機動戦士ガンダム00 高河ゆんデザインワークス
ななつの月、清明、戦闘機とサクリファイス----。 すべての謎の答えを求め、戦闘機の学校である七声学園へと赴く立夏と草灯。 高河ゆんが描く至高のラブストーリー! -
突然立夏の前に姿をあらわした清明。 清明への繋がりを断つまいと、清明の戦闘機である二世を捉える立夏と草灯。 しばしの後、二世とキオを交換しようという提案が清明からなされる。 清明の手に落ちたキオ――……選ぶ余地もなく、二人はキオを救うべく清明の下へと向かう…!! 高河ゆんが描く大人気作最新刊、ついに登場!! -
Loveless, Volume 2
As Ritsuka continues to mourn the loss of his brother Seimei, he endures abuse at home, bullying at school, and the threat of new assassins on his tracks. Can he sort through it all and unlock the secret behind Seimei's death? -
Loveless 07
Loveless 3
After a grueling battle against the powerful Zeros, Soubi is badly injured, and in spite of his training, the pain almost too much to bear. He goes to see Ritsuka, but Soubi's erratic behavior and unpredictable emotions take over, and he abruptly storms away before Ritsuka can care for him. Ritsuka is left tormented and confused...but the mystery behind the death of his older brother is about to take an unbelievable turn. Ritsuka finally decodes the message left by Sleepless and goes to meet one of the members of Septimal Moon!