《算法竞赛入门经典》是一本算法竞赛的入门教材,把C/C++语言、算法和解题有机地结合在了一起,淡化理论,注重学习方法和实践技巧。全书内容分为11章,包括程序设计入门、循环结构程序设计、数组和字符串、函数和递归、基础题目选解、数据结构基础、暴力求解法、高效算法设计、动态规划初步、数学概念与方法、图论模型与算法,覆盖了算法竞赛入门所需的主要知识点,并附有大量习题。书中的代码规范、简洁、易懂,不仅能帮助读者理解算法原理,还能教会读者很多实用的编程技巧。另外,书中包含的各种开发、测试和调试技巧也是在传统的语言、算法类书籍中难以见到的。 《算法竞赛入门经典》可作为全国青少年信息学奥林匹克联赛(NOIP)的复赛教材及ACM国际大学。 -
本书是极负盛名的C语言入门经典教材,其第一版发行至今已有20年的历史。本书内容详实全面,由浅入深,示例丰富,并在每个章节后面附有部分习题,非常适合读者自学使用。除此之外,《C语言编程》一书对于C语言标准的最新进展、C语言常见开发工具以及管理C语言大型项目等重要方面,也进行了深入浅出的说明。 -
More Exceptional C++
More Exceptional C++ continues where Herb Sutter's best-selling Exceptional C++ left off, delivering 40 puzzles that illuminate the most challenging -- and most powerful -- aspects of C++. More Exceptional C++ offers many new puzzles focused on generic programming and the C++ Standard Template Library, including important techniques such as traits and predicates, as well as key considerations in using standard containers and algorithms -- many of them never covered elsewhere. More Exceptional C++ contains a detailed new section (and two appendices) on optimization in single- and multithreaded environments. It also provides important new insights on crucial topics first introduced in Exceptional C++, including exception safety, generic programming, and memory management. For all C++ programmers. -
Write Great Code
The second volume in the Write Great Code series supplies the critical information that today's computer science students don't often get from college and university courses: How to carefully choose their high-level language statements to produce efficient code. Write Great Code, Volume 2: Thinking Low-Level, Writing High-Level, teaches software engineers how compilers translate high-level language statements and data structures into machine code. Armed with this knowledge, a software engineer can make an informed choice concerning the use of those high-level structures to help the compiler produce far better machine code--all without having to give up the productivity and portability benefits of using a high-level language. -
各位程序员一定希望自己编写的代码是能让老板赞赏、满意的代码;是能让客户乐意掏钱购买的代码;是能让使用者顺利使用的代码;是能让同行欣赏赞誉的代码;是能让自己引以为豪的卓越代码。本书作者为希望能编写出卓越代码的人提供了自己积累的关于卓越编程的真知灼见。它弥补了计算机科学和工程课程中被忽略的一个部分——底层细节,而这正是构建卓越代码的基石。具体内容包括:计算机数据表示法,二进制数学运算与位运算,内存组织与内存访问,数据类型及其表示,布尔逻辑与数字设计,CPU体系结构,CPU指令集的体系结构,内存体系与内存组织,计算机系统如何与外界通信等。... -