work bursts and frequent ‘mini-retirements’ - How to train your boss to value performance over presence, or kill your job (or company) if it’s beyond repair - How to cultivate selective ignorance – and create time – with a low-information diet - How to get free housing worldwide and airfare at 50-80% off - How to fill the void and create a meaningful life after removing work and the office Learn about this and more to live the life you want – now. -
《每天学点管理学全集》结合真实、生动的实例,将管理的妙招一一展示:如何让自己成为榜样?如何让下属心服口服?如何实现与员工的无障碍沟通?如何把大家拧成一股绳?当然,管理不是一朝一夕的事,管理实效的取得也不是立竿见影的,管理方面的智慧光靠书本是远远不够的。在此真诚地希望那些在管理学中有所作为的读者朋友和想在管理方面有所突破的读者朋友们能认真阅读《每天学点管理学全集》,并在实践中完善发展自己的管理观念。 海报: 点击链接进入 : 简单管理 做最好的中层 向海底捞学习