一个国家,在短短十余年间,就从种族对立情绪根深蒂固的典型,转变为民主稳定、法制健全的范本。这便是全球舆论津津乐道的“南非奇迹”。这段传奇历程,也正是纳尔逊曼德拉这位当世最为德高望重的领袖平生最伟大的成就。 故事始自1985年,此时的曼德拉已入狱逾23年。漫长的囚牢生涯并未让他心头燃起复仇的烈焰,相反,他以宽容的姿态向敌人张开了怀抱,开启了与白人当局的谈判和解之路。从监狱看守到高层政要,与他接触过的白人,无不被他的人格魅力感化。经过数年的谈判博弈,曼德拉的计划一步步得以落实:出狱、推动当局举行全国首次多种族大选、就任总统。 于1994年主政南非之后,曼德拉面临着复杂的国内局势——黑人与白人之间对立情绪严重,国家分崩离析的危局正在迫近……曼德拉必须尽快找到团结全国各种族民众的办法。他决定利用1995年南非世界杯橄榄球赛的契机,力求实现全民一心的空前盛景…… -
《关于生命爱与勇气的15堂课•曼德拉的礼物》主要内容:他是曼德拉,非洲的华盛顿,微笑是他最大的武器。27年的牢狱生涯磨练了他,使他成为一个举世无双的智者;92岁的生命历程中,他是一个懂得退让的伟大领导者,一个克服了恐惧的勇者,一个用智慧创造和平的仁者。 他的智慧来之不易,但他的智慧可以学习。 《关于生命爱与勇气的15堂课•曼德拉的礼物》作者理查德-斯坦格尔与曼德拉有近二十年的深厚感情,他将与曼德拉的无数次深入谈话,浓缩成15堂最重要的生命课程,这也对是曼德拉毕生智慧与领悟的精妙总结,是这位伟大的老人,用自己的生命经历,送给世人最好的礼物。 -
一个政治家的救世良方不在于其所言,而在于为改善人民群众的生活所做的事情。本已是一名成功律师的曼德拉,牺牲了事业,牺牲了家庭和自由,深陷囹圄二十七年,为的就是追求一个不同凡响的理想:为一个有显著裂痕的国家创造一个没有种族歧视和没有性别歧视的未来。 曼德拉决心要解放的不仅仅是南非黑人,而是所有的南非人。他的伟大之处正是在于,他敢于有超乎寻常之举,经受得住朋友的批评,向敌人伸出和解之手,以及尊敬那些卑微之人。 本书生动描述了曼德拉作为一位伟大政治家的光辉一生,给我们讲述了他在追求平等、正义和自由的历程中,如何修复了一个分裂国家的受伤之心。 -
A Long Walk to Freedom
The riveting memoirs of the outstanding moral and political leader of our time, A LONG WALK TO FREEDOM brilliantly re-creates the drama of the experiences that helped shape Nelson Mandela's destiny. Emotive, compelling and uplifting, A LONG WALK TO FREEDOM is the exhilarating story of an epic life; a story of hardship, resilience and ultimate triumph told with the clarity and eloquence of a born leader. 'Burns with the luminosity of faith in the invincible nature of human hope and dignity ...Unforgettable' Andre Brink 'Enthralling ...Mandela emulates the few great political leaders such as Lincoln and Gandhi, who go beyond mere consensus and move out ahead of their followers to break new ground' Donald Woods in the SUNDAY TIMES From the Back Cover The riveting memoirs of the outstanding moral and political figure of our time, Long Walk to Freedom is the exhilarating story of Nelson Mandela's epic life; a story of hardship, resilience and ultimate triumph told with the clarity and eloquence of a born leader. 'Burns with the luminosity of faith in the invincible nature of human hope and dignity...unforgettable' - Andri Brink 'Enthralling...Mandela emulates the few great political leaders, such as Lincoln and Gandhi, who go beyond mere consensus and move out ahead of their followers to break new ground' - Donald Woods in the Sunday Times 'Indispensable...[a] unique life-story' - Anthony Sampson 'A truly stunning account of his extraordinary life...a vivid testimony to an unusual mixture of courage, persistence, tolerance and forgiveness' - Sir David Steel 'One of the most extraordinary political tales of the 20th century and well worth the investment for anyone truly interested in the genesis of greatness' - Patti Waldmeir in the Financial Times 'An epic of struggle and learning and growing, it tells of a man whose idealism and hope have inspired a world prone to cynicism...[it] should be compulsory reading' - Mary Benson in the Daily Telegraph 点击链接进入中文版: 勇者曼德拉自传:漫漫自由路 -
Mandela's Way
A compact, profoundly inspiring book that captures the spirit of Nelson Mandela, distilling the South African leader’s wisdom into 15 vital life lessons We long for heroes and have too few. Nelson Mandela, who recently celebrated his ninety-fourth birthday, is the closest thing the world has to a secular saint. He liberated a country from a system of violent prejudice and helped unite oppressor and oppressed in a way that had never been done before. Now Richard Stengel, the editor of Time magazine, has distilled countless hours of intimate conversation with Mandela into fifteen essential life lessons. For nearly three years, including the critical period when Mandela moved South Africa toward the first democratic elections in its history, Stengel collaborated with Mandela on his autobiography and traveled with him everywhere. Eating with him, watching him campaign, hearing him think out loud, Stengel came to know all the different sides of this complex man and became a cherished friend and colleague. In Mandela’s Way, Stengel recounts the moments in which “the grandfather of South Africa” was tested and shares the wisdom he learned: why courage is more than the absence of fear, why we should keep our rivals close, why the answer is not always either/or but often “both,” how important it is for each of us to find something away from the world that gives us pleasure and satisfaction—our own garden. Woven into these life lessons are remarkable stories—of Mandela’s childhood as the protégé of a tribal king, of his early days as a freedom fighter, of the twenty-seven-year imprisonment that could not break him, and of his fulfilling remarriage at the age of eighty. This uplifting book captures the spirit of this extraordinary man—warrior, martyr, husband, statesman, and moral leader—and spurs us to look within ourselves, reconsider the things we take for granted, and contemplate the legacy we’ll leave behind. -
他是一個懂得恐懼的勇者,一個懂得退讓的智者,一個懂得用智慧創造和平的仁者 他是曼德拉,是非洲的華盛頓,微笑是他最大的武器 我們嚮往英雄,無奈英雄何其少。剛歡度九十大壽的曼德拉,是世上所能企見的世俗聖人。他曾經為了破除南非的種族隔離相信過暴力,因而入獄二十七年,出獄後他力圖化解種族對立,成為首任民選總統,然而聲望達到巔峰的曼德拉不戀棧權位,選擇交棒,創下非洲華盛頓的美名,也讓南非成為非洲幾個民主國家中相對穩定的國家。入獄前,他是個容易被激怒的叛亂分子黑花俠,出獄後,他卻成為了智慧的象徵。 理查.史丹格是《時代雜誌》總編輯,與曼德拉有近二十年的深厚感情,將他與曼德拉所做無數小時的深入談話,濃縮成十五堂重大的生命課程。史丹格和曼德拉過去曾聯手撰寫曼德拉的自傳,並且伴隨他出行各地,期間歷時將近三年,涵蓋曼德拉帶領南非進入史上首次民主選擇的關鍵時期。他下筆不僅充滿感性,更觀察敏銳,讀者不僅讀到曼德拉的人生智慧,更能理解南非走向民主、和平解決種族對立的動盪。 在《曼德拉的禮物》,史丹格講述這位「南非的華盛頓」受到試煉的時刻,以及他從中學到的智慧:用運動就能化解對立,為什麼我們應該瞭解敵人;為什麼勇氣並非無所畏懼;為什麼事情並非非黑即白,而往往是兩面皆具;以及退出也是一種領導的道理。這些人生課程交織著精采的故事,包括曼德拉受部落酋長監護長大的童年,早年的自由鬥士生涯,二十七年牢獄歲月並未擊垮他,以及八十歲後重新享受到的幸福婚姻。 一如《最後的演講》(The Last Lecture)和《最後十四堂星期二的課》(Tuesdays with Morrie)那般,這本書雖然輕薄卻具有深刻啟發的力量,這是曼德拉以自己的生命經歷,送給世人最大的禮物。