《经济学的思维方式》是风靡国际的一部另类的经典经济学教科书。与主流经济学教材不同,本书回避了繁复的公式、函数、运算,通过深入浅出和饶有趣味的图画,将日常生活中纷繁复杂、看似毫无关联的一些社会现象,和一套富有一致性的思维框架结合起来,展现出一种“经济学的想象力”。正如道格拉斯•诺斯所说,经济学的力量就在于它是一种思维方式,本书的目的正是引导读者学会经济学推理方式,从而能够像经济学家一样思考问题。 《经济学的思维方式》已经被翻译成多种语言,享誉全世界,堪称经济学教育领域的一部标尺性著作。自2008年第11版翻译引进以来,在大专院校和非专业读者中都引起了相当的反响,荣获了多项优秀图书奖。作者在11版的基础上,对全书的结构和内容作了大量修订,带给读者全新的认识。影印第12版除了序言和前言采用中文,正文与英文原书完全一致,让读者充分体验阅读原文的乐趣与收获。 经济学对学习者真正有用的,是在这些错综复杂的理论背后,所反映出的一套观察个人行为及社会现象的思维方式。保罗•海恩的《经济学的思维方式》以对活生生的、日常发生的现象解析来阐述此点,并帮助学生学会像经济学家那样思维,有助于初学者掌握现代经济学的精髓。 ——林毅夫 -
Economic Gangsters
Meet the economic gangster. He's the United Nations diplomat who double-parks his Mercedes on New York City streets at rush hour because the cops can't touch him--he has diplomatic immunity. He's the Chinese smuggler who dodges tariffs by magically transforming frozen chickens into frozen turkeys. The dictator, the warlord, the unscrupulous bureaucrat who bilks the developing world of billions in aid. The calculating crook who views stealing and murder as just another part of his business strategy. And, in the wrong set of circumstances, he might just be you. In Economic Gangsters, Raymond Fisman and Edward Miguel take readers into the secretive, chaotic, and brutal worlds inhabited by these lawless and violent thugs. Join these two sleuthing economists as they follow the foreign aid money trail into the grasping hands of corrupt governments and shady underworld characters. Spend time with ingenious black marketeers as they game the international system. Follow the steep rise and fall of stock prices of companies with unseemly connections to Indonesia's former dictator. See for yourself what rainfall has to do with witch killings in Tanzania--and more. Fisman and Miguel use economics to get inside the heads of these "gangsters," and propose solutions that can make a difference to the world's poor--including cash infusions to defuse violence in times of drought, and steering the World Bank away from aid programs most susceptible to corruption. Take an entertaining walk on the dark side of global economic development with Economic Gangsters. Economic Gangsters is a fascinating exploration into the dark side of economic development… Subjected to their genius, seemingly inconsequential events (like New York City parking tickets and Suharto catching a cold) become potent tools in understanding how the world really works. Rarely has a book on economics been this fun and this important. — Steven D. Levitt, coauthor of Freakonomics -
《真实世界的经济学》收集的,大部分是我1995年回国到北大任教以后为报章杂志陆续写下的文章。回头一看,时间过得很快。在《真实世界的经济学》中,收在“另眼看垄断”栏目下的文章,其实差不多都是我参加水工研究的“副产品”。作为一个“电信经济问题专家”我是1998年秋“卷入”电信开放市场的论战的,大部分有关文章已经收入了三联书店出版的《数网竞争》一书:我对网络产业经济问题的认识全部来自“I水工”。更一般而论,大凡在所谓“自然垄断”、“规模经济”之上加上了“国家行政垄断”的行为,经济逻辑如出一辙。《真实世界的经济学》的一些文章,放胆去“碰”教育、邮政、股市,分析的思路都是一样的,只是各业的具体约束不同,“碰”起来多彩多姿,各有各的意思。 -
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
In 1936 Keynes published the most provocative book written by any economist of his generation. The General Theory, as it is known to all economists, cut through all the Gordian Knots of pre-Keynesian discussion of the trade cycle and propounded a new approach to the determination of the level of economic activity, the problems of employment and unemployment, the causes of inflation, the strategies of budgetary policy. Arguments about the book continued until his death in 1946 and still continue today. Despite all that has been written in the subsequent years, Keynes and his book still represent the turning-point between the old economics and the new from which each generation of economists needs to take its inspiration and its point of departure towards fresh attempts to carry his work further. This new edition features a new Introduction by Paul Krugman which discusses the significance and continued relevance of The General Theory. -
《经济解释》一书,收集了张教授1968年至1998年在各种杂志上发表的25篇文章,基本上囊括了教授的学术思想。1982年,张教授在港大的就职演说中倡导:让我们做经济解释的弄潮儿。这本集子,正是这一思想的贯彻。张教授坚信,经济学必须是解释现象的科学,只有能够解释现象的经济理论才具有生命力。自(19)50、60年代兴起的经济解释的浪潮中,张教授无疑是最优秀的弄潮儿之一。 在《经济解释》这部书稿中,张五常融入了一项新颖、重要、被广泛解释、而所有现行教科书均迟迟没有载入的内容,那就是“新制度经济学”的研究成果——产权和交易费用理论。这些内容当然是《经济解释》最精彩的部分之一。读者将有关的章节与科斯和阿尔钦的结论比照,就不难看出“青”是否胜于“蓝”了。 《经济解释》理论体系的另一特点是,它逻辑划一、前后连贯、一气呵成,并无“微观”与“宏观”之分。大部分风行一时的宏观经济理论模型已经被事实推翻。由于《经济解释》只阐述至今依然坚如磐石的经济原理,而不充当经济思想史的展览馆,所以它比现行的“萨缪尔森体系”的经济学教科书更加可靠。 书中,张五常利用了卡尔纳普和波普尔等人的科学哲学成果,用以处理经济学的概念和构筑经济学的体系。他恪守逻辑经验主义的科学原则,拒斥学术上的投机取巧,与浮夸卖弄的学者形成鲜明对照。 张五常为我们提供了一个洁净的学术范本,读者可以从中领悟,一个接受了扎实科学训练的人,是如何冷却自己的情感,将“好不好”(价值判断)、“怎么办”(政策建议)和“为什么”(科学解释)三者划得泾渭分明的。 张五常列举了大量实例,尤其是立足亚洲的实例。充满数学符号的经济学著作,已经汗牛充栋;但以真实例子取胜的经济学著作,则依然寥廖无几——无疑,《国富论》是一本,《经济解释》也将是一本。 -