《资本论》全称(资本论·政治经济学批判》。是西方哲学大体系缔造者中的最后一人——卡尔·马克思经济学说中最主要的著作,同时也是马克思主义的重要的百科全书,更是研究资本主义社会经济形态的巅峰之作。 《资本论》创建了一个崭新的思想体系。其研究世界的方法源于德国哲学、早期社会主义理论和政治经济学。马克思像黑格尔一样;相信能够用一个辩证法公式概括人类的进化历程。他认为,所有哲学家所做的一切都在致力于解释世界,但他同时认为,问题的关键在于如何改变世界。他在黑格尔辩证法的基础之上,颠覆了传统的“形而上学”,建立了一个现实中得以实践的最大的思想体系,一个影响到地球50%以上人口的体系。 ... -
The New York Times bestselling author heralds the future of business in Free . In his revolutionary bestseller, The Long Tail , Chris Anderson demonstrated how the online marketplace creates niche markets, allowing products and consumers to connect in a way that has never been possible before. Now, in Free , he makes the compelling case that in many instances businesses can profit more from giving things away than they can by charging for them. Far more than a promotional gimmick, Free is a business strategy that may well be essential to a company's survival. The costs associated with the growing online economy are trending toward zero at an incredible rate. Never in the course of human history have the primary inputs to an industrial economy fallen in price so fast and for so long. Just think that in 1961, a single transistor cost $10; now Intel's latest chip has two billion transistors and sells for $300 (or 0.000015 cents per transistor--effectively too cheap to price). The traditional economics of scarcity just don't apply to bandwidth, processing power, and hard-drive storage. Yet this is just one engine behind the new Free, a reality that goes beyond a marketing gimmick or a cross-subsidy. Anderson also points to the growth of the reputation economy; explains different models for unleashing the power of Free; and shows how to compete when your competitors are giving away what you're trying to sell. In Free , Chris Anderson explores this radical idea for the new global economy and demonstrates how this revolutionary price can be harnessed for the benefit of consumers and businesses alike. -
本书是当代经济学泰斗、1970年诺贝尔经济学奖得主萨缪尔森的不朽经济学著作,自1948年问世以来就广受赞誉,先后被翻译成40多种文字出版,是有史以来发行量最大、至今在全球范围内仍然被广泛采用的经济学教科书。第18版为2005年修订的最新版,在经历了前17版的积累和沉淀之后,无论在内容还是在形式上都已经近乎完美,而且在融入了时代变革的元素和新的案例和数据之后,《经济学》(第18版)可谓是更上一层楼。 全书共7编34章:包括基本概念,供给、需求和产品市场,要素市场,应用国际贸易、政府和环境,经济增长与商业周期,经济发展、经济增长与全球经济以及失业、通货膨胀与经济政策等内容。囊括了微观经济学和宏观经济学领域的大部分知识。在保持“把注意力始终放在经济学的基本概念和核心理论”这一风格的前提下,本书对金融经济学、网络经济学、环境经济学,以及全球化背景下的国际经济与贸易做了重点论述或重写,对前沿的实践及理论成果,对国际化外包、股息税改革、品牌价值以及行为经济学等也给出了最新的介绍。 本书适合于高等院校经济学专业、财经类专业本科生及教师,MPA、MBA、MBA、EMBA学员及教师,理论研究者,政府工作人员,企事业管理者及一般读者学习和研究之用。 -
The Undercover Economist
An economist's version of The Way Things Work, this engaging volume is part field guide to economics and part expose of the economic principles lurking behind daily events, explaining everything from traffic jams to high coffee prices. The Undercover Economist is for anyone who's wondered why the gap between rich and poor nations is so great, or why they can't seem to find a decent second-hand car, or how to outwit Starbucks. This book offers the hidden story behind these and other questions, as economist Tim Harford ranges from Africa, Asia, Europe, and of course the United States to reveal how supermarkets, airlines, and coffee chains--to name just a few--are vacuuming money from our wallets. Harford punctures the myths surrounding some of today's biggest controversies, including the high cost of health-care; he reveals why certain environmental laws can put a smile on a landlord's face; and he explains why some industries can have high profits for innocent reasons, while in other industries something sinister is going on. Covering an array of economic concepts including scarce resources, market power, efficiency, price gouging, market failure, inside information, and game theory, Harford sheds light on how these forces shape our day-to-day lives, often without our knowing it. Showing us the world through the eyes of an economist, Tim Harford reveals that everyday events are intricate games of negotiations, contests of strength, and battles of wits. Written with a light touch and sly wit, The Undercover Economist turns "the dismal science" into a true delight. -
Irrational Exuberance
This first edition of this book was a broad study, drawing on a wide range of published research and historical evidence, of the enormous stock market boom that started around 1982 and picked up incredible speed after 1995. Although it took as its specific starting point this ongoing boom, it placed it in the context of stock market booms generally, and it also made concrete suggestions regarding policy changes that should be initiated in response to this and other such booms. The book argued that the boom represents a speculative bubble, not grounded in sensible economic fundamentals. Part one of the book considered structural factors behind the boom. A list of twelve precipitating factors that appear to be its ultimate causes was given. Amplification mechanisms, naturally-occurring Ponzi processes, that enlarge the effects of these precipitating factors, were described. Part Two discussed cultural factors, the effects of the news media, and of "new era" economic thinking. Part Three discussed psychological factors, psychological anchors for the market and herd behavior. Part Four discussed attempts to rationalize exuberance: efficient markets theory and theories that investors are learning. Part Five presented policy options and actions that should be taken. The second edition, 2005, added an analysis of the real estate bubble as similar to the stock market bubble that preceded it, and warned that "Significant further rises in these markets could lead, eventually, to even more significant declines. The bad outcome could be that eventual declines would result in a substantial increase in the rate of personal bankruptcies, which could lead to a secondary string of bankruptcies of financial institutions as well. Another long-run consequence could be a decline in consumer and business confidence, and another, possibly worldwide, recession." Thus, the second edition of this book was among the first to warn of the global financial crisis that began with the subprime mortgage debacle in 2007 点击链接进入中文版: 非理性繁荣(第2版) -
本书展现了20世纪22位经济学大师的人生哲学和治学态度,其中包括九位诺贝尔经济学纪念奖获得者。 本书提供了一个难得的机会,使读者能够与波罗、萨缪尔森、丁伯根等大师进行面对面的交流,了解到经济学和经济学家在理论原理和计量经济学模型之外还有许多东西。……无论哪个年龄段的经济学家都应该读这本书。对于刚开始经济学生涯的那些人,本书更是必读之作。