金融危机之后,为避免实体经济陷入低迷,世界各国(包括中国)都采取了一系列刺激政策来恢复经济和信心。这些政策当中就包括以或明或暗的方式增加货币供应量。这样做可谓立竿见影,但可能随之而来的通货膨胀却不能不让人担忧,一旦猛虎出笼,为害更甚。那么通货膨胀的危害在哪里,根源又在何处呢?对此,本书给出了一个大胆然而彻底的解决方案。一般人们都关心货币取得和使用的伦理问题(所谓“君子爱财,取之有道”),也关心货币供应量是过多还是过少,但少有人会对国家发行货币、规定法定货币的行为本身产生怀疑,即货币生产的伦理问题。作者从奥地利学派主张私有产权和市场机制的基本观点出发,对国家垄断货币生产的伦理正当性提出质疑,指出法定货币才导致了法定或授权的通货膨胀(fiat inflation),这进而导致一系列在社会、文化乃至精神方面的严重后果。作者呼吁变革现有的货币体制,认为解决之道并不是要废弃纸币,而是要废除国家在货币生产上的一系列特权,允许公民自由选取货币。 -
本书是一本独具特色的基础经济学读本,由奥地利经济学派新锐代表人物罗伯特·墨菲(Robert P.Murphy)博士撰写。墨菲博士深通写作之道,他用出神入化的笔触向普通民众讲述关于真实人的经济学,逻辑超清晰,框架超优美,文字温馨而迷人,不仅实现了“朴素而传统”的经济学与奥地利学派思想的完美融合,而且为学生打下了继续学习高级经济学的基础。 -
本书是按照奥地利学派的观点来重新解读和梳理经济思想史的重要著作,也是到目前为止从这一视角来考察经济思想发展的唯一一部通史性著作。在目前已有的众多经济思想史书籍中,本书堪称是一部别具一格的、具有重大学术价值的著作。 本书是《亚当•斯密以前的经济思想》的续集。作者罗斯巴德,是当代美国著名经济学家,新奥地利学派的重要代表人物。本书是作者长期研究经济思想史的结晶,系在作者去世后由其在冯•米塞斯研究所的同事整理出版。本书最大特点是,从奥地利学派的分析视角对于浩瀚的西方经济思想史料进行了重新审视,发掘出了许多新的思想渊源,对于以往流行的诸多史论给予了新的评析甚至批判,从而在西方经济学界产生重要影响。 读者从本书中,一方面可以更深入地了解奥地利学派的基本经济思想,另一方面还可以获得丰富的有关经济思想史的新资料、新阐释、新结论,这对于无论是从历史的纵断面,还是现实的横断面来完整准确地认识和理解现代经济学,都具有重要的意义。 -
自由市场一直面临两个最重要的反对者:观念上被某些人文知识分子反感,现实中政府往往会出台管制市场的各种措施。本书收入米塞斯的两本小书:《官僚体制》和《反资本主义的心态》,对于人文知识分子和政府官僚与市场的关系进行深入的社会学与心理学剖析。 这两本书是米塞斯拥有读者最多的作品,在他生前就被译为20多种文字,直到今天才首次译为中文。 -
The Ethics of Liberty
In recent years, libertarian impulses have increasingly influenced national and economic debates, from welfare reform to efforts to curtail affirmative action. Long out of print, Murray N. Rothbard's classic The Ethics of Liberty stands as one of the most rigorous and philosophically sophisticated expositions of the libertarian political position. What distinguishes Rothbard's book is the manner in which it roots the case for freedom in the concept of natural rights and applies it to a host of practical problems. An economist by profession, Rothbard here proves himself equally at home with philosophy. And while his conclusions are radicalthat a social order that strictly adheres to the rights of private property must exclude the institutionalized violence inherent in the statehis applications of libertarian principles prove surprisingly practical for a host of social dilemmas, solutions to which have eluded alternative traditions. The Ethics of Liberty authoritatively established the anarcho-capitalist economic system as the most viable and the only principled option for a social order based on freedom. The current edition is newly indexed and includes a new introduction that takes special note of the Robert Nozick-Rothbard controversies. -
The Road to Serfdom
The Road to Serfdom remains one of the all-time classics of twentieth-century intellectual thought. For over half a century, it has inspired politicians and thinkers around the world, and has had a crucial impact on our political and cultural history. With trademark brilliance, Hayek argues convincingly that, while socialist ideals may be tempting, they cannot be accomplished except by means that few would approve of. Addressing economics, fascism, history, socialism and the Holocaust, Hayek unwraps the trappings of socialist ideology. He reveals to the world that little can result from such ideas except oppression and tyranny. Today, more than fifty years on, Hayek's warnings are just as valid as when The Road to Serfdom was first published.