Cognitive Neuroscience
《清华大学认知科学译丛:脑与语言认知》收集了来自Nature、Science、Brain and Language、NeuroImage、Brain and Cognition、Proceedings of the National Academy of Science(PNAS)等近年来欧美顶级国际学术期刊中数十篇有关脑与语言认知方面的文章,知识新颖,内容丰富,代表了本学科发展的国际前沿。《清华大学认知科学译丛:脑与语言认知》编译的目的是探索词汇在人脑中的表达方法和操作方式,探索它们的构建原理和计算理论,探索脑认知规律,改善我们对自然语言的认识,促进语言学、认知科学、人工智能等学科的发展,脑的理论模型对认知科学和人类语言理解有重大意义。《清华大学认知科学译丛:脑与语言认知》还将为我们实验方法的有效性解释提供建议,使我们能够用计算机理解语言并创建新方法。书中的很多内容在清华大学本科生和研究生课程中进行了讲授,深受广大学生的欢迎和好评。从书中可以看出顶级科学家开阔的观察视野、奇特的研究思路,这些内容和结果均来自于实验,保证了结论的真实性、可靠性。本书内容广泛,丰富多彩,图文并茂,集权威性、真实性、趣味性、新颖性、知识性和综合性子一体。全书共分6章。本书可以为该领域的研究人员节约大量的收集英文资料和阅读资料的宝贵时间,使之在较短的时间内系统全面地了解该领域进展。本书可作为大脑认知、脑神经成像、语言学、神经语言学、认知语言学、计算语言学等领域的研究人员和高等院校、科研院所本科生、研究生的参考书。 -
A groundbreaking investigation of the brain’s hidden logic behind our strangest behaviors, and of how conscious and unconscious systems interact in order to create our experience and preserve our sense of self. From bizarre dreams and hallucinations to schizophrenia and multiple personalities, the human brain is responsible for a diverse spectrum of strange thoughts and behaviors. When observed from the outside, these phenomena are often written off as being just “crazy,” but what if they were actually planned and logical? NeuroLogic explores the brain’s internal system of reasoning, from its unconscious depths to conscious decision making, and illuminates how it explains our most outlandish as well as our most stereotyped behaviors. From sleepwalking murderers, contagious yawning, and the brains of sports fans to false memories, subliminal messages, and the secret of ticklishness, Dr. Eliezer Sternberg shows that there are patterns to the way the brain interprets the world—–patterns that fit the brain’s unique logic. Unraveling these patterns and the various ways they can be disturbed will not only alter our view of mental illness and supernatural experience, but will also shed light on the hidden parts of ourselves. -
《学习和记忆机制(原著第2版)(导读版•英文版)》迄今为止,人类遇到的最复杂莫测的生物学过程无疑是人类自身的认知与记忆。《学习和记忆机制(原著第2版)(导读版)》作者系统地介绍了学习和记忆的细胞和分子机制,主要集中在介绍学习和记忆的动物实验研究结果,将复杂的生物化学问题与记忆结合起来。《学习和记忆机制(原著第2版)(导读版•英文版)》适合作为心理学、脑科学、神经生物学等专业高年级本科生和一、二年级研究生的课程用书,以及从事该领域研究人员的参考书。 -
神经科学原理 Principles of Neural Science
The Cognitive Neurosciences, 4th Edition
Each edition of this classic reference has proved to be a benchmark in the developing field of cognitive neuroscience. The fourth edition of The Cognitive Neurosciences continues to chart new directions in the study of the biologic underpinnings of complex cognition—the relationship between the structural and physiological mechanisms of the nervous system and the psychological reality of the mind. The material in this edition is entirely new, with all chapters written specifically for it. Since the publication of the third edition, the field of cognitive neuroscience has made rapid and dramatic advances; fundamental stances are changing and new ideas are emerging. This edition reflects the vibrancy of the field, with research in development and evolution that finds a dynamic growth pattern becoming specific and fixed, and research in plasticity that sees the neuronal systems always changing; exciting new empirical evidence on attention that also verifies many central tenets of longstanding theories; work that shows the boundaries of the motor system pushed further into cognition; memory research that, paradoxically, provides insight into how humans imagine future events; pioneering theoretical and methodological work in vision; new findings on how genes and experience shape the language faculty; new ideas about how the emotional brain develops and operates; and research on consciousness that ranges from a novel mechanism for how the brain generates the baseline activity necessary to sustain conscious experience to a bold theoretical attempt to make the problem of qualia more tractable.