本书介绍如何用Python开发科学计算的应用程序,除了介绍数值计算之外,还着重介绍如何制作交互式的2D、3D图像,如何设计精巧的程序界面,如何与C语言编写的高速计算程序结合,如何编写声音、图像处理算法等内容。书中涉及的Python扩展库包括NumPy、SciPy、SymPy、matplotlib、Traits、TraitsUI、Chaco、TVTK、Mayavi、VPython、OpenCV等,涉及的应用领域包括数值运算、符号运算、二维图表、三维数据可视化、三维动画演示、图像处理以及界面设计等。 书中以大量实例引导读者逐步深入学习,每个实例程序都有详尽的解释,并都能在本书推荐的运行环境中正常运行。此外,本书附有大量的图表和插图,力求减少长篇的理论介绍和公式推导,以便读者通过实例和数据学习并掌握理论知识。 -
Approximation Algorithms
'This book covers the dominant theoretical approaches to the approximate solution of hard combinatorial optimization and enumeration problems. It contains elegant combinatorial theory, useful and interesting algorithms, and deep results about the intrinsic complexity of combinatorial problems. Its clarity of exposition and excellent selection of exercises will make it accessible and appealing to all those with a taste for mathematics and algorithms' - Richard Karp, University Professor, University of California at Berkeley. Following the development of basic combinatorial optimization techniques in the 1960s and 1970s, a main open question was to develop a theory of approximation algorithms. In the 1990s, parallel developments in techniques for designing approximation algorithms as well as methods for proving hardness of approximation results have led to a beautiful theory. The need to solve truly large instances of computationally hard problems, such as those arising from the Internet or the human genome project, has also increased interest in this theory. The field is currently very active, with the toolbox of approximation algorithm design techniques getting always richer. It is a pleasure to recommend Vijay Vazirani's well-written and comprehensive book on this important and timely topic. "I am sure the reader will find it most useful both as an introduction to approximability as well as a reference to the many aspects of approximation algorithms' - Laszlo Lovasz, Senior Researcher, Microsoft Research. -
Approximation Algorithms
Covering the basic techniques used in the latest research work, the author consolidates progress made so far, including some very recent and promising results, and conveys the beauty and excitement of work in the field. He gives clear, lucid explanations of key results and ideas, with intuitive proofs, and provides critical examples and numerous illustrations to help elucidate the algorithms. Many of the results presented have been simplified and new insights provided. Of interest to theoretical computer scientists, operations researchers, and discrete mathematicians. -
创造稳定的软件需要有效的算法,但是程序设计者们很少能在问题出现之前就想到。《算法技术手册(影印版)》描述了现有的可以解决多种问题的算法,并且能够帮助你根据需求选择并实现正确的算法——只需要一定的数学知识即可理解并分析算法执行。相对于理论来说,本书更注重实际运用,书中提供了多种程序语言中可用的有效代码解决方案,可轻而易举地适合一个特定的项目。有了这本书,你可以: 解决特定编码问题或改进现有解决方案的执行; 迅速确定与需要解决的问题相关的算法,并判定为什么这样的算法是正确的; 探索C、C++、Java、Ruby中的算法解决方案,伴有实现诀窍; 了解一个算法预期的执行情况及最佳的执行条件; 发现不同算法中相似设计产生的冲突; 学习先进的数据结构以改进算法效率。 有了《算法技术手册》,你可以学习如何改进算法的性能,这是软件应用成功的关键。 -
蚁群算法是意大利学者Dorigo等人于1991年创立的,是继神经网络、遗传算法、免疫算法之后的又一种新兴的启发式搜索算法。蚂蚁群体是一种社会性昆虫,它们有组织、有分工,还有通讯系统,它们相互协作,能完成从蚁穴到食物源寻找最短路径的复杂任务。模拟蚂蚁群体智能的人工蚁群算法具有分布计算、信息正反馈和启发式搜索的特点,不仅在求解组合优化问题中获得广泛应用,而且也用于连续时间系统的优化。 《蚁群算法及其应用》是国内首部蚁群算法的专著,系统地阐述蚁群算法的基本原理、基本蚁群算法及改进算法,蚁群算法与遗传、免疫算法的融合,自适应蚁群算法,并行蚁群算法,蚁群算法的收敛性与理论模型及其在优化问题中的应用。 《蚁群算法及其应用》可供人工智能、计算机科学、信息科学、控制工程、管理工程、交通工程、网络工程、智能优化算法及智能自动化等领域的广大师生和科技人员学习及参考。 -
本书采用程序员最爱用的面向对象C+ +语言来描述数据结构和算法,并把数据结构原理和算法分析技术有机地结合在一起,系统介绍了各种类型的数据结构和排序、检索的各种方法。作者非常注意对每一种数据结构不同存储方法及有关算法进行分析比较。书中还引入了一些比较高级的数据结构与先进的算法分析技术,并介绍了可计算性理论的一般知识。本版的重要改进在于引入了参数化的模板,从而提高了算法中数据类型的通用性,支持高效的代码重用。本书概念清楚、逻辑性强、内容新颖,可作为大专院校计算机软件专业与计算机应用专业学生的教材和参考书,也可供计算机工程技术人员参考。