★《华尔街日报》2012年度十佳非虚构图书 ★亚马逊网站2012年编辑选择之百佳图书 ★《出版人周刊》2012年春季十佳科学类图书 【内容简介】 基因组让你成为人,连接组让你成为你。 每个人都是独特的,我们早就清楚这一点,但科学家一直没有弄明白人的独特性体现在哪里。承现 峻认为,它就藏在大脑神经元的连接方式中。连接组(connectome)是指神经系统中神经元连接的总和,是遗传和生活经历发生相互作用的结果,是先天与后天的结合点。 承现峻的文字优雅清晰,富于幽默感,他在书中介绍了神经科学的发展历程、基础知识,以及连接组学的研究方法与成果。这项工作如同攀登科学界的珠穆朗玛峰,如果成功,将为个性、智能、记忆等的研究提供基础,对孤独症、阿尔茨海默症、精神分裂症等精神疾病的治疗产生极大影响,人工智能也将由此获得希望。 【媒体评论】 著名神经科学家承现峻教授用生动的笔触,描写了世界各国神经科学家正在开展的一项探索大脑奥秘的宏伟工程——连接组计划。 ——蒲慕明(美国科学院院士 中国科学院上海神经科学研究所所长) 这是一部重要的作品,体现了人类追寻自我的迷人历程,书中的知识让人耳目一新。 ——菲利普•夏普(Phillip A. Sharp,1993年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主) 承现峻简直无所不能。他是公认的超级物理学家、电脑奇才、神经科学领域的开路人,这本书证明他还是个出色的作家。 ——史蒂文•斯特罗加茨(Steven Strogatz,康奈尔大学数学系教授) -
在我们理解婴儿是如何发展,以及当婴儿注视母亲时他们大脑的哪些部分被激活等方面,婴儿研究和神经科学已经取得了引人瞩目的成绩。但是,这些研究扩展到了实验室之外了吗?对于一般的治疗师或助人的专业人士来说,患者就坐在他们面前向他们寻求指导,而这些研究又意味着什么? 在这本书里,经验丰富的心理治疗师和精神分析师Judith Rustin对这些研究加以拆解,揭示了它们在治疗室中的应用以及它们的含义。 正如我们已然了解的,在照看者和婴儿之间,指导着他们相互调节的大脑过程—以及伴随的安全和自我发现的感受—也同样地发生在临床工作者和来访者之间。正如Rustin演示的,这些大脑过程教给我们很多关于治疗关系的新知识,并为有效沟通和干预开辟了很多条新的富有创造力的途径。 -
Networks of the Brain
Over the last decade, the study of complex networks has expanded across diverse scientific fields. Increasingly, science is concerned with the structure, behavior, and evolution of complex systems ranging from cells to ecosystems. Modern network approaches are beginning to reveal fundamental principles of brain architecture and function, and in Networks of the Brain, Olaf Sporns describes how the integrative nature of brain function can be illuminated from a complex network perspective. Highlighting the many emerging points of contact between neuroscience and network science, the book serves to introduce network theory to neuroscientists and neuroscience to those working on theoretical network models. Brain networks span the microscale of individual cells and synapses and the macroscale of cognitive systems and embodied cognition. Sporns emphasizes how networks connect levels of organization in the brain and how they link structure to function. In order to keep the book accessible and focused on the relevance to neuroscience of network approaches, he offers an informal and nonmathematical treatment of the subject. After describing the basic concepts of network theory and the fundamentals of brain connectivity, Sporns discusses how network approaches can reveal principles of brain architecture. He describes new links between network anatomy and function and investigates how networks shape complex brain dynamics and enable adaptive neural computation. The book documents the rapid pace of discovery and innovation while tracing the historical roots of the field. The study of brain connectivity has already opened new avenues of study in neuroscience. Networks of the Brain offers a synthesis of the sciences of complex networks and the brain that will be an essential foundation for future research. -
Cognition, Brain, and Consciousness, Second Edition
This is the fully revised and updated second edition of the very sucessful introductory textbook on cognitive neuroscience. Written by two leading experts in the field, thisbook takes a unique thematic approach to introduce concepts of cognitive neurosciences, guiding students along a clear path to understand the latest findings whether or not they have a background in neuroscience. New to this edition are Frontiers in Cognitive Neuroscience text boxes; each one focuses on a leading researcher and their topic of expertise. There is a new chapter on Genes and Molecules of Cognition, and all other chapters have been thoroughly revised, based on the most recent discoveries. New edition of a very successful textbook Completely revisedto reflect new advances, and feedback from adopters and students Includes a new chapter on Genes and Molecules of Cognition Student Solutions available at http://www.baars-gage.com/ For Teachers: Rapid adoption and course preparation: A wide array of instructor support materials are available online including PowerPoint lecture slides, a test bank with answers, and eFlashcords on key concepts for each chapter. A textbook with an easy-to-understand thematic approach: in a way that is clear for students from a variety of academic backgrounds, the text introduces concepts such as working memory, selective attention, and social cognition. A step-by-step guide for introducing students to brain anatomy: color graphics have been carefully selected to illustrate all points and the research explained. Beautifully clear artist's drawings are used to 'build a brain' from top to bottom, simplifying the layout of the brain. For students: An easy-to-read, complete introduction to mind-brain science: all chapters begin from mind-brain functions and build a coherent picture of their brain basis. A single, widely accepted functional framework is used to capture the major phenomena. Learning Aids include a student support site with study guides and exercises, a new Mini-Atlas of the Brain and a full Glossary of technical terms and their definitions. Richly illustrated with hundreds of carefully selected color graphics to enhance understanding. -