人类正在步入与机器共存的科幻世界?看《纽约时报》畅销书作者讲述算法和机器学习技术如何悄然接管人类社会,带我们走进一个算法统治的世界。 今天,算法涉足的领域已经远远超出了其创造者的预期。特别是进入信息时代以后,算法的应用涵盖金融、医疗、法律、体育、娱乐、外交、文化、国家安全等诸多方面,显现出源于人类而又超乎人类的强大威力。本书是《纽约时报》畅销书作者的又一力作,通过一个又一个引人入胜的故事,向读者介绍了算法掌控世界的真实情况,揭示了“机器人革命”是如何悄悄地在我们身边发生的。 本书适合任何对科技史、信息革命、算法原理、数据分析感兴趣的读者。 Christopher Steiner 创业公司Aisle50共同创始人及联席CEO,《福布斯》杂志和《芝加哥论坛报》科技专栏特约作者,《纽约时报》畅销书作者,另著有全美畅销书《油价30元/升》。另外,他常在各种会议就科技、算法、大数据等主题发表演说,阐释算法与大数据如何塑造、变革、掌控人类生活。 -
Cracking the Coding Interview
封面图片为英国伯明翰塞尔福瑞吉百货大楼,其极具线条感的轮廓外型优美,犹如水波的流动。其外表悬挂了1.5万个铝碟,创造出一种极具现代气息的纹理装饰效果,有如夜空下水流的波光粼粼,闪烁于月光之下,使建筑的商业氛围表现到极致。设计该建筑的英国“未来系统建筑事物所”,将商场内部围合成一个顶部采光的中庭,配以交叉的自动扶梯,使购物环境呈现出一种凝聚的向心力和商业广告的展示效应。作为英国第二商业城市伯明翰的建筑地标,人们称该建筑为“未来的百货商店”。因其设计构思的前卫性,该建筑获得2004年英国皇家建筑学会的“建筑设计奖”和2004年“英国皇家工艺美术委员会奖”等多个奖项。 本书从计算机科学领域的角度出发,介绍了信息检索的基础知识,并对当前信息检索的发展做了回顾,重点介绍了搜索引擎的核心技术,如文档分类和文档聚类问题,以及机器学习和数值计算方法。书中所有重要的思想都用示例进行了解释,生动形象,引人入胜,实现了理论与实战的完美结合。 本书的三位作者均是信息检索领域的顶级专家,两位来自学术教育界,一位来自硅谷业界,使本书既具备深厚的理论基础,又代表了尖端科技水准。因此,该书甫一出版,即被奉为该领域的权威著作,备受瞩目。目前已被众多世界名校采用为信息检索课程的教材。 -
Randomized Algorithms
For many applications, a randomized algorithm is either the simplest or the fastest algorithm available, and sometimes both. This book introduces the basic concepts in the design and analysis of randomized algorithms. The first part of the text presents basic tools such as probability theory and probabilistic analysis that are frequently used in algorithmic applications. Algorithmic examples are also given to illustrate the use of each tool in a concrete setting. In the second part of the book, each chapter focuses on an important area to which randomized algorithms can be applied, providing a comprehensive and representative selection of the algorithms that might be used in each of these areas. Although written primarily as a text for advanced undergraduates and graduate students, this book should also prove invaluable as a reference for professionals and researchers. -
The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4, Fascicle 2
From the Back Cover This multivolume work on the analysis of algorithms has long been recognized as the definitive description of classical computer science. The three complete volumes published to date already comprise a unique and invaluable resource in programming theory and practice. Countless readers have spoken about the profound personal influence of Knuth's writings. Scientists have marveled at the beauty and elegance of his analysis, while practicing programmers have successfully applied his "cookbook" solutions to their day-to-day problems. All have admired Knuth for the breadth, clarity, accuracy, and good humor found in his books. To begin the fourth and later volumes of the set, and to update parts of the existing three, Knuth has created a series of small books called fascicles, which will be published t regular intervals. Each fascicle will encompass a section or more of wholly new or evised material. Ultimately, the content of these fascicles will be rolled up into the comprehensive, final versions of each volume, and the enormous undertaking that began in 1962 will be complete. Volume 4, Fascicle 2 This fascicle inaugurates the eagerly awaited publication of Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4: Combinatorial Algorithms. Part of what will be a long chapter on combinatorial searching, the fascicle begins his treatment of how to generate all possibilities. Specifically, it discusses the generation of all n-tuples, then extends those ideas to all permutations. Such algorithms provide a natural motivation by means of which many of the key ideas of combinatorial mathematics can be introduced and explored. In this and other fascicles of Volume 4, Knuth illuminates important theories by discussing related games and puzzles. Even serious programming can be fun. -