神经科学:英文版,ISBN:9787040112016,作者:美Mark F.Bear等著 -
Handbook of Functional MRI Data Analysis
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has become the most popular method for imaging brain function. Handbook of Functional MRI Data Analysis provides a comprehensive and practical introduction to the methods used for fMRI data analysis. Using minimal jargon, this book explains the concepts behind processing fMRI data, focusing on the techniques that are most commonly used in the field. This book provides background about the methods employed by common data analysis packages including FSL, SPM and AFNI. Some of the newest cutting-edge techniques, including pattern classification analysis, connectivity modeling and resting state network analysis, are also discussed. Readers of this book, whether newcomers to the field or experienced researchers, will obtain a deep and effective knowledge of how to employ fMRI analysis to ask scientific questions and become more sophisticated users of fMRI analysis software. -
《奈特人体神经解剖彩色图谱》不仅涵盖Frank H.Netter博士所有原创的局部神经解剖学和系统神经解剖学丰富而精美的绘图,而且介绍了目前对人类大脑、脊髓和周围神经系统许多区域的日益深入的研究。《奈特人体神经解剖彩色图谱》还通过CT、MRI的方法对脊髓和脑干作了横切、矢状与冠状扫描,并对照插图进行重点学习。与这些区域相关的详细文字描述可参阅有关神经解剖学教科书。我们用简明清晰的图标和文字介绍每张插图的主要部分和要点,特别为临床医师提供了在诊治神经科病人时所涉及的与临床相关的基础部分。通过这些精美插图并结合简洁的图标与文字描述,《奈特人体神经解剖彩色图谱》展示了局部和系统神经系统的基本成分、组成和功能。 -
《脑的争论:先天还是后天?》分别从脑的发育、成熟和老化三个不同时期,对脑研究的进展情况进行了详细的阐述。先天的遗传对脑的发育起着决定性的作用,那么是否可以说环境等非遗传因素在脑的早期发育中只是扮演着无足轻重的角色呢?我们是怎样产生和维持记忆的?神经元的可塑性是如何形成的?儿童的脑为什么比成人的脑的可塑性更强,成人的脑中的神经元能否再生?基因与行为之间的错综复杂的关系是否有定论?脑的老化过程中会出现哪些疾病?《脑的争论:先天还是后天?》就以上问题展开论述,对已知的事实和存在的争论进行阐述与评论,给读者带来新知与启迪。“先天存在”还是“后天培养”这一主题贯穿始末,也体现了遗传、环境与行为三者之间错综复杂的关系。神经生物学的进展为学习科学的研究奠定了坚实的基础,它能够帮助我们更深刻地理解人脑,从而更好地推动学习科学领域的发展。 -
The Scientist in the Crib
This exciting book by three pioneers in the new field of cognitive science discusses important discoveries about how much babies and young children know and learn, and how much parents naturally teach them.It argues that evolution designed us both to teach and learn, and that the drive to learn is our most important instinct. It also reveals as fascinating insights about our adult capacities and how even young children -- as well as adults -- use some of the same methods that allow scientists to learn so much about the world. Filled with surprise at every turn, this vivid, lucid, and often funny book gives us a new view of the inner life of children and the mysteries of the mind. -
每個人都有情緒,它是生活中無法缺席的要角; 情緒是那種你知道它是什麼,卻不知該如何下定義的東西;如果我們連情緒是什麼都不知道,又怎能找出大腦對它運作之謎。科學家對情緒的看法眾說紛紜,有人認為是身體的反應,有人說是大腦對身體反應的狀態,更有人認為身體的反應對情緒來說並不那麼重要....如果情緒能有個科學的解釋,會是件功德無量之事,它會讓我們了解心智是如何運作的,以及一旦生活層面的瓦解會造成的結果。不過,科學家至今仍無法解釋情緒為何物? 本書並非在探討情緒心理層面與大腦功能間的應對關係,而是研究大腦如何從一個新的觀點來了解情緒,並藉由神經系統的內部去了解這些令人困惑的心智狀態。